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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Wildsided

  1. Remember I said years ago that the original plan for E.G was an anime girl and a dragon. Well I added the dragon this year and now I have started the anime girl. Note the body is just thrown in there it's not the one I'll be using. Still need to work on her but she's comin' along
  2. We animator types are an eclectic bunch of characters with diverse interests, so I was wondering. Is anyone watching Summer Slam tonight?
  3. The way I see that a story should work is based on questions and answers. The beginning of the story should raise questions in the readers mind, the middle should offer some answers even if it only leads to more questions and the end should answer most if not all the questions. By that I mean the things that the reader accepts on faith due to an invisible bond of trust developed with the story teller, don't necessarily need to be explained. The Meta I guess is what I mean, the questions about the universe itself rather than those about the current story. That's why I think a lot of people were annoyed with the series lost. I loved the first series because it introduced strong characters and raised a lot of questions....and then the writers hardly answered any of them or copped out and said "We're leaving that up to your interpretation" I always read that sentence as "We made it up as we went along and don't really know"
  4. Yeah I have no doubt that there's typos all over the place in the manuscript. I do my best to read through everything as I go along to keep it to a minimum but in my original writing plan (This was waaaaay back in the early 2000's) I was gonna get the thing written and then spend a month proof reading the crap out of it. But alas it never happened. Hell even the story never got finished (Well I know how it ends but I never wrote it down). As for posting the chapters I can post a chapter whenever. Just lemme know.
  5. You've hit on one of my internet pet peeves right there. When people outright hate on something (not criticise, criticism is an important part of growing as an artist) when they don't make anything similar or even anything at all. Plus the fact they seem to forget that the content is free. They're not paying anything to be entertained for sometimes up to an hour or more. If they don't like it fine don't watch it but don't insult the person who put hours of their free time into making a FREE product for you. My problem with sketching is that when I've roughed something out I automatically want to start refining it. It's almost like I'm offending myself by leaving something in such a rough state. Speaking of which... <redacted>
  6. Thanks Rodney glad you like it. Next to my family you're top of my list of Ace.Co supporters. Also just thinking that making the story into an audio book with background music, sound effects and still image illustrations would be a neat and fairly quick way of adding a new show to our offerings. Plus it would have the added benefit of being accessible to the visually impaired.....Hmmm Experimentation may be in order.
  7. Wow it's been a long time since I posted anything PW related. Anyway because it's pretty much been put in the "Work on it if I ever get five minutes" Category, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading the book. I wrote quite a lot of PW as a Novel and as no one has really ever read it besides me I thought hmmmm maybe the hash guys would like to read it. If not I won't take offence.
  8. Thanks as always Rodney. Oh have you guys ever wondered what Gwen would look like if she was an anime character?0 I have, and as I had a little time today and have been criminally neglecting my 2D stuff. I made Gwenime. She's not been shaded much but hey I figured I'd post her anyway. Sorry it's not technically A:M (Although I did figure out her pose with the actual Gwen model) also I pulled the Cutting Edge gun blade out of the cupboard so she had something to hold.
  9. For anyone who's interested there's a new Epic Gamin' to watch. http://blip.tv/aceco/spin-master-epic-gamin-s02e04-6627297
  10. Thanks as always Rodney. I am indeed Tech and me, Gwen is my wife Nicole as you said and Game is my daughter Kiara. Samus' power suit and Samus without the power suit are on my to do list of things for the E.G.M.C along with a plethora of other character from various franchises. The plot for E.G.M.C has implications for the whole Gamerverse.
