sprockets Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine! Learn to do radiosity renders
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Posts posted by dblhelix

  1. the ground grid could prove helpful when using walk cycles. scale it so the meridians match the length of the stride and then rotate it so it's perpendicular to the models orientation - so for as long as the model walks at the same pace you can match/anticipate where s/he'll end up.

  2. How about TheDifferentViewsWeChooseWithTheNumberpad?


    I don't know really, except that they are "views". :blink:


    (sorry i made your eyes hurt..) just need to get a grip on that department and a techref search with 'view' came back a bit daunting. i seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time "T"ing 90/180 degree-views; is there some, errr.. window? i can write numbers to?, that would always refer to the model's orientation and give me a sideview no matter how thom was rotated on the stage?


    are his thighs a little wonky at the backside or have i mutilated him already?

  3. oh so help me i love this. second day laughing at the same motion+reaction. you've really got me with this one. the very round eyes, the reaper's expression.

    i'm beginning to wonder if he has lice?

    and worried 'cause the scythe is so beak-like...

  4. This one needs a single piece of paper flying around.


    the tricycle from the other thread! (then a piece of paper whizzing by camera with the biohazard symbol on it.)


    sorry. innate gloom (with a side of morbid) seeping thorugh cracks

    produced by insecurities stemming from

    a creeping suspicion this is all just one big joke meant to intimidate newbies.



    keeping a close eye on you.

  5. pure bus wipe sounds rational. beginning to wonder about the length, is there an upper limit..?

    (not saying i'll participate, work is Cuckoo's Nest, but an idea is concieved and wants out.)

  6. about the bus,

    the reoccurance makes it pretty desirable to have the bus perform/contribute something more than drive in-out. someone said this in the beginning? i agree. the ad-titleing seems somewhat established?

    otherwise, after just a few appeareances, as soon as you see the bus you sort of start to want it over and done with and the bus will become a nuisance.


    there's probably a need for planning the transitions if the inside of the bus is animatable area.

  7. dunno if this makes sense for anyone else, but i see no reason not to have both doors and outdoors, whatever you fancy:

    if the room has an outside as well -same materials as inside- opening a door could take you to the park scene. just like that.

    the camera could slide past the open ended wall and with a slight pan you wouldn't even have to see the outside of the wall. and reverse for going back indoors at the end of the scene.

    (i still can't plan past week 34 and i only sparked once, the indoor one character scene.)

  8. phew gettin' stressed just reading that... sounds like a perfect time for a yay-choir jamboree, see:


    :):D:):P:) :)




    these guys are not just standing up but applauding.

    the grasp after the drop is hilarious. job well done!

  9. the character in the beginning is great, the stern leader energetically blowing the tiny whistle. i hope all the fantastic instruments will be well on display someplace, i paused the film to try and see the wonderful weirdness. and the trees were pretty. seeing the rabbit was surreal; the a:m basic we've all abused, bouncing away "on the big screen" - as in, "oh look, it's Rabbit, he's an extra in a real movie!".

  10. is there a way to rotoscope from a film? i mean a clip? i mean, you take a video recording you just made of your buddy dancing and then run this film like a decal posing your 3D character to match the moves on the film? (since the youtube clip is just a guy dancing) PS has a special function for rotoscoping in 2D, you could start there and turn the clip into a series of frames and number them. find the keyframes and by frame number reference, key your character in 3D. short cycles, repetition.


    which will take much much, much longer than mocap of course.

  11. What didn't work? Is that in a TAoA:M exercise?


    concisely: me. for now neck deep in vulcanically developing project due signed sealed stamped "30/6".

    it's just, during days off i was dying to work with a rig, and it was all newbie slope. downhill. your "simplest IK" together with "how things stay in place" contain all the answers i'm sure. otherwise, watch this space :). but i should manage. oh no. jinxed.

  12. a blank model would be like any invisible shape? that's a really smart workaround, thank you!

    (had to search for the "action object" and guess who's explanation turned up. why don't you go add a DVD on your wishlist so i can sort that come payday? can't manage the books but you're so incredible with the speed and all. do you have "Cloudy with etc" yet?)

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