sprockets Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by johnl3d

  1. sorry started new topic got this http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=46228&hl=
  2. been working on this and final got something that is showing delay really rough just have to tweak a bit to say the least ..expression toggles color after set period decided by expression set up which is based on some math done on chor time you can see delay better if you manually scroll it exp1.mov exp1.zip
  3. fun with simple models etc robot.mov robots.zip
  4. bunnyanimated.mov Animated sprite sequence project bunny.zip chor 1 makes sequence then chor 2 the movie or just sequence bunnies.zip
  5. working on idea using for now translate Y this expression If(Mod((ChorTime()*30),5)=0,Rand()*50,100) which keeps the model at 100 except every 5th frame takes random value this might be used to keep color for x number of frames then put a new color in to the next x number frame if values stored in null ...getting late will try more later ex1.mov ex1.zip Mod gives remainder and division by set number so here ChorTime()*30),5 = 0 every 5th frame
  6. Side note when working on the randomizing color issue I was getting crashes although samples posted worked when I set up mine AM would stop responding and close. I decided to uninstall 18d completely then reinstalled it clean and then issue was resolved. (normally I would just install the update in a new folder i.e 18d and not delete earlier version)
  7. Thanks David ... always like more ways to timker
  8. Thanks Rodney I guess I was over thinking this and trying to use one of the functions while setting up a pose
  9. Tried that does not like it for even 1 factor
  10. for fun trying to have random color changes in models but using a rand() expression in the color numbers causes AM to crash ..tried RGB(r,g,b ) with random numbers ..crash played with x,y,z size expressions and tried to have those number go into color number slots...crash weird numbers do not need to be integers so rand()*255 should work without color changes quick test front model has pose turned off randomize.mov
  11. I noticed that the global material setting is very handy just was wondering how it would look on revolving model
  12. Trying an idea where the global setting for material is turned on and the model spins materialtrial.mov if interested can post project
  13. tried cloth idea for flame on letter O for a cloth comet could wok clothcomet.mov clothcomet.zip
  14. first render firetrail.mov tried toon ..interesting firetrail_toon.mov project firetrail.zip thinking about making flames cloth
  15. spacescene1.mov spacescene.zip Tried a star field idea
  16. Used amplitude to control notes and line changes
  17. tried different route see 1st post
  18. Want a "tremble clef " to make it really frightening....or b' ass clef to make it look mean like a tuba player......
  19. trying to duplicate something I saw did nor work as planned yet lines.mov new score.mov score.zip sound file not included
  20. tried fractal sum combiner with same setup torus1.mov fbm torus3.mov
  21. Thinking about fire effect and decided to play with material and torus mattesttorus.mov a bit too fast but going to try a few more combiners torustest.zip
  22. tried blobbies instead of sprites ebun2.mov
  23. Nancy did quick test of your exploding desire...... now have to try on "bunnies" and dress them up a little did rough model and sprites brk1.mov brk1.zip
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