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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by robcat2075

  1. great stills and great price ! still be 299$ ?

    and most importantly, animation.


    i would like to know if this software can read models with or without textures

    from c4d, maya and 3dsmax and well all the rest :) perhpas in dxf but is there any direct loading propreitary c4d library and other programs ?????

    A:M can import common polygonal formats (that's what you are talking about) but these models are rarely suitable to conversion to splines, which is what A:M uses. Most models will need to be substantially reworked if you intend to rig and animate them.



    last question: c4d has occlusion rendering or something like that :)
    A:M is introducing ambient occlusion in V13. V13 is still in "alpha" now, but A:M owners can download and use it.


    two questions then:

    - is rendering one of the fatest ???

    - is rendering can render radiosity as far as c4d 9.52 latest version ?

    I think the math of 3D rendering is pretty well established now. I doubt that any of the apps has a secret that dramatically increases their speed, all things being equal. If you want faster these days, you need faster hardware.



    a last question

    - bones ?

    - ringing ?

    - inverse cinematic ?

    Yes. A:M is a unified environment to model, rig and animate without need of other programs.
  2. Hmmm... I still don't think walking directly into the camera is using the screen space well. This would be better staged if he were walking across the camera view and not into it. If he's absolutely GOT to walk into the camera* have him walk farther... I think his steps are too small for a young bouncing boy in any event.



    *why is he walking into the camera?

  3. If you can duplicate the look of Sully's hair then Martin can say A:M's renderer is as good as what Pixar had for their first four movies and not just the first three.


    Looking forward to what you come up with.

  4. First you right clicked in the model window and did New>Pose>ON-OFF


    that wll open a new window


    make sure you're in bones mode (button at top)


    right-click on a bone>new Constraint


    Later on when you use this character in an animation you will need to remember to turn this pose on.

  5. I suspect that A:M will not actually break the light into different colors like a real prism would. Rainbow spectrums would probably need to be faked somehow.


    But you can make objects that bend light somewhat like a prism would.

  6. ...when you add a spline to another you can select which spline you're continuing so you don't have to detach all of them then...


    that coulds only mean... about a dozen different situations? If you can see it on the screen, you can screen cap it.

  7. It seems that those 4 points may be all on the same spline (bad) because there's one long spline winding it's way through that wing and turning back and forth across it


    making that shape by starting with one cross section and extruding more sections toward the tip probably would have prevented that from happening.

  8. It's very unlikely that you made that spot out of one spline (which would not fill in), but someone will mention it if I don't.


    I'm also presuming that that red CP which appears to be a 5th CP in the group is actually in the background.


    It's possible that one or more of those CP is actually two CPs in identical positions.


    try... this...


    deselect all. one at a time select each CP (by clicking, not by grouping) and drag it somewhere else and see if there is still one left behind in the same positions.


    I have done this before by "extruding" but not dragging the new CPS to a new postion, then forgetting I had extruded, and extruding again.


    Last hope if the above isn't the case... delete the 4 CPs and make them over by extending the neighboring splines.

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