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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by robcat2075

  1. Hey, fine looking stuff! That's a feature-quality looking character! I hope this is a pilot for a series or something because I can totally see that.


    One ani-bit... around fr. 22-23 his feet are leaving the ground flat-footed. If he pushed off with his toes leaving the ground last it would look like a more forceful jump.

  2. Displacement did work, but it was increadibly slow and it never reproduced the correct surface.



    Yes I'm using V12.0u


    That's the old displacement that only subdivides a patch. the per-pixel displacement is new in V13

  3. That looks like fine blocking!


    Between the anim and your notes I have pretty clear idea of what you are going for.


    When you do get to the wings remember that their flapping will have a certain effect onthe body. When they are flapping down they push the body up, and when they are resetting the body falls a bit (or maybe isn't rising as fast?)

    I would almost consider animating the body motion first then match the wings to it after.


    A "plus" might be to have the feet scramble a bit while he's in mid air... might be overdoing it, might not.

  4. Depends on your settings. It can also create one bone per finger.

    ah, you're right. I had never even used the default setting.


    Well, anyway, the manual (installed in the hxt folder) tells all...


    Step 7. Pull on the fingers. Just one finger bone is needed because the rotation of the bone is used to control the first joint in the finger, while the roll handle controls the other two joints (see Fig C23).
  5. TSM2 will create 2 control bones per finger. the last joint of the finger is controlled by rolling the 2nd bone.


    I'm able to bend all three bones in my TSM2 rigged character's finger. You should be able too. So I'm guessing some mistake has happened in the process of rigging the character.

  6. Nice looking sets. Great character!


    Good discussion!


    -I dont know the story so I don't know why the character is looking directly at the camera. But in most cases it's a rather ambiguous tactic unless the viewer has been explicitly prepared to understand it as the POV of an established character.


    -One small animation note... the head rotates as if it is perched on an isloated axis on the top of the neck. You could loosen up that up greatly with accompanying motion in the neck bone. Try moving your own head without any neck motion at all. Bet you can't do it! And since your character has a pretty substantial neck it becomes all the more important to not leave it locked in place.


    We could extend this concept to the whole body. You really can't move your head with out some shoulder movement too. And once yo move the shoulders the hips have to move also to balance the body. It's just a hair of motion but it keeps the character from looking stiff.

  7. I suspect that where I went wrong was that ends and the center should have each been a single spline.


    Yup you don't need that extra spline onthe top face (red).


    Make the end (green) out of one single spline loop, extrude it twice like the arrows show, peak everything, and then neither the ends nor the middle will show a patch.


    If you made this by first creating the L-shaped cross section, then extruded that down, that will almost certainly create internal patches since the ends and middle would be made from more than one spline.


  8. However, various unwanted patches get created (sometimes inside the wall, or at the junction where one wall starts and another ends). Intermittently as the player is moving these unwanted patches will show up, usually when the camera is positioned near-perpendicular to the normal of the unwanted patch.


    Internal patches. This is a sign of improper splining when building the model originally. Show a wireframe of the model and someone will be able to point out how to avoid that.

  9. The boards are very basic. Just 24 patches each. The edges are not bevelled. The patch-count is already slowing down my machine so I can’t make them more detailed.


    Wouldn't bump/displacement/normal mapping eliminate the need to model each board separately?

  10. It looks to me like his hops don't originate in his feet. I think what is lacking is a stretch pose at the point he leaves the ground.


    I agree. Sometimes the feet are going up at the same time as the body. Since the feet push the body off the ground, they have to stay in contact with the ground (pushing) until the body has gotten enough momentum to carry it up. Then the feet are yanked up behind it.


    Right now he's in the air too long for the small push he's getting.


    If your rig permits it you can lift the heels up while leaving the toes planted to give more extension on the push.

  11. I’m not sure what you would call it, Aliasing?
    Yes. Even real world video has this trouble. Long, thin, nearly horizontal lines are a worst case for anti-aliasing to solve. In real-life you can defocus the camera a bit to soften the lines, but that's harder to do in CG.


    Post a pic.


    I'm using version 12q Yeti
    Any reason not to use 12t? Won't change the aliasing, but it has more bugs fixed.
  12. Or is just setting it to "Y-poles singularity" for "roll method" enough to change it to quaternion?

    it doesn't change the interp method, but it does fix the rolling



    Thanks Robcat I'm trying to figure this out. I'm going through the setup now. It has nearly 100 bones. I'm setting all of their "roll method" to "Y-poles singularity". Then testing out the animation. This will take awhile.
    A text editor might be able to do a replace change very quickly. Don't know wht to look for




    I found this in a V12 file. A V13 file may differ


    [TYPE] RollMethod

  13. That brings up a question, is there anyplace that shows and labels every icon that A:M has???

    My tooltips don't show up consistently either.


    Tools>Customize>Commands will show every icon and a description

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