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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by heyvern

  1. My concern is the file name. Probably I am barking up the wrong tree... Would a "." in the middle of a file name cause any trouble with AM? SOV.POSTER_01 Vernon "!" Zehr
  2. Actually... You may want to storyboard first... get an idea about the EXACT actions the character needs to perform. This would also tell you how the camera will "see" the character. The angles used in the film. Then a "rough" character before shading could be used to test those positions. This might actually save time in rigging and decaling. If you never see his feet up close... no need for a detailed decal... or spending a thousand hours making a special rig so he can wiggle his toes. I have heard here on the forum from extremely talented and experienced animators say that they will actually do smart skin or tweaking specifically on poses within a specific scene that has some problems. Rather than trying to cover every situation possible before you begin. ------ I have found I try to make my characters capable of every single motion possible under the sun, with gorgeous textures from every angle... only to find they don't need all that. I often build parts of models for the Image Contest only to find hours of work are facing away from the camera... that always makes me feel sleepy. Vernon "!" Zehr
  3. I can remember loooong ago when I was just learning AM... I had the exact same question... for a while, I too was trying to "line up" multiple decals... I had more hair back then too. Yes... one image can have one attribute assignment in a decal but you can load as many images into one decal as you like as Mr. Davis has explained, drag and drop... or the "Add Image" right-click thingy. Many of my current projects have maps assigned to almost EVERYTHING in that darn list in one decal! Uh... things get complicated later when you assign a decal to control a hair emitter... then you CAN assign more than one attribute to an image... save that one for later. Vernon "!" Zehr
  4. There was an "online" meeting for TWO set creators. If BrainMuffin comes to our meeting... I could catch up on what I missed. No MAAM, I would never miss a MAAMUG meeting. Vernon "!" Zehr
  5. heyvern


    I converted 6 episodes of some shorts I am working on to pdf and submitted the whole batch to the writers guild as a "tv series" script for $20. Now if I ever see "Happy Bear in the Enchanted Forest" on Fox... I can sue their pants off... -------------------- Another "trick" to have written proof of copyright by a specific date is to print out your work and mail it to yourself. When you receive it... don't open it! Just file it away. This could be used potentially in a court setting to prove that the date on the postal precessing stamp indicates it was "original" and yours at that time. Vernon "!" Zehr
  6. Cool! Can we talk about my ku-klip set for TWO since I missed the meeting? Vernon "!" Zehr
  7. Just off the top of my head. Not entirely sure it will work... You could create a single spline render as lines, that is controlled by cloth. It would be connected to the end of the rod. You would need to experiment with this technique... the "cloth" spline would need to be weighted on the end some how. The good thing about this technique is that it requires minimal rigging. You won't need a chain of bones to control the "string". However the cons are... you won't be able to control "exactly" how the string behaves. You can modify the motion after the "cloth" is simulated. ---------- Another technique would involve a bone rig... a lot of bones... a whole lot of bones in a chain with a dynamic constraint to control the "spline" line... once again a single spline render as lines. The drawback to this technique is the "limpness" of the chain. To get that really stringy feel, you would need a lot of CPs in the line and a lot of bones. ------------------ The reel of string is simple. Just a model with "fake" string wrapped on the surface... possibly a bump and color map to make it look like wound up line. The line from the reel to the end of the pole would just be static. You could get really fancy and have a pose slider that makes the reel of string get "smaller" as the string "unwinds". ------------------- If any of these "ideas" seem completely alien to you... you may want to practice with simpler items first. Build the rod and reel first before attempting the string "effect"... or... you could jump right in and play around/experiment with the string cloth first. Vernon "!" Zehr
  8. I am currently working with a client who has a similar problem... only much worse. Overseas shipping adds around $2,000 to the price of his product... he offers free shipping here in the states because he adds the minimal shipping charge to the price (like $12)... overseas sales quadruples the price of the entire product (very big and very heavy). ... so... he has contacted some distributors and plans to ship like a whole... SHIP load of product at one go. Makes my job a pain with the web site e-commerce thing. I suppose this would all depend on if Hash can actually sell enough product in these areas to make it worth while to a retail outlet. Also, what about updates? I would assume the update is probably the same problem. Would a distributor sell updates? Vernon "!" Zehr
