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Posts posted by dblhelix

  1. i read the attic-story you posted here, and reading this thread i felt puzzled, "why is he asking that? he can write."


    thing is, i'm quite curious, have you received mistrust when showing your scripts to others?

    if yes, so i think the problem is that you are an exclusively intuitive storyteller. (and a very promising director.)

    you've learned the film language so well you're not aware you're speaking it.


    after reading your attic-story and already liking it, i was stunned to see your camera moves and lighting, they were so good.

    but those things, the things that also tell the story (when you're good), are not usually written down. (and they're left out for a reason.)

    in your case, that is like leaving out an entire character roll.

    something crucial will be missing from your script, at all times.


    you should become aware of this, and prepare a short statement of your camera philosophy, and light philosophy,

    and boost that with a finished example if you're pitching your story. especially if you're applying for a grant etc.

    this probably means that you need to learn some film lingo.


    just don't give up. alright?

  2. whaddya know.

    think i just rediscovered my pulse.


    all encompassing: the motion, the bike moving. this is such a surefire device, irresistable, major good vibes.


    the light; really good simplification all round. the whiteness of the spot on his face, the direction of that lamp, great choice.

    the motion of the red/blue spots; professional confidence! in my mind, the light was like a lead here; i found myself watching it though missing models and animation. it was the way it twodeed the 3D. very enjoyable, a bit compelling, even!


    can't wait for the next one.. keep 'em coming.

  3. first thing that strikes me is how well your color scheme reflects the emotion of the song.

    the hands, as robcat says, will make a difference.

    the movement of her spine/shoulders/hips is amazingly well done when seen from the front.


    your motion seems stylized, so not sure if more commentary matters, but there's one more area of interest, ahem, in case you feel like testing; her hips.

    if you'd like a sense of natural weight in her (the weightless sensation does match the song!) you can move her legs differently in relation to her hips, keeping in mind the "walking is controlled falling down", and that the weight is moved first when there is enough certainty of how/where it can land.

  4. can post the project later if there is any interest uses spots in material/particles/sprites


    would this have anything to do with a situation where there's wind and it's snowing,

    someone picks up a snow covered object from the ground,

    lifting it, the wind blows the snow off of the object?


    i think that's a yes, i'd like to file that prj for future reference!

  5. here's a tip that has to do with keeping the passion going and the forcing to a minimum;


    first, you need to be conscious of your moods.

    second, you need to structure your project planning according to types of chores.


    for example:

    you'll have different types of chores like modelling (building, visualizing, working in nanomillimeter world obeying biological/engineering laws)

    there's the animating - more or less of it

    the materials - some you'd need to build from scratch, some to be tweaked a bit, some you might find in libraries; very visual, to do with color but also technique)

    testing your staging through the camera

    the lights, you'll need your materials ready for this


    i've found a way to navigate material so that every time i "feel in" what kind of day i'm having - where will my energies serve me best. when wide awake and hungry, go someplace difficult and conquer it, do something you've never done: study, read for something you'll do later. if you're in philosophy mode, check your script; can you make it more human, or make it more alive. when you feel like picking atoms, go do that, model. when half awake in the head but vibrating, do the most realistically physical animation, fights etc. and when you're lights out, but still functioning, do a little light animating, blinking, non-action reactions.


    along the way, gather the last boring tweaks for nearly finished stuff into a written list for braindead days;

    "remove the extra frame in end of scene 55"; "straighten the thumb in 23b in frame 18"; "have him nod twice in new shot CU 23d"

    these you can tackle when you're too tired to think, but are perfectly capable of working a bit. (this chore, ticking away stuff on that list, pays massive dividends!)


    right now i'm having high season for 2 months at day job, working 8 days a week. no animating. so i read here, post and talk to animators :)

    Happy Holidays and a passionately productive 2011!

  6. you could model all the parts that will "explode"


    hoping to avoid that much work... but it's sort of "all there", you know, the patches, the perfect particles to send whirling.

    only, the reality of doing so probably won't come with a make-a-dragon -button this time either.

    and it is fun what happens in imagination when thinking about problems+techniques you know nothing of!

  7. this is not a project i'm working on now, but i'd like to understand something and find out what that something is :).


    to make a model come apart at the seams,

    think "Sarah's Asylum Nightmare" in T2, the nuclear explosion, she's at the playground fence

    or Iron Man says to computer "exploded view"


    - is there something called exploded view in reality?

    (yes i know where this might point and yes i might stray but it's a:m for me, period.)

    - is there a simple way to use the patch information to perform this type of operation in a:m?

    boiling down to, can i blow up any model,

    or should i for instance go find a polygon model and then explode it in a:m?

    i'd like to destroy several models (human) with possible different origins (not a modeler so i'd take what's for free..)

    (and i just made up those choices in attempt to clarify problem area.)


    i don't need tuts, just the principles included?

  8. this spoke to me last night, telling stories. the sphere is embedded inside a Eugene's skull, which then would

    have to be cracked open so we get to see it. mmm i like it.

    is it the sphere that has the pattern structure? or is it noise?

    not downloading this now, it'll distract from thom-excercises.

    but i might be back in a year asking if this could be a part of a shortie.

  9. *dblpost*



    ..and editing the dblpost a bit later, texas is just awakening so you'll be reading everything here right about now.


    this is the sound file:



    and if you want to skip the dl it's in a:m sounds and called 'forest'.


    i thought i was so clever&helpful giving you the timecoded sound :(

  10. yikes!


    so sorry, just saw this, i... thought it was ok for you to use the file from the bus stop thread (get your bus stop here) from my post #170 on p 12?

    the one with the uncompressed sound? (downloaded 5 times? - someone thinks its ok to make the film with it!!)

  11. thanks!

    i logged off since there didn't seem to be much traffic here, and just now discovered that it's called draw mode. i knew about bounding box, but searching that in techref doesn't help. the AO doesn't interfere then? i've the instructions for the folder system, selecting many things at once and 'saving' that selection, maybe that's something to apply here.

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