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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by heyvern

  1. I agree with you Rodney that the final output is the issue. If it's web video or DVD. My original point is to save time and effort. If you use vector based text like the Font Wizard produces you don't have to worry about the final out put at all. It's resolution independent. If you decide to go with small low res web delivery the text will be "optimized" for that. If you decide to render to a larger format it will work just as well. It's scalable. Image based text... not so much. Image format makes no difference either. Targa, bmp, png. Doesn't matter if you scale the image up too much it still gets the "jaggies". The problem these days is that web video can be as good or better than "traditionally" standard "tv" out put. I don't have an HD tv yet... but I can watch amazing high quality HDTV streaming online in real time on my loverly big monitor. -vern
  2. I've changed my mind. The Font Wizard is FANTASTIC for titles. I've always had slow machines... I forget I have a fast one now. Even a lot of text can work with the font wizard in AM. The font wizard is my recommendation for titles in AM. Of course it isn't live text so editing is a bit of a hassle. In this image you can see the benefit of "live" versus "image based" text. Image based text only works best at an "optimum" size or rendered resolution. Even if you use a high res image and scale down you still risk getting those "jaggies" on the edges. Live text or "vector" text from using the font wizard, has virtually no limits in output size. -vern
  3. Rodney Just to be clear I was only talking about resolution and sharpness in regards to text and title images. Several times I was working on projects with a lot of title sequences in After Effects. As long as the text was "live" it would output clear and sharp at whatever resolution I exported, small, preview, final output etc. If for any reason the text was "rasterized" or I used an image the antialiasing or the rendering process caused the text to soften up. The client pointed this out and I had to redo those titles. It has to do with the scaling and antialiasing of fixed pixels versus resolution independent font out lines. So yes, "soft" can help with the content... but it's not always good for titles and text on screen. -vern
  4. It can be tricky if you use an image in AM for titles because they can get soft and fuzzy if not at the correct resolution. I tend to create titles in "post" when possible with other applications (like iMovie) that have "live text" that is rendered at optimal smoothness regardless of the out put resolution. To get the best results you may want to use a higher resolution for the titles image than you think you might need. This should help keep the text sharp... but even then antialiasing might cause softening of the image. You may want to render the titles separately without antialiasing or at least do some tests at the "final" resolution to see how it looks. It would be nice if AM had "live text" for credit sequences. Using the font wizard is great for simple stuff but can bog down if you have a lot of credits. -vern
  5. I am suggesting the 22nd. I have a big project due on the 19th. This could mean that I might need that last weekend for the final push. When I say big project I mean HUGE project. It's going well now but and very streamlined but you never know. This is a SUGGESTION only. I am sure one day would not make or break my schedule on a project of this type. So if the 19th is better for everyone else I can do that as well. This is just my rough choice. A work in progress date. A sketch of the date. A diagram on a napkin date. -vern
  6. It might be easier to do this in "post". Distort the final render rather than trying to do it in "3D". For instance you could decal a rendered sequence of the objects getting sucked into the singularity onto a grid. Then using the AM tools like scaling, the distortion grid and the magnet tool, "suck" the grid down into the black hole. This could produce a pretty amazing effect. The decaled grid could be over background elements not being effected by the black hole. You could also add in some mist or smoke or particle effects to enhance the "sucking". You would of course need to render the "sucked" objects out with an alpha so they could be layered onto the 3D scene. EDIT: Coool! You could even do camera movements with this technique so the sucked objects look 3D as the camera pans or moves around. Just use the same camera to render the original sequence used for the decal and the final effect. I look forward to seeing the results. I wish I had some time to try this myself. -vern
  7. Apparently so. I guess what with the economy collapsing and all... Seriously though, it seems fair for Martin to try and get AM in line price wise with other competing products. That's still an awful lot of value for the dollar. In this thread we've been discussing Poser... considerably more expensive than AM with out many of the features. -vern
