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Posts posted by dblhelix

  1. how do i change a characters preview to something even simpler than a wireframe? hiding is not an option.

    they all have the AO options set, beginning to suspect this somehow affects work even when in wireframe, is this possible?

    i've 11 characters in a scene and haven't even started on the sprites..

  2. FastAO only works in v16 but there's no reason you can't load up your project in v16 to give it a try.

    let me put it this way: you don't want me in a beta. signed by: "made a path, got a Z-key at 25hrs."

    life is buggy enough.


    Shadow mapped Kleig lights have that "softness parameter that is nicer than razor sharp shadows.

    hmm. this is moving things along. the tank was interesting, there's the line formation oddity (from several lamps?) that fits.. as does the graininess in the b&w stills. what is causing that grain (compression?) - should one want to have more of it?


    Remember Wendy Carlos? She had a line about electronic music that applies well to CG... "every parameter you can control, you must control"

    had to wiki that, and another serving of clockwork orange seems to be in the future, have to listen to it. while she naturally is right, here's my hero on the subject:


    scroll down to "aesthetic coherence".


    to see thought come reality, visit his vimeo. if you have time go to http://vimeo.com/1714824

    and if you don't, go to:

  3. Why not use the AO effect in your lighting? If you are on v15 you can use the v16 too.

    not sure i understand, wishful thinking overpowering all other input: the fast AO was for v16 - are you saying it works in v15?



    actual question: what to study? a specific light category, exr, post?

    tips on how to make it swift?

    less certain about what you mean here.

    well, i thought maybe there would be a type of light more suited to the task (but i think you answered this already with the "areas will be rather over-simple" without AO). or, say three main factors in any light's properties would set one in the right direction, or a render property to be avoided... i dunno. it's not easy being a newb!


    Start with just dropping a square of cloth on a ball to see what various setting do.

    oi! perfect. thank you! you make it seem easy, stress reduction in progress. i've so little time, and am constantly being plagued by a steady stream of ideas, creativity bouncing off ever-increasing amount of facets of insight in 3D. (empathy to frozen Walt Disney)

  4. so i'm on 15j+ and 32bit OS.

    and i'm in love with those "AO only" renderings people post on jenpy's fast AO thread. they gave me a new script idea.

    something similar should be possible with just light, shadow, in a colorless environment? it's the oomph in the beautiful blurry shape-moulding gradients that's the issue.


    actual question: what to study? a specific light category, exr, post?

    tips on how to make it swift? this project is aeons into the future, just need to nail a few images down, get the atmosphere recorded now that it's so alive in my mind's eye.


    (any chance one can learn to pose cloth -heavy, flowing cape- in, say, 3 days? needed for the shadows!

    found the tuts, would like a ballpark estimate on general progress)





    (edit for a hilarious if miniscule spell-hap; i'd written "ion" instead of "aeon".. Ptolemy would approve :blush:)

  5. *yawn*

    ok that was refreshing! good morning. :D


    uncompressed audio (yes!) with timecode for your leisure, robcat.




    do delete these posts after you've downloaded, you're admin aren't you and can do that?

    or let me know and i will. just fillin' up the server wastin' space.

  6. one gigantic file w uncompressed audio and timecode

    - well after uploading it for 30 minutes, that's clearly not going to happen.

    i'll get you a compressed audio w TC tomorrow, shut down the a:m machine already and have to go to bed now.


    one ruddy awful render with a hiccup in image you're not to mind to show starting point for audio and one audio edit



    and a jpeg folder


  7. weeeeee it's back!


    thank you!


    two things;

    there's a place "image timing range end" and dito start. got curious, checked, end said "-1". start said "0". so that's what this was!

    now, how that happened in the first place is a halloween miracle..


    second, having said that i'd like to confirm the basic wisdom in Nancy's advice. a very young woman once gave me sage advice when animating: "if it's broken, don't try to fix it - redo it." something to remember.

  8. did you try slapping the spacebar??


    yes, thanks, i've rebooted a:m twice as well. no show.