  9. WARNING! Please don't sing that happy birthday tribute using the copyrighted version of that familiar tune! Apparently they could sue us for like $4,000! Uh... I wonder... can they sue you for whistling that tune or humming it in your head? Happy BD dude! Vernon "!" Zehr
  10. helimox, You may want to look at Flash for the flight panel sim. It depends on how "real" you want it. If you want a "real" 3d interactive cockpit that you can pan around... then... some 3d type engine is going to be needed. But... if you just want a "static" animated cockpit with interactive buttons and knobs, flashing lights etc... Flash is more than capable and it is learnable for those of us who are programming challenged... and it's crossplatform right out of the box. Vernon "!" Zehr
  11. Top Ten things for Rich to do at the MAAMUG meeting 1. You can keep me company during smoke breaks! 2. When I show off my stuff... I want you to "oooh" and "ahhh" a lot. 3. Create a polygon import/export plugin that is "perfect" and demo it at the meeting. 4. Tell me I look like I have lost weight even if you don't think so. 5. Come up with the perfect UV/decaling technique that will revolutionize AM use. Keep it a secret so only WE will have this knowledge. 6. Tell me what a waste of talent it would be if I got a part time job at McDonald's. 7. Visit my dead beat clients and tell them you know Kung Fu and will kill them with only your thumbs if they don't pay me. 8. Assure me that all this strange weather is not a sign of the end times. 9. Bring in and show us the painting from your attic of you as an old man. 10. Bring the Yeti AM disk and the Orangutan Disk and do a finger puppet show. Vernon "!" Zehr
  12. Anyone have any clue for us poor Mac users as far as normal map conversion using Photoshop? I have a normal map plugin but it doesn't have any "settings"... it is a one trick pony. I did figure out how to "switch" the red and green channels using it but it has no control on the "height" of the resulting map image. I also have a PC but I don't have photoshop on it... would there be any optional free PCimage editors that use photoshop type plugins? Oh... I just bought a new nvidia card for my PC as well... are there any standalone converters to aid in this process that might work with the card? I am clueless about this. Thanks in advance for any help. Vernon "!" Zehr
  13. Wonderful image. The view out the window is hard to visualize... at first it looks like the road is at the same height as the window... as if the kitchen is "below ground" since there is nothing there for scale or perspective. The kitchen is great though. ---------------------- Are all kitchens the same? That is the exact layout of my parents house... stove... sink fridge... table. Vernon "!" Zehr
  14. Have you done a Render to File yet? You should try that too. The "on screen" render is not the same as render to file. Sometimes it can give different results. ----------------------- This is indeed very strange. Nothing for it but to zip up the project for some of us to look at. Or at least just one wheel. For a really quick look first... zip the image file... the one you use as the decal... don't save it into another format. zip the exact image and post it. If you save it as something else... if the problem is in the image it won't show. I have a funny feeling about the image. The render line artifacts look strange... like they are aliased... Vernon "!" Zehr
  15. DarkTree? No, I don't think DarkTree has anything to do with pixel level displacement in AM. Dark tree does textures/materials. If a DarkTree material has displacement.... BANG! It will look that much better using it in AM now. If I am wrong someone please correct me. Vernon "!" Zehr
  16. You know... I get a funny feeling Martin had this up his sleeve for a while now and just kept it a secret... I kind of like that a LOT better than waiting for something I know is coming. I think all new features should be kept totally secret... ... and then just casually released. This is as cool as hair... go ahead and disagree with me... but I really think this is as good as hair as far as a new feature... as important as dynamic constraints. When a feature has the potential to be used in practically every situation easily... by anyone... even new users... it is important. Displacement in AM just went from hardly ever being used to... displacing everything... p.s. Someone "displaced" my car when they hit the bumper in a parking lot. Vernon "!" Zehr
