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Everything posted by GAngus

  1. Thank You Robert. I hope the rains down that way have not affected you too badly. So how long has it been since he has a Mac? I used to check in from time to time but I guess I missed that. Nothing in the store about compatibility, it seems. I will scan the forums and see how it is developing. Perhaps I will get back to splining soon. PS; Is there a Mac Trial possibility?
  2. At the risk of nobody will see this. Perhaps I should start a new thread. Can I assume that v19 will run on my new iMac with OSX High Sierra (10.13.6) has Yoda really got a Mac now?
  3. OK, cool, got it now… thanks so much.
  4. Wow Rob, this is so interesting and helpful… but... (Perhaps, I am doing something wrong) but, when I download the Prj.zip file , all I get is a "BlueHorizon.tga" picture file and no project file.
  5. Have you tried that Mac trick/work-around, where you click on the desktop and then return to the search window to get access ?
  6. When I said, "Reminds me (edit;"of") that sci-fi movie that had Robbie? the Robot and the Krell ?", I was referring more to the electronic audio affects used in the film, in the general sense, not that it was actually used in the film. Yes, the Wiki does detail the actual methods used, quite nicely. Right, no theremin, but for a movie out of the 50's, when I first saw it, I recall how greatly I was impressed by the electronic audio effects, and "the Barrons' electronic composition is credited with being the first completely electronic film score." (wiki) At that time, I didn't even know what a theremin was. Today, I might actually consider building one as a electronic fun project. The circuit is a fairly simple one.
  7. Reminds me that sci-fi movie that had Robbie? the Robot and the Krell ? Now, what was that movie ?
  8. Yes indeed, a wealth of A:M information. I should think a link to this should be made prominently available in the New Users Forum. Thanks Robert.
  9. Well, in reference to… "something you'd like to see figured out and explained"… A nice 'step by step' showing how to combine one's own digital footage on an A:M background, and/or the inverse, of an animated A:M model appearing in ones' own digital (photo?) background. I know this has been presented before, but the examples are few and far between.
  10. I very often get this too, when first applying a decal. Actually this is with v18.0, I have not d'loaded 18.0a yet. It's like old clipboard garbage, with signs of something else I was working on before in there. Although, there are times when it does not happen at all. Yes, they always seem to render properly, so I never mentioned it before, but it is annoying. Might just be a 'Mac thing'. Not necessarily an A:M / Mac thing but a Mac / Mac thing, and the way it keeps the clipboard memory clean? Just an un-educated guess, mind you. The decal here is a JupiterMap
  11. Wow, this 3D Printing technology is really getting good !! Do you get to charge these guys rent ??? … hehe Seriously, Nicely done, four part harmony, I presume. Very cool home video production.
  12. I guess Santa-Lion will be looking forward to a nice Christmas dinner of Leg of wildebeest (GNU) ? !!!
  13. Hmm.. I don't recall seeing this before. In keyboards commands we have the letter "Y" which inserts a CP, but now there is a "Shift Y" and it says for "Insert mass" ! What is this ? I tried using it but it seems to do nothing ??? Anybody ?
  14. Thanks Rob, it's OK now. I realized what was happening. Actually, I was not missing any renders at all. Subsequent renders with the same file/path name just silently 'over-wrote' the previous final render, without any usual dialog (like "Replace File ? etc.). I only realized this after noticing the File Info - Time, had changed. I don't do too many final renders lately, so i'm still in the learning curve somewhere here.
  15. I was doing some final renders with my 'Holidays Image Contest' file and after 1 or 2 first tries I happened to notice a place in the camera properties where the file path and other parameters can be entered, so I tried it. I admit, I probably should have just left these alone, because after I entered the current final render parameters, suddenly, I could not get any out put from the final render anymore. I managed to re-enter the original parameters in there and it allowed me to resume my final render tests ok. When is the proper time, if ever, to enter any info into this area ? And/Or why would it seem to hamper my final renders ? Thanks
  16. Yes !! v18 down-right perky here on new Mac, "saves" & "save as's" responding better too. Nice update !! Thanks, Steffen!
  17. OMG, what a study in patience it must have been to do that. Like, to get the timing and all the key poses in just the right places. Must have taken hours & hours, if not days & days to get it so well done. Tweek City, fer sure. Nice.
  18. Wow, that's an extremely useful idea for a ton of things !! Pretty Snazzy looking little prj. there too !!
  19. Wow John, Like, you must have been reading my cyber thoughts, as I was just thinking about using some flickering lights in a project ! Thanks. P.S. Incidentally, how the heck does one add a smiley to a post. It seems that a "drag and drop" does not work, it ends up as just the code sitting there ! ?? TIA. Edit: A Ha !!! , I see that after the post has been submitted, it shows up, cool, never mind.http://www.hash.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif, , java script:add_smilie(":clap:","smid_48")
  20. Cool, John, thanks.. I recall all of these from your old posts.
  21. I edited that first post, the links should be fine now. sorry
  22. There may be some useful info with these links... Picture preview icons... EDIT: I replaced the full paths for these Links, which seem to work fine now, sorry. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows...e7-c3f5e8c42939 http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows...ture-thumbnails http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/6768-63-...show-thumbnails
  23. Something like this is easily done in any Mac system. Unfortunately, it's not as easy in a "windows" system and perhaps one of the many things about OSX that makes it nice using a Mac. 1) Get a "screen grab" of what you want your Icon to be . 2) Open the "Get Info" window on the model file. (equivalent to PC properties window) 3) Click (i.e.;select) the current Icon 4) Then just copy/paste the screen grab and you have a new Icon for that file. The "screen grab" just overwrites the original and it sticks. Somehow the Mac system transparently deals with any sizing issues and it "just works". I would think that with all the software out there there has to be something available for PC's that can assist with this. A simple google on "icon editor windows free" brings up all kinds of possibilities.
  24. :) Yes, I too, am saddened to read the news about the Mac versions of A:M. I fully appreciate Hashs' situation and am happy to have been using A:M all these years and I still have most of the CD/DVD versions back to 2002. I have an old G4 PowerMac MMD (2003 vintage) that I use A:M with, but they dropped the PowerMac support at about Vers.14c, at which time I kept current for a while with A:M on an old windows Laptop with WinXP. I would be considered a hobbyist at best, but I find this type of software quite fascinating and still enjoy working with A:M and a few other CAD/3D Apps. I visit the forums daily to keep up with things and do apologize for not participating that much. My day job keeps me hopping and at 72 it gets harder and harder getting up on those ladders every day. I do exterior house painting, 45 years now. I finally treated myself to a new iMac this summer and Hash was nice enough to allow me to transfer my current PC subscription over to it without any additional charge. A:M works quite well on OSX Mountain Lion (10.8.5). It even loads most of my old A:M Models/Projects from many years ago. I chose to hold-off on the latest Apple update and glad of it, with the thousands of posts I see on the Apple forums. Although, it seems, that there are even many thousands more, who have been totally successful with the upgrade. Mostly those with newer machines. Actually, I plan to get an external drive and dual-boot Mavericks for a while and migrate over to it over time, after they get some of the bugs fixed, and there are definitely a few in there. After all, it is a XX.0 release and it should be expected. I plan to use any Mac A:M versions that remain available to the end. Long Live Hash & A:M. P.S. Yay Stephen
  25. Just to add another Macs' info for comparison. 3:08 iMac Core i5 (Late 2012) 21.5" 2.7 GHz Intel 6 MB shared level 3 cache, 8 GB of 1600 MHz DDR3 SDRAM NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M / 512 MB GDDR5 Mem I followed RobCats' guidelines from the first post and it does seem like a pretty good time.
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