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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by forevernameless

  1. You can have as many choreographies as you want in any given project. Just save the choreography and import it into the project you want. When you do, make sure you delete the ground plane and lights or you'll have double.
  2. v12.0p is the update which is different from the upgrade. You'll still have to buy the upgrade. Actually 2006 if i'm not mistaken is version 13, so 12.0p wouldn't be of any use to you. I haven't done this myself but there is something you can purchase. (forgot what it was) That will let you use AM without the CD. You'll have to contact Hash about this. Also you don't have to leave the CD in once you load up AM you can pop it back out and put it away. You can also upgrade to the latest version from wherever your at. No need to make extra purchases hope this helps
  3. Hey don't be a stranger. I was here almost a year before I got A:M
  4. Dhar! Congrats! All though now I must beat you up.
  5. Very nice! And I'm not just saying that because the character is sexy. Looking forward to the animated piece. Reminds me of Jessica Rabbit ( Who Framed Roger Rabbit) Do you think you post a larger picture. I'm having trouble seeing it. ( Insert Sarcastic tone )
  6. Don't worry it happens to everybody. Were still getting posts about people asking how to run Animation Master without the CD. Even though it's been explained billions upon billions of times.
  7. Excellent splinage on that turtle, and the domino effect is great. Thats really all there is to say. Great stuff. Calarts? Lucky!!
  8. How would you feel knowing you were an inch away from getting the upgrade. I'd probably kill myself. (Not Really)
  9. Hey I'm an alumni. If you would be so kind. I would like to be entered. Or entered again ( I need to go back and read the rules.)
  10. Are you trying to render straight to a movie file. If so, I'd suggest rendering it as a targa sequence. I've had rendering problems with stuff shorter than yours. It seems to me that TGA uses less memory. I've tried rendering scenes straight to movie and it would crash. Then render that same scene as a TGA and it would work fine. You'll have to get a program to turn it into a movie, but theres a few free programs that'll do that for you. (Can't think of them off the top of my head.) Or you could actually put the images back into AM and it'll turn it into a movie for you. Hope this helps.
  11. I know your not planning to change it, but I think it might have been better for her to do a flip. I think shes a little to horizontal to be able to land like that. You have some really cool characters. Planning on making incredibles 2?
  12. RIP seven cause i'm sure Martins going to kill you Nice work Jamagica. looking forward to anymore animation
  13. If you were going for a simple design you nailed it. I like the segmented look, the only thing is it's not all segmented. The arm mainly: It looks like you were going for a segmented look but its not quite there. The forearm, the part that connects to the glove has the right look, but the part connected to the shoulder and the mid section don't have the same look to them. I think it would look cool if they were three distinct segments. The body also, since you have some parts segmented it makes the rest look off. I'm sure you don't want to have two spheres for a body, but if you could shape it more to get the same look that would look great. My comments may be a little biased towards the segmented look, but I really like it. I don't know if your familar with Vectorman. If you had to fix one thing I'd say fix the arms. Give them the full on segmented look, then you could probably overlook the body. It looks great, and i'm sure with the textures added it will look even better.
  14. Or bump your thread up to the top
  15. I think the pink one is saying Eternity Seven- I like the simple characters. You could probably crank out a whole series with these guys. Stuff like this is perfect for new users, people always say to start out simple. You've inspired me.
  16. oops, didn't even notice the hand was still flat. That should be an easy fix. Not sure what you mean by snap in the wrist. And by bend in the arm do you mean when hes still sitting it should be bent more or when he's half way up or what? yeah he does get up a little slow. thanks Ben
  17. Heres another update to my film. I know theres problems, so lay it on me. any comments would be appreciated. I wanted it to look like he's pushing off the wall. It didn't quite work as i planned. he came out rather robotic looking. As you can see, this won't be the most well animated mini film standup.mov
  18. hey Flog, this is some awesome stuff. The character design is really good. You said you didn't have any animation, but I remember seeing a trailer a while back with Flog and a ton of other characters. What happened to that? I really liked it. The 3d guys are really nicely done as well, you must have put a lot of time into them. They remind me of Atlantis (Disney), in fact the character designs have a disney film to them with a slight hint of anime. Keep us posted
  19. The lighting of the room looks great. I like the reflection on the characters costume. The only thing is the background, outside the window it looks like it was just painted there. The whole inside of the room looks great though. I'm sure you wanted us to focus on the lighting, but the finger point is really fast. It jumps. When he goes back to the standing position its nice and smooth though. overall the lighting looks beautiful.
  20. Hey welcome back. That looks good to me. The creasing doesn't bother me too much. Except the nose. That kind of stands out a bit. And the blue of the eyes goes up into the eyebrow/forehead area. I'm assuming thats what you meant by not fitting properly. If so feel free to ignore my comment. Other than those few things it looks great.
  21. Ben, Steve thanks for the replies. And yes I plan to explain whats going on, though the more I think about how I planned my film. I may need to add some things, to make it more clear. Here's a shot from my characters POV. I want the room he's in to be completely white. I've changed all the lights and walls to white but still some walls turn out gray. I also wanted the room to be illuminated by a single light, so if I turn it off, the room will be completely dark. Does anyone know how I could get that? I've been working on this look around shot for a while, and I finally got it to pause instead of continous movement. But now it's too slow. If you scroll, you'll kind of see the look i'm looking for. Is there a way to speed this up, without having to redo all the keyframing. lookaround2.mov
  22. thanks for the reply steve. Heres the opening shot. His head movement still needs work. opening.mov
  23. Ok I thought I'd start a topic showing the progress of my minifilm. For starters heres my character. Until I come up with a decent name, I'll call him Miniman. spinaround.mov
  24. Thanks Mark. Works great. check it out rigtest3.mov
  25. hey that'd be great. I've modified it since my last post, i've deleted some bones (probably not a good idea) and made some new assignments, but I'm really just shooting blind here.
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