  17. Charlie, Even before this cool displace ability... the old one had the same problem. I would expect any displaced material is going to have similar difficulties. Displace does push the surface out so you would need to account for that when placing other objects. A while back I was working on a model that needed "quilted" puffy tube shaped "ribbing"... like the Michelin Man or a down vest... or a padded space suit. I tried both techniques... modeling and displacement. They both had advantages... I really liked using displacement though. It was actually better and easier to implement. I had total control over exact placement of the ribbing. I didn't need to worry at all about complex spline placement because I just used very simple mesh shapes... well simple in the placement... they were dense to aid in the displacement. I could easily add or move the ribbing by changing the image. The renders from the modeled version and the displaced version were so close in appearance it was hard to tell the difference. I did have to view in shaded mode with the poly display on the highest setting to "see" where other parts of the model should go so as not to intersect the displacement. I also had trouble with the directionality of the splines... but that appears to be all gone now. Let me tell you... once I get this v13 up and running... it is going to be a piece of cake to finish that project... Worrying about other shapes near displacement is always tricky... but it is worth the price of admission. Vernon Zehr
  18. Eric... yes. Someone did a city scape using displacement. It had buildings with lights and everything. Keep in mind it must stick "straight out". You wouldn't be able to have undercutting or curved protrusions. I think nurnies for space ships and aircraft... rivets... seams... etc... is going to be the biggest use for this... second to landscapes... and maybe clothes. Imagine putting wrinkles and folds on clothes without having to model them!! Imagine putting in grotesque facial distortions in a displacement map... and animating a transformation. You could animate, damage and holes on... stuff... Holy cow... think how much fun this will be.
  19. That looks wonderful! Holy cow! I just realized... Using the new displacement you could do that cool time lapse landscape erosion thing... like they did in the remake of The Time Machine. Vernon "!" Zehr
  20. Tails are just continuations of the spine... every fall on your tail bone? OUCH! So basically a tail "starts" where the back ends. Other than that it is a great model! p.s. Could you imagine how different life would be if we had tails? What a nightmare! Always with those holes in our pants... imagine... everyone would have to have tail "stockings" to stay warm. How hard would those be to put on? Would the tail hole in the pants be the same size? What if your tail was wider or thinner? ... cold draft. there goes my mind again... off on another trip... Vernon "!" Zehr
  21. WATER! Holy cow! Cloth water with displacement... Oh boy oh boy oh boy... This is the best "new feature" in ages. The mind boggles with possibilities. Vernon "!" Zehr
  22. I think the is the "Holy Grail" that a lot of people were searching for. The pixel of the image can define the "shape" of the mesh. 1 Patch or 1,000... same detail. Good grief! Potentially you could displace... detailed clothing on character models... The mind boggles... the drool flows. Vernon "Change Your Pants!" Zehr
  23. You may get more responses sandi if you post an image rather than a project or model file. I almost never go to all that effort of downloading and opening a model just to see what it looks like... unless someone is having a specific problem and needs help. Also posting in the WIP section is more appropriate if you want critiques. The WIP section is to show of "work in progress". Attachments must be "txt" or "zip" or some kind of image format. Attaching of .prj or .mdl files will not work. You can change the extension to txt than the viewers could download and change it back. Some people just tag the .txt to the end of the other extension, then you just delete the text extension after downloading. Vernon "!" Zehr
  24. Color me impressed... ... just don't use permanent markers. Your wife is correct... with just a tad small amount of hand animation you could make it more "life like"... I'm with you though... seems like actual work to go to all that effort... I just thought... how cool would this look with cloth water? Exact same technique... just a "surface" of rippling cloth... I will leave that for someone else. ------------ By the way the proper phrase is... ... the damn dam Or if you really need to express strong emotions... ... the Van Damme dam The second one implies a curse and also a good thrashing with some high kicks. Vernon "!" Zehr
  25. Cool! I anticipate this meeting will be better than when we had to point a video camera at my laptop because I forgot to bring my video adapter for the projector... that was... an inspiration. I can bring my laptop to demo some photoshop tricks if anyone is interested. Vernon "!" Zehr
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