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Everything posted by Malo

  1. Hi Robert, http://treser.net/AnimationMaster/2016/export.wmv (27,3Mo) Here a simple video to explain how to build a model with parts (that are rigged) of body. You create your librairies (of bodies,fingers, hands, foot, heads, arms...etc. (rigged)), drop and place (scale,modify,rotate...etc.)them. Is it easier to understand? (I am sorry for my poor english) My problem, is to find a way to optimised the step between the come back from the action window to the modeling window, without to have to save, open new model and close old action and model.
  2. Hi Detbear, Thank for the answer. Pose can't help me for the use I want. The idea is to use bones constraints (translate, rotate, scale...) to place part of members (weigted and rigged on the axis) . The idea is modeling and rigging simultaneously. Able to model moving models (more natural, and more pleasure for me) and not models in T only, without complicating the rigging.
  3. Hello, Able to model using the window "action" is interesting. However, to my knowledge, we need to export the action in a new *.mdl, and open the new model in a new window, to take advantage of the changes. Is there a faster way, without having to export to a new *.mdl, but applied directly the action to the origin *.mdl?
  4. Hi Furchur, "Smooth" is interesting, but not give the same result. What I need some time, when I modeling, is to create a circle with one spline of a shape, to create tubes.
  5. Hello, Dream of wizards ... great! Here, some ideas of wizards, these are ideas come when using repetition of certain work step. (My English is not good, so I made drawings.) The first is a tool that would make a spline closed in a circle. The second wizard would insert a fan bone. The third is more complex. It would insert bones and splines to a selection for modeling in action mode.
  6. you're right, Rodney, "it is not possible to create a four-sided patch with a single spline" is better! the peculiarity of the spline selection by the keyboard "," that if the spline crosses an even number of times an intersection. then CPs will not be selected. If it is an odd number then they will be selected.(apart if the CP is the referent of the selection.) (this could be considered a bug?) It is why you seem to have more than one spline selected (in reality, it is the same spline, but some CPs are lost.)
  7. Hello, It is because that all the sides of the patche are in the same spline. It is not possible to make a patche with a single spline. By copying, you dont' take all the spline , you select four segment of the splines, so you break the spline in 4 splines which is why it becomes visible. PS: it is the same problem as this report: http: //www.hash.com/reports/view.php id = 5593
  8. Hello, I don't know why this option is in AM. However I have seen: - Model exported is lighter! (This is an important option for storage) - There are not unused numbers for Cp's name. (The format is cleaner). - The organization of CPs in the splines is better. - Rendering patches is slightly different (very small hurt) (but I think it's just a coincidence) That's basically what I could see.
  9. ingenious! nice work.
  10. Hi, Hope this picture will help to remember the steps :
  11. Hi Rodney, yes it seem to be a restriction of the browser. I use Construct2 to create the javascript and the Htlm5 files. This files are create to be on a server to be used via browser, but I can open the htlm with firefox directly, but not with chrome. Perhaps it is possible to configurate chrome to open the htlm directly, but i don't know how to do it. If you can opened it via Adobe Edge Animate, that is graet
  12. tinkering , I managed to fix my UV . For this I wrote two small tools, if someone can be interested , here are the two tools: The first allows peak UVs (http://treser.net/AnimationMaster/2015/export/MDLPasteUVDecals.zip )... Peak UVs is not the better to keep the power of the patches, but if you want to edit your UV, rotate, scale, move, detach, attach (your UV will be deformed)... so this tool will be usefull, because if the splines are deformed, you can peak your UV more time you want. To peak your UV : Open the HTML file. Importing the MDL , save the new mdl, and voilà. . The second tool ( http://treser.net/AnimationMaster/2015/export/MDLPeakUVDecals.zip ) is used to import the missing patches from UV .It can be done if your UV is peaked. before importing the MDL by htlm page , name the stamp that contains holes : " hole" . and create a new stamp with only patches that are lacking, and appoint the stamp: "paste" . Open the HTML file, import the mdl file , convert, save the new mdl file. Import your mdl in Animation master, move attached, detach the CP of the UV, save, export and use the Peak UV tool, to clean the UV.
  13. Hi, Your MDD must be in the same subdivision whith your model. In Blender there is two way to import MDD. The better is using "Mesh cache modifier". The scale must be 1 in option of your Obj import in blender, to be in the scale of your MDD format. Blender not use the same XYZ, it use XZY. (so it is to changed in option import) The Obj AM export have some bugs. AM use polygones not attached in AM, so when it must attached them to create Obj format, it do mistake, and sometime have not solution to stick edges and vertices. Hooks is badly exported. I have create a little tool to "repear" Obj ,see this topic: https://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=47134&page=2 By this way, you can export all your models without hooks. with the subdivision you want (not variable) (helas, my code is not strong enough with big models ) If you have hooks in your models... if there are more than one hooks by patches, no good solution for yet. If you have less than one hook by patches, then you can export without subdivision. Actually, Obj export have bugs with hooks export when subdivised, and MDD have some problems too with hooks, some vertices movement are not assigned to the good vertices.
  14. Thank you for the answers. Nancy, thank you for the tip , I did not know this possibility. It is actually possible to attach two or three CPS but attach 4 CPs it seem impossible, it detached one to attach it to third.