  11. Hello hash friends. There's a new E.G for anyonenwho's interested. Address is below. http://blip.tv/aceco/metroid-other-m-epic-...sode-03-6619176
  12. hey guys, a new episode of E.G is available for viewing over on blip.tv Knuckles' Chaotix: Epic Gamin' Season 2 Episode 2
  13. There's a new episode of Tech Vlog for anyone who wants to check it out. http://blip.tv/aceco/tech-vlog-episode-3-b...e-again-6606767
  14. Page 2 along with the 'page' turn EGA_Page_2.mov
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-ZRHCD799E - Rampage World Tour Commercial (N64) - Rampage Universal Tour Intro (PS1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzwTimPtoHM - Rampage through time Intro (PS1) That's all I could find to do with rampage
  16. Turns out one day is today! I've decided that if people can make pay sites full of videogame and cartoon character porn and not get sued. Then I can use videogame characters to make a web series and hopefully not get sued either. So here's a look at page 1 of the Epic Gamin': Animated Motion Comic EGA_Page_1.mov
  17. Time for a short tale of woe. As a content creator and big fan of Doctor Who I feel its my duty to produce some kind of acknowledgement of the Doctors 50th anniversary (and now the stepping down of Matt Smith after Christmas). So the obvious choice seems to be to make an E.G Special, after all we did introduce the Games Doctor back in the first season. Anyway as I'm sure many who fans do, I had my own replica 11th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver. I say had because it was sadly snapped in half in an unfortunate stepping on it accident. The normal solution to this problem would be to either repair it or simply buy another (They're kids toys after all so they're not massively expensive). But I've never been one for taking the sensible/easy way out of a problem and so took the breakage as an opportunity to cannibalise the innards of the toy and build my own Sonic Screwdriver. Below is a 3D remake of the results of my first attempt. As you can see I salvaged parts of the emitter end and converted them (Along with bits of a light up pen) into a illuminated secondary power core, the rest was made of various plumbing supplies, a momentary switch taken from a laser pen and other odds and ends I found in my "Stuff that looks cool and might be useful" Drawer. "So Dan why didn't you just take a photo of the finished build and post that here? Why make it a 3D Model?" Well that's because literally within 5 minutes of finishing it and demonstrating it to my wife. It slipped out of my hand and all the plastic parts (Basically everything that came from the original toy) shattered all over my dining room floor. So it was back to the drawing board (and back to the hardware store) for more supplies. This time the prop would be entirely metal. I attempted to re-create the secondary power core by drilling holes into a metal cylinder. Unfortunately the drill bit broke and took a chunk out of my hand so I opted to make the Screwdriver dual ended instead. One end lights up green like the 11th doctors' and the other lights up blue like the 10th. Here's a 3d model of the Mark 2 I'll post a pic of the finished prop when I charge my camera again.
  18. Here he comes, Rougher than the rest of them, The best of them, tougher than leather. You can call him Knuckles, unlike Sonic he don't chuckle, he'd rather flex his muscles. He's hard as nails, it aint hard to tell, he'll break 'em down whether they're solid or frail. Unlike the rest he's independent since his first breath, first test, feel the right, then the worst left. Aaaaaand that's enough paraphrasing Knuckles' theme from Sonic Adventure.
  19. Much as it's all well and good to say that if I or any artist is happy with their work then to hell with what other people think. That simply doesn't apply to the real world and especially to the entertainment medium. Take for instance a network TV show, doesn't matter which. If it aired and hardly anyone watched it then it wouldn't be long before it was pulled. Because in the entertainment world your success is always defined by other people watching, listening or otherwise engaging with your product. So understanding what it is people want to watch will always take precedence over whether or not you as the artist is proud/happy/content with what you produce. The same can be said of internet media, the only difference is that the creators of a 'real' TV show will still get paid for what they made, whereas on the internet no views = No money regardless of how good you think your product is. The sad truth is that money makes the world go round. It's said money can't buy you happiness, well tell that to everyone who struggles to pay their bills every month. Tell them that their creativity should be sufficient to satisfy.
  20. I know exactly where you're coming from when you say reception of the web-o-sphere. I've yet to manage to understand what it is 'they' seem to want. I don't get how shows like Game Grumps, which when boiled down to its core is just 2 guys sat in front of a microphone swearing and talking over game footage. Usually about something totally unrelated to the game they're playing. Can get millions of viewers, but people who put in a ton of effort with animating, video editing, sound editing, effects etc get no where. I don't think a day goes by that I don't question whether it's worth doing what I do. As most of the time it feels like I'm the only one who gives a crap. I ask at the end of every video for people to leave comments, follow us on Facebook and Twitter etc and hardly anyone ever does. I've never once been contacted between episodes to be asked when the next one is coming out. If it weren't for the fact that quitting would also mean admitting that I failed at fulfilling the one dream I have left then I would probably quit.
  21. I was thinking about PW:EF last night and realised that I'd totally forgotten to post this pic. The urge to work on the models and make them suitable for full animation (They're currently very basic and get tidied up in Photoshop) is pacing around the back of my mind like a caged animal.
  22. More Chaotix goodness, Espio the Chameleon
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