  8. Yes, of course. That is why you buy Poser... to get that "out of your system"... then you use AM to do REAL animation. This is just a wild guess... but... Based on the HUGE number of 3rd party lingerie and leather outfit addons available for those figures, I think 90% of Poser purchases are not for "real" or serious animation work. I could be wrong of course. p.s. Seriously though, I have a copy of Poser and the only thing I ever use it for is, sketching reference and creating rotoscopes for AM and other applications. Poser was originally created as a drawing reference for artists. That's pretty much how I use it... no really. I swear I bought that black lingerie outfit for the Vici figure completely by mistake. I clicked on the wrong button. I intended to buy the business outfit. Honest mistake. -vern
  9. The first thing you need to ask yourself is WHY you want realistic humans? Going down that road is going to be ten times harder. Will the end result be worth the effort? Not only do you need to be an EXPERT in drawing and portraying the human anatomy but you also need to be very skilled in AM itself. Not trying to discourage you... but... as it has been said before, EVERYONE wants "realistic humans" in 3D and so far the most convincing are characters that wear costumes and masks . That is why Poser is so "popular". It doesn't mean it is "better" it's just "popular" because any shmoe can buy it and have "realistic humans" right out of the box. If you only want a realistic human 3D character because it's "cool" or a "novelty" than try out Poser. Get it out of your system. I would recommend deciding what the story is you are going to tell first. Decide later how realistic the characters NEED to be to tell the story effectively. Keep in mind something else, if the realism isn't "dead on" you get characters that are LESS realistic than so called "cartoon" characters. There is a point when real looks awful because it isn't "perfectly" real (Polar Express anyone? Final Fantasy?). Those movies "failed" in part because they tried to achieve absolute realism and never quite reached it. The look of the characters was talked about more than the story, the animation, the rendering or the acting. Don't "limit" yourself to "realism". It can be like chains holding you back. This is just my opinion of course. -vern EDIT: I still think that Hunter character needs a really good sports bra. With... uh... things that big and unsupported they will be hanging down to her knees in a few years.
  10. Don, no need to apologize please. Not needed. Not expected. So far the only date in November not good for me is the 4th. I have one big shindig this coming weekend and then I should be free after that... let's just see... brother married... check... historical society banquet... check... no family reunions... check... -vern
  11. Yeehaaa! I was cleaning up today and found my aviator style 3D glasses (very stylish but useless outside of the house). I did nearly put my eye out. You should be careful with those things. p.s. So, does Martin plan on a "3D" version of SO? You did hear about the movie studios investing millions in converting theaters across the country to digital 3D right? Since there won't be a ton of content right away he could get ahead of the curve. -vern
  12. The digital numbers project I did is actually very very simple. All it is is a single percentage pose. 10 numbers, 10 keys. Every "10%" of the percentage pose corresponds to a number; 0% = 0, 10% = 1, 50% = 5, 90% = 9. At each of those points on the pose I changed the colors of the groups that make up the digital readout. Then I used this in an action (or it could be used in in a chor) I keyed the exact number using "hold" interpolation. I suppose it could be simplified and use hold interpolation in the pose. Don't recall why i didn't try that. Can you set hold interpolation on keys in a percentage pose? I think having the option at least to do a "fade" is nice. Could add a touch of realism... have a split second of "fading" from one number to the next to simulate subtle power fluctuations as the numbers change. Anyway, to use it just type in exact percentages at 10% intervals to key the numbers. Set the keys to hold. You could have a whole set of instances in a chor lined up all using the same cycled actions. I bet with some small effort you could create a sophisticated count down of hours minutes, seconds using just that one action repeating at different rates for each instance To create your own versions of a counter just design a new "clock" with splines (or I suppose images) and key those changes on 10% intervals in a percentage pose. Anyway. It is really very very simple. p.s. So simple in fact that an idiot like me makes the 3 backwards and I could still figure it out. -vern
  13. HOLY COW! We were DESTINED to come together. It was fate! My brother's wedding is next weekend. The Mennonite Historical Society banquet is the following weekend. So I'm booked for the next two weeks. -vern
  14. heyvern

    Lost CD