  15. Hello, In the windows of Decals, I have a way to detach CP of each other (Ctrl click). But I don't find a way to paste them again. Is it possible? It is also possible to exclude a patch of Decals (Remove decals...), but I don't find a way to import a patch in Decals. Is it possible? I ask this, because when I modify a textured model, I lose patches in Uvs. So I try to found a way to repair the UVs. Thank you in advance for the answers
  16. thanks Nancy and Rodney... It is just a "correction" of the Obj generated by AM... But the model is not optimised... There are some reflections to be done to optimised it. For example for the hooks export, actuelly hooks have problems, I think it come from in party of that it don't affect the patches which is cut by hooks, but affect the neighboring patch). In affect the good patch, This reduces the possibilities for subdivision (3 possibilities against 12). Here a graphic to explain what I try to explain and a suggestion for create a simple topology (I don't know if this topology is possible to be applicated) : I think triangles have to be rethink too... All program that use AM patches, when they export them they use the same topology, 3Dpainter use this topology too. So the code exist somewhere.
  17. I will try to explain : As you can see on the picture, I parse the Obj format, to change Faces's lines. The hooks in Obj generated by AM is write with 3 lines with the same vertices in the last vertices of each lines. (so it easy to found them) I write this 3 lines in one lines with 5 vertices (in the order you can found in the graphic, blue) For triangles. AM write them with 4 vertices, the last vertice is the same of the the first vertice of the line (so it easy to found it) I elimnate the last vertice of the line. (green in the graphic) For 5gones, AM write them with a line with 4 vertices, and a line with 3 vertices. The first and the last vertices of the first line is the same of the first and second vertices of the second line. I write them in a line with 5 vertices. as in the graphic (red) When the model is subdivised, the hooks is the same change. No need to change the 5 gones, for the 3 vertices I close two triangles in a polygones. For that I found two lines with 4 vertices with the same vertices in first and last vertices of the two lines. and voilà. If you want more explication, don't hesitate to ask.
  18. Hi raskrodi, I have made a video (I have not time to ameliorate it this week end, sorry) But the big explication is in it. I notice that big model freeze the browser. (I am not a programmer, and HTLM5 is not optimised for that) http://treser.net/AnimationMaster/2015/export/AMBLender.flv The tool is simple to use, you click on index.htlm file. (it work with firefox, but it is possible that Chrome stop the program (the htlm5 is generated with construct2 so it is not made to be used outside the web)) when the page is open, clik on the first image if you use an obj with no subdivision, and the second if you use a subdvised model. after you call the Obj format (that you have changed the extention in ".txt")... after save the model generated big model can freeze the programm, so copy the windows and stick the text in an text format, that you will changed in Obj extention. There is a problem in Obj and MDD export in AM when there are more than one hook by patches. the topology is crazy. And can't be repair in extern. The code is simple. If you are interested, I can explain it.
  19. I write a little tool to mofify the Obj format converted by AM, to import them in Blender. You can download it there : http://treser.net/AnimationMaster/2015/export/objAM2OBJ.zip (It is writed in htlm5, so it go slowly.) I will try to do a video next week, to explain how to use it.
  20. By changing the Obj format created by AM, it is possible to have a good model in Blender. The changes are as follows. - rewrite the triangles (eliminate duplicate vertice in the faces). - eliminate unnecessary edge in the face five sides - Eliminate the two edges formed on single hooks to create 5gones. The benefit is that it is possible to keep the Uvs and operate with MDDS. If you want to see the result in Blender (and the trick to recreate volum lost in subdivision with low-poly): Thom walked. http://treser.net/AnimationMaster/2015/export/Thom.blend I deepened my reflections on the conversion hooks, and here's a better solution to the one I presented above: the trick is to convert hooks in 5gones. (the 5gones in subdivision create better topology than triangles.) The explanation of patches is interesting (thank Rodney), it allows to better understand the problems of rendering normals, bumps, displacement, patches with 5 sides, compared to polygons that are attached to each other without being able to break away and create holes in them. But the advantage of the patches is that they can be dynamic and not be dependent on the topology for the density of polygons. Nice to see the evolution of your plugin, rasikrodri.
  21. yes, indeed ... but more poles with 5 or 3 edges, and there I don't know what is best 3 pole with 5 or 3 edges or one pole with 7edges. I think Furchur want to make reference to the technicque you use in your script for Blender "Animation: Master Middleman". If that is indeed this could work, but I was not thinking about that, because if it is for export to the outside of AM and reimport in AM, there is an easier way, which is to use the UVs as references to reconstruct the topology of the starting AM model.
  22. that's right nemyax, the Catmull Clark Subdivision works like this ... And I thought to do this at the start. But from what I understand, a good topology includes 3.4 or 5 edges by vertices, hence the choice of topology of a hook in the first level of subdivision, after the rules of subdivisions will be classic.
  23. In my opinion, the export of information to the AM to a classic polygonal program is possible. There are just two problems to solve. The first problem is the triangle: AM uses to the triangle, the patches 4 sides, and overwrites one of its sides, which creates a bad topology: Is it possible to do otherwise ?, yes! The solution and the code is in Jpatch, the code is visible (in Java) (http://www.jpatch.com/) The second problem are the hooks (3 types). the topology of AM or Jpatch gives no perfect solution. they create triangles. (with bugs in AM?) One solution would be to get to create a topology like this: Once solved this, I do not see what could block the export. For import is more complicated ... There are different manner to do it for the purposes and different results. Props, it could improve its ability for example by giving a subdivision level option and importing Mdd for animation. patches, nemyax's plugin works well, it requires creating a retopology the model to fit the topology of the patches before the import. Use AM to animate polygonal model, rasikrodri's plugin is promising for that. The import/export of information of UV, bones, weigts, cameras, lights, scenes should not be a problem. What is missing for AM is time, mathematicians and programmers.
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