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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by luckbat

  1. Some examples of per-pixel displacement here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19705
  2. Hit Shift-8 to toggle hair/particles.
  3. It depends on what picture is on your CD. The picture indicates the year. If it's an Orangutan (2004), then you can upgrade to v11.1i for free. Otherwise you'll have to buy a $99 upgrade to the current year (v13).
  4. 3DPainter has been renamed "Pixosaur." It has a site, but there won't be much information until next week: http://www.3dpainter.com/ It's basically a 3rd-party tool that lets you paint directly onto A:M models, a la ZBrush.
  5. Oh, that's an easy one. Editable CP Weighting was introduced in A:M v11. Sorry!
  6. I haven't played with Sir Nigel lately, but I suspect the slowdown is because his hair is quite dense. If for whatever reason you still want to see (or modify) his hair, try turning hair/particles back on and reducing the hair's Realtime Density / Subdivisions, which are properties of the hair material.
  7. You can buy a USB dongle to substitute for the CD. Contact Hash directly for this.
  8. If your model has no hair and no particle effects, then disabling hair/particles (they are one and the same) has no effect.
  9. You have to zip the model in order to attach it...
  10. Aim At constraints Kinematic constraints Aim Roll At constraints Roll Like constraints Spherical Limit constraints Euler Limit constraints Translate Limit constraints Surface constraints Aim Like Two constraints Roll Like Two constraints Bone To Spring constraints
  11. That is most impressive. Is he rigged?
  12. It looks like your normals are inverted. You'll need to flip them outwards so the hair knows which direction to go.
  13. A picture would help.
  14. Do you mean a commercial service, or are you looking for something for free?
  15. I had this problem once. Try hitting Cmd-W a few times to close the "offscreen" modeling window. Then, try opening the window again. Hope this helps!
  16. You can use light lists to prevent lights from affecting certain models. You can make a model self-illuminating by setting its Ambient Intensity value in the Surface Properties.
  17. See: this post.
  18. Two's company; three's a user-group meeting! Here's my location: 135 Plymouth St. apt. 211B (use side entrance on Pearl St) Brooklyn, NY three blocks from York Station (F line) four blocks from High Street Station (A,C lines) E-mail me if you need my number, and I'll be sure to leave the side door open... since I don't have a doorbell! (For those of you who've attended a previous meeting, this is a new location--same building, different apartment.)
  19. Well, the title pretty much says it all. Who wants to meet on Saturday, August 26th at noon? Location is at Luckbat HQ in DUMBO (Brooklyn), and yes I have air conditioning. Please let me know if you'd like to come, or if you'd prefer another date. Hope to see you there!
  20. You need to make a new account. The Reports section doesn't use your password from the Hash forums. If it doesn't connect the first time, keep trying.
  21. Run two instances of the application. Your OS should automatically assign one processor to each instance. The renderer will max out one processor, and you can continue to work using the other.
  22. "One user, many machines" is the official policy. See this thread: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=3693 By the way, since A:M doesn't yet support dual processors, any dual-core machine can be both renderer and work machine at the same time.
  23. Select whatever folder you want to completely expand, and hit the '*' key.
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