    Interesting study was done recently. It determined that investors in the stock market were more UPSET when losing $100 than HAPPY when earning the exact same amount. When you have something that costs $299 to replace it you might want to make sure nothing happens to it. If I lose my cell phone the manufacturer isn't going to give me a new one. When you own expensive things you need to be responsible for it. The good news is you can replace your lost CD fairly inexpensively. I don't intend to be harsh or to make light of your loss but if you lose something you need to accept it. Sometimes losing something means it costs money to replace it. We've all lost something valuable. I had a $1200 video camera stolen from my trunk. I lost a $300 pair of prescription glasses at the beach. I once stepped on an external DVD drive. Recently I had a 4 port router sitting at the bottom of the steps. A metal piece of a large chair fell down the steps (don't ask) and smashed the router to itty bitty pieces. Things happen. Chalk it up to experience. -vern
  15. heyvern

    Lost CD

    Now I'm a little confused. Is this a "what if", like, "what if I lose the CD" or "What if I have a web subscription and get a new computer?". When launching the CD based version it asks for the CD. If the web subscription is "broken" or you got a new computer (as I did recently) you can ask Hash for a new code. Both versions behave differently. It just surprises me that you don't know which version you have, CD or web subscription. -vern
  16. Take a look at the examples, change the settings, fiddle. Start experimenting. I needed fairy sparkles for a character and just started fiddling with the settings, adding and combining different particles and it started to make sense. Once you have a grasp of it the sky's the limit. Only your own imagination can hold you back. "Spriticles" are the best by far. Using images. really cool stuff. You can layer a bunch of different types with different properties. Sort of like "painting" with particles to get the exact look you want. -vern
  17. A long time ago I tried to create an application that would load AM files with indenting and collapsible structure to make the files more readable and fixable for the average human. It's very much like HTML in that everything has an open and close "tag". I would like to create at a minimum some kind of context highlighting "plugin" for jEdit. It has some ability to collapse line groupings. Darn AM file format doesn't use any indenting... that would have been a help. If I do this with jEdit it's open source so easy for everyone to use. I was using TextMate which is great for this type of thing but it's a commercial product and... mac only. -vern
  18. Years ago a colleague would bring in... stuff... software he... obtained in some fashion I didn't want to know about. He kept all his misbegotten booty in a folder on his drive called "Arrrrrgh". He would have some new application up on his computer when I walked by and I would say "Cool! Where'd you get that?" and he would close one eye and reply "Arrrrrgh". That's my best pirate story. -vern
  19. I think that sort of talent skips over generations. I have a cousin who is an amazing bowler, but I couldn't get a strike if you paid me. I have JMS "John McCain Syndrome"... I can't lift my arms over my head. I often have panic attacks about getting maced by the police when I refuse to raise my hands over my head during a traffic stop... or a vice raid. ----- Since I used the lyrics from the Carpenter's web site, I don't think Neil qualifies for ALL of the royalties. Actually, unless I sing this song somewhere I don't think anyone gets royalties... unless they pay me to stop immediately which is more than likely. This is a result of my wasted youth and reading Mad Magazine song parodies. Try singing the "... AM Splinning Again..." line to the music... it's a tongue twister. So glad I don't have a web cam. The video of me singing this song as I wrote it would be quite... humiliating. -vern
  20. Dagnabbit! Now I have that dang song in my head... -vern
  21. This is a great idea. A poll. Should have done this sooner. All those dates are fine by me but I want to make sure Rich can be there too so I'm voting with him. -vern
  22. Uh.. hold on. My personal beliefs are that WOMEN any woman can be as good as or probably better than a man in ANY job (except a Chippendale dancer or sperm donor). I don't subscribe to the concept of the "stay-at-home-wife-cooking-cleaning-taking-care-of-the-kids". I didn't come up with that scenario of the "traditional family". It is the PARTY and the GROUP that Palin says she belongs to that dictated that concept. That is why I question her. That is why I say she is a contradiction. She is a conservative fundamentalist and yet, plans to NOT stay home with the family. The job of VP requires that you focus on your job more than anything else. This is the only job that really justifies that position. To be a president or vice president, your job MUST COME FIRST. If you can't accept that, get into a different line of work. I know she has a husband who can "watch the kids". But that is a reversal of the roles that conservative Christians subscribe to (at least the ones I'm familiar with who voted for Bush... twice... and