    (there really should be a wailing firehydrate of a smiley on newbie dept.)

  9. my roto's gone missing. just now, it can't be far?



    i'm in the bus stop project

    it's been unpickable (and visible) all the time (together with camera&lights) (i know how to hide objects)

    checked for weird keys in wrong places, everything's looks ok.


    the usual suspects: keys, num pad keys this time; i've hit several misses in that area which includes 'home', 'end', 'pg up&dn' keys.


    edit already: it's still in the materials, just not showing in render.

  10. What if he were dragging the steering wheel behind him so it had a clearer silhouette?


    i hear you! we visit the same blog :)

    thought about that, went with the "natural" action anyway. but seeing it against the hedge didn't feel ok. the image is so full of detail.

    distance blur would help. maybe.

    one thing that struck (da n00b) only after rendering animation together with the entire scene was, that the Fun Gag was quite inflated and partly replaced by a sense of menace. all due to the quality of the image. it made me interpret the sound differently as well.

  11. You can also start out with animating at 12 fps by changing the setting in the project property.

    i learned animation starting with cell, so 12fps is a familiar principle. but it's the render part that intrigues, and motion blur. i plan to test if i can render so that the blur would bring individuality/character/weirdness to the mix. would there be a difference in motion blur behaviour between animating at 12fps and rendering at "step2"? or maybe the motion would have to be planned with that in mind. you have one really fast movement in your film, and it feels that in that frame she had a bit of a "ghost trail" blur after her. i liked that.

  12. (I may call you dbl? )


    when I imported the tga (or jpg) sequence into QT - I chose 12 FPS instead of 24.

    the whiplash render.

    thought about this all night, pretty sure this lays the ground to animating my paper doll "virtual stop motion" project.

  13. the wealth of information here, thank you!


    but I had to stop the clip in order to tell.

    well that settles it. easy way out is to have him move the arm differently. there's no more action in this, just the run through and i want to keep it that way. he could drop the wrench, since his business doesn't exactly strike one with confidence, but there's a purity, abstraction, in the simple action.


    the rim specularity was indeed turned off, ha ha, no wonder the "IPod plastic" looked like rubber. had no idea this existed, have now learned The First Thing about lights. :)


    going back to work now!

  14. "gargantuan bedazzlement!"


    what a treat, thank you!


    very tickled by the render, did you choose "step" 2 instead of the default 1 in render settings?

    inspired to work with that in the future if that's ok, looks really, really good!

  15. or hedge street?


    had to model for this one. baby steps. question (problem) is - can you tell what he's holding?

    materials was also a new chapter for me, and i had to choose color just so objects could be read.

    the diffuse daylight didn't flatter plastic or metal; supposing the standard way would be to cheat and place hidden light sources to make the material come to life?



  16. madness... breeze... ratio? :blink:

    this was regarding your workload. "king of a small country" vs. "naah.. just 24-7"


    Easier for me to download frames


    today i was good, had lots of time and browsed the thread for audio instructions. didn't find any?

    not familiar with jpeg sequence. what to do with the audio when sending you files and how to compress the audio if at all? (using a clip from a:m library)

  17. a new deadline?!


    maybe i should try make better plastic :huh:


    control freak query:

    (pardons for finding the thread length a bit much to browse for previous answers)


    how's the madness/breeze ratio coming along for you robcat,

    you said earlier we should mind the length in both beginning and end, to allow time for the bus to pass.

    i'm wondering if it's easier for you to download frames or to stretch a frame in your editing program according to animator's wishes?

  18. the mention of cell phone disturbance gave a story; it's about the Knight. his armor makes noises with the slightest move.

    they sit like in the first picture. commercials are on.

    first he gets mild reactions, eyes turn and turn away. then he scrathces his knee and it's like a fork on a blackboard.

    people lean forward, shush angrily and he turns to look at them. more shushing, hands waving, explaining we're here for the film.

    suddenly he flips open his visir.



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