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Posts posted by robcat2075

  1. So, I gave the camera a Constrain "Aim at" in compesate mode to the character. First step done. Then, I applied a second constrain to the camera in order to follow the path (a 3 point curve around the character).


    When I did that, the camera begun following the path but aiming the path too.


    The last constraint takes precedence over the first one. Do the "aim at" after the path constraint.

  2. His push leg is the left leg which is a bit obscured in the clip. He has the energy needed to go to the table that is just barely above the height of his hips.....




    nope, not convinced yet. ;)


    show me some reference footage of you doing that.


    In tights.

  3. To clearly analyze this we'd have to get a look from one stable camera position (from the side).


    But he seems to be leaving the ground with bent legs, which is just about impossible if he's going to hurl his body into the air.


    there also seems to be quite a bit of "redo" in his body movement at the first cut

  4. Where do I find the storyboards? All I have is the animatics. I need to know what the staging is for the scene.




    Also, it occurred to me; what was Woot's mom doing outside the house? Shouldn't she be collecting mushrooms or hanging clothes to dry?
    I wondered that too. If Woot comes from behind her she must have had some reason to not be looking at him.
  5. I actually did a first draft of Woot's motion when I mistakenly thought a drawing bob made was for 04 and not 03






    But it is still a long way from being usable.


    In a studio an animator with a deadline might have this workflow...


    -act it out himself repeatedly to become familiar with the motion


    -decide how many steps, when to turn, etc...


    -videotape himself doing it.


    -study that reference to understand the timing, how the body is moving, how the weight shifts for each step, how the masses travel thru the shot, how the turns are performed... and a dozen things i haven't thought of yet.





  6. -Bob's storyboard drawing suggests woot is moving from left to right rather than at the camera. I believe he's supposed to appear from behind his mother.


    -A running and turning and running motion like that is very complex. each step will need to be planted and animated separately; a cycle won't get a plausible effect.

  7. I had to restore to a Ghost of my system today that didn't have V13 already installed.


    when I try to install it now the install fails with message


    the file C:\Program Files\C:\Program Files\Hash Inc.\V13.0\V12.0/gdiplus.dll could not be opened


    That doesn't look like a proper path



    I have run V13stuff

  8. I notice that happening after the first use of the magnet tool. The sphere will show up for the first selection but not always for others after that.


    try turning magnet mode off then on again. worth a try.

  9. I have this problem also in characters with face cams. Why does the face cam remain visible even though it's bone it set to invisible?


    Hit ENTER to deslect everything. the click on the tip of the bone you want.


    If that doesn't work, select it in the PWS

  10. the "free models" link on the hash homepage, when you download it and it opens up in WinZip, how do you save it on hash and use it?


    It's a zip file with stuff in it... use "extract" in winzip to save the stuff to somewhere on your hard drive. Wizip has "help" if you're not sure how to do it.


    Make sure you remember where you extracted to... because that's where you're going to go in A:M to load these things.


    You want to load a model? rightclick on "objects" in the Project Workspace >Import>Model

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