think McCain is the "chosen one"). They always preach about the two parents being present, some even say the MOTHER SHOULD stay home with the kids. I am trying to point out the hypocrisy. I don't object to Palin as VP because she is a woman with small children. I object to her belief structure being completely opposite to her actions. You can't have your cake and eat it to. If she truly believed what she preaches she would NOT take the VP position so she can spend more of her time supporting her family and it's needs. If she does become VP there will be times (rare) when even her family can't get in touch with her, or even know where she is. She won't be Governor of Alaska, she will be the Vice President of the most powerful country in the world. A heartbeat away from the presidency. ------------------------------------------------------------ Jeetman, You take the words of Obama and exaggerate them to mean "gutting the military". Cutting back on waste and streamlining the military is not GUTTING IT. George Bush has already gutted the military. It is a fraction of what it was 8 years ago. We aren't really prepared for any serious threats right now. I say this again, Obama will not GUT the military. We are not going to become a "Socialist" state. We are not going to turn into a 3rd world country when Obama becomes president. Pelosi and all the Dems KNOW that Bush MISLEAD them and the whole country. This is FACT. Whether it was done intentionally and planned from the start or just sort of happened as they went along can't be proven (that info is only in their heads) but the misleading, misquoted, edited, falsified reports that led up to the Iraq war are documented and verifiable. Scooter got convicted. Plame was outed (most likely by Chenney). No one in their right mind can say that Bush didn't not play fast and loose with the intelligence reports when planning this war. He and Chenney had planned from DAY 1 to attack Iraq at any cost. None of this is "rumor" or speculation. Pelosi has stated there will be no impeachment of Bush because it would be a distraction to more important things. However, don't think there won't be repercussions down the road. I see Bush possibly facing war crime tribunals in his future, or at least some kind of trial regarding his actions in office leading up to the war in Iraq. George W was president and had been for a while when 911 happened. He was at the helm. He had the time and the resources to follow up on any of the tips that CLINTON himself gave him about Alquaida and Bin laden. He chose to ignore those warnings, regardless of any mistakes Bill Clinton made. Bush's lack of action could be attributed to the same thing as Clinton. Maybe Clinton didn't do the right thing? Is that George Bush's excuse for doing the exact same thing? Nothing? Blame it on the other guy who isn't in office? Who do we blame the economy on? Bush's dad? Your argument in support of Bush and his absolutely failed and miserable plans is... just... I can't put it into words. Bush's ratings are the lowest for a president in history. Clinton's approval ratings were 75% DURING his impeachment hearings (not really impeached actually, just sort of). To defend Bush's policies and his fabricated and twisted evidence for starting the war in Iraq is just... well... it's just... crazy. Bush has blinders on. I don't think he even "gets it" (to quote Obama about McCain). He has no clue. He stubbornly refuses to admit this so called "war on terror" isn't working under his plan. He won't make needed changes because changing your mind looks weak. That's not rational. ---------------------------------------------------- Ranting and raving: John McCain WILL be another 4 years of Bush and his failed policies. And now with Palin... my GOD! I will wait quietly for the book burnings to start, creationism taught in schools, mandated prayer to The Christian God in public schools... and then I'm leaving the country. I say that in jest... but it's the first time I ever seriously considered moving to Canada or Europe. if McCain wins. If he wins I just don't think I have a place here. Obvously the right wing conservatives don't really want a free and open society in America. They want laws and constitutional ammendments stating who can marry whom, what "science" or "psuedo-science" can be taught in schools, the choices a woman can make about her own freaking body. Some old fat over the hill white guy thinks he knows better about how a woman should handle her personal health care. That isn't free. All those issues are based on religious beliefs not the law or the constitution. That is a theocracy. (I'm also sick of this "pro choice/pro life" label. I am not PRO DEATH. I'm PRO LIFE AND PRO CHOICE. You CAN have it both ways. You can HATE abortion and still support those who are the ones who actually have to make that decision and it's really none of my business anyway. I will never be in that position. Ever ever. Unless some miraculous medical procedure is invented... really really soon.) We are headed towards a theocracy. That Palin woman scares me more than Bush or McCain. Her strict