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Everything posted by KenH

  1. Thanks fellows. I beefed up his body abit and I think it looks better. What do you say?
  2. Of course, there's no hard rules for animation, but I believe people thing it would "feel" better if the eyes didn't complete their moves in the space of a single frame. It looks good as is and it was a conscious choice by the creator....just it could possibly be "better" if done how most people expect it to happen. The audience is always right?
  3. Now you say it, I agree. It's so hard to judge under all that cloth. Also, the cloak will bulk him up abit.
  4. I guess I'm modeling him all now. I'm trying to get his body proportion right. I intend to cover this with a cloth cloak with a hood. This won't be cloth and I'm going to add creases using displacement maps. On to his hands and feet.....
  5. Ah I see his ear difference now....I'll probably leave it modelled last as I may need to cfa again. For the forehead folds, I'm going to try displacement maps.
  6. How's this DJ? Also, can you let me know how one ear is different.....I assume his right ear is the different one. Thanks.
  7. I intended for the next update to be textured, but I can't get over the difference eye color/size/position makes. (I think his eyes are actually brown now) So here's another one.
  8. Haha. Shouldn't it be "Brother talking bout whatchoo you is?"
  9. Geez, I can't help if Lucas ripped off the look of a popular comic actor at that time.....also they're both small! Hmmm.
  10. In the days of Bob, he flew. I guess that scene is out the window now.
  11. KenH


    Press the PageUP key?
  12. Exceptional work. Although, the extra length in the mane hair in the middle section irks my tidy eye. Also, weren't eyelashes a big part of this character?
  13. I don't know of any short cuts to do that. But you might look in the customise options and set the cp size to anything but 0.
  14. You're a hard slave driver! I made those alterations and some around the upper lids. Still ears to tweak, but this might make it clearer to see what's going on.....
  15. Earlier versions will only work if you're modeling the object from scratch. If the model is currently made in v13, you can't texture it in pre-v13. Look in on the Yoop castel props thread to see if you can model anything in there.....
  16. I had his head modelled wrong....it's kind of pointy and so that shaved some off the head making the ears look bigger. From those pictures I can see his head may be too high. Thanks for the pics! I'd like to keep him real low spline so I'll try displacements. If it doesn't work, all I'll have to do is re flatten and try again.
  17. Phew! After 20 revision models, I think I'm finally getting places. What do you think....an improvement? I forgot I had an interactive yoda doll so I got some basic measurements from it. I wouldn't rely on it as it's not a great likeness. Also, I don't know why I thought his eyes were brown. If there's not obvious flaws, I think it's time to stick on a version and move onto texturing. That'll make it easier to judge likeness. Questions: What do yoda's teeth look like? How high is yoda?
  18. Thanks! The bulges are meant to be jowels....maybe they're too big. I haven't put porcelain on him yet but I'll do it now and see how he looks. Also, I'm going to see how the "lumps" look with displacement mapping. I think it should just about work. Hopefully...
  19. OK, unless there are some glaring omissions or someone has plan drawings of him, I think this is as close as I'm going to get. I still have to fix the ears. Then I'll post front and side wires.
  20. Do you have mirror mode on perhaps? Hard to say....probably need to see the model. I hope you saved in versions.
  21. I love your "dreamy" style. It's looking quite advanced already too. Keep it up!
  22. I'm not sure, but it might be referring to the comma/period/slash keys which allow you to select respectively..... Similar spline Other cps not selected All cps in the attached mesh.
  23. Well, if you ever do get funding and you want to make that movie, don't forget us all here on the forums. One little thing that really stands out is the arrow heads on cupids arrows.....heart shaped. I've never seen that before and it's so obvious.
  24. Thanks Joakim. I'll hopefully use that later. Here's another small update.....subtle changes to make him more yoda like. This will be my last update for a while.
  25. His eyes are the ones I made for TWO. They were derived from the Colins uber eyes. I'll be posting this model here eventually if you don't have access to the svn. I have no idea how long he'll take to be done. Even now, I'm finding some things wrong with him. I guess I've spent about 10 hours on him so far. Most of that is refining. I'd say another 6 hours to be totally happy with the head mesh. Then texturing will be slow as I haven't as much practice. I'd say about 20 hours for that including displacement/bump mapping. I'll probably do his hands and feet and use cloth for his body. Then all I'd need is a light saber. Didn't someone model one of those before?
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