hard line beliefs scare my pants off. She supports the teaching of religion as science in public schools. That's enough to send a shiver down anyone's spine. Even Bush never came out and said that out loud. I believe if McCain wins Palin is going to go hog wild trying to make policy about, family planning, gay rights, religion in the government. We will have another four years of a fundamentalist Christian government. Obama must win in my opinion. He may not be the absolutely perfect choice. He may not be perfect but he's a bazillion times better than the only alternative. I am sick to death of conservatives trying to force their beliefs on everyone in this country. Trying to shove down our throats their beliefs on how we should live our lives. America is a free country. Free to believe what you want. Free to speak your mind. Follow any religion. Once laws are made that constrain our freedoms to one religious philosophy we are no longer free. I support freedom of religion just don't MAKE IT A LAW I HAVE TO FOLLOW. A truly fare minded leader will follow his own beliefs but make decisions based on facts OUTSIDE of those beliefs so that ALL AMERICANS are EQUALLY protected. If God gets into the government "too much" we're doomed. Theocracies are a disaster. If McCain wins be prepared. He will have the chance to make the supreme court a conservative majority. When that happens... I can't even imagine. Can you imagine Dobson or John "Katrina was sent by God!" Hagee in his cabinet? Yikes. -vern
  23. This choice of Palin for VP has me so confused. I just can't imagine a woman with 5 kids, one that is still breast feeding and "challenged", and a 17 year old pregnant daughter and all the work that involves, can take the pressure of the VP job or stay focused. At some point, more so than not, she MUST put her family completely aside. If the country is in a crisis how will she react? I guess she will hire nannies but... isn't that one of those right wing fundamental "no no's"? She seems to be a contradiction. I still don't understand why she said yes to this. She has a lot of time in the future to run for a bigger office, even the presidency, but to try it now under these circumstances, the press like hungry sharks with the scent of blood in the water... good god woman! I hope you know what you got yourself into. On the question of her pregnant minor daughter... I don't think it is coming across the way she hopes it would. It wouldn't be my first choice for a poster child for the "pro life" campaign. Instead of that coming to mind I just think about all the unwanted teen pregnancies and how if you only preach abstinence and adoption... uh... you just end up with 17 year olds getting married WAY TOO YOUNG. 50 bucks those kids are divorced before the hit puberty I mean their 20's. Can you imagine? She could make a go of it, decide it isn't working, get a divorce... before she's 20. That's just sad. Here's this Palin woman who is suppose to be the strongest advocate of all these family values. Draw in the right wing conservatives and make them drool, and her own daughter is pregnant OUT OF WED LOCK and before she's 18. It just doesn't come across as a positive thing for her. These things happen. I don't blame the mother for it but still... what was she teaching her daughter? Did she tell her about contraception or is that "bad" and encouraging kids to make the beast with two backs? My sisters didn't get pregnant at 17 and we didn't have strict bible thumping right wing parents. We were all pretty liberal actually. I sure hope the republicans don't even attempt to bring up family values in this election. McCain probably has a glass house and forgot about it. There is also all the corruption that has plagued Alaskan politics for years. She may or may not be part of that. She definately has not come out against Stevens... yet... who is in the most hot water. She may have voted against that bridge NOW but she voted for it at first... and the facts haven't really changed... only... more people know it's a bad thing. If anyone should have know what that was all about it should have been her (Palin, not Charlton Heston. Couldn't resist. ) -vern
  24. Yeah... I am a little surprised as well. I do however think that in general the discussion has been EXTREMELY informative (with a few... uh... diversions). I know I have learned stuff and it has made me think more and research more about this important topic. I never intended for it to go this far. I really really really should have put it in "Vern's World" but didn't expect this to happen. As you can see though political topics like this are going to create controversial discussions. One of the reasons I spoke out against the FIRST one and also what made me start this thread. Hey Martin? Moderators? Feel free to move this whole mess to "Vern's World" if you want. -vern
  25. I think George Washington would not support EITHER party, Democratic or Republican, if he could see it. He would most likely be an independent. He was probably the ONLY president who absolutely did not want the job. -vern
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