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Posts posted by dblhelix

  1. (is there something the matter with the off topic-forum - it only appears occasionally?)


    this sounds more complicated than it is;

    made a model, saved it. made others, saved them.

    started a new model in order to assemble these previous models into one.

    when assembling, ideas take progress back and forth in basic workflow

    - i make changes in components and expect them to travel to the end product.


    and they don't. i've just decaled the headband of a crown, but the headband

    of the assembled crown didn't update.

    is this a group dependent thing?

    = when i initially dragged the "headband" into a new model window, all that

    comes up is the group "headband". if decaling in the component window, decals

    place above groups.


    how do i work to avoid this?

  2. thanks for the swift replys!


    and phew! i had not dejad this view; used to PSing material

    for a program built to "guess" and turn bgr to alpha was the actual problem here.


    robcat, the crown i'm (partially) replicating is an actual object in real life some Middle Ages-enthusiast has built.


  3. another one of these very, very fundamental questions.

    here's my decal with leaf-type shapes. leaf pattern saved from PS as TGA 32

    both as color map and as bump. but what's the white frame doing here?

    TGA's appear with white frame even in the hierarchy, object > group name > decal > image.




    i'm thinking this wrong but where?

    (i first saved TGA's as 24, seeing the white went back, resaved over the old - could this

    be a problem? rebooted a:m twice.)

  4. that alone didn't help, proceeded to tweak chor/cam settings to look for a general

    ambiance that would bring out object ambiance and have been rendering black

    squares for an hour.


    reason for posting:

    while reading everything displacement in techref again

    (without a single reference to ambiance in the context),

    have decided for bump instead. this particular crown (the image

    is a part of a crown) won't be in close-ups and the smallish giddyfiddly

    craftsmanship exstacy won't form that big a profile in medium shots.

    plus there's no light source to move shadows and

    i'll be modelling the elevated settings for stones in the round holes.


    trying bump, same problem remains. nothing's happening. tried 3%.

    need a tutorial. there's something fundamental missing.

    it's a decal, right? the image is applied as decal, then assigned as a specific map?


    EDIT: if it's the giraffe thing, i'm on it right now.

  5. don't even know where to start.


    to the left, a render with an object with a decal appointed as displacement map, 200%

    to the right, a model view with said decal as color, just to illustrate here.




    there are so many things going WOW! so just pick one.. any one..

    what is UP with this render?


    been following a tut on the xtras dvd, a battleship side.

    didn't seem difficult. hoping this is not of the "turn the lights on!" type of problems?

    does the decal have to cover all of topography to render?

    didn't even bother to position it for testing - and the round gaps will have modelled

    detail eventually, without displacement map.

  6. think i read the techref "Export Action As" chapter once too many cause i've gone all Linda Blair.

    is this how it's done:

    i've animated Eugene's legs&hips in an action.

    now i want to work shoulders, head + one arm and keep them as a separate action.

    > chor > shortcut to Eugene > add the lower body action

    > animate away on the upper body

    > delete lower body action ?

    > save remaining chor action "export action as" ?

  7. You know I could never hope to actually own any of them, but I'm even jealous of the photographer!

    when gasping through that blog post, i also wondered how it would be to drive one of those,

    and quickly figured i'd end up crashing due to staring at the car reflection in every passing window.

  8. This prevents numerous internal patches on many extruded forms.

    Patches must have more than one spline for their sides.


    it's a part of a crown, not a pipe shape as such, the top of the piece forming a flattened bowl shape.

    have to rethink the process from scratch.



  9. Can you post wireframe ?

    i closed my work'puter already, but how's this:

    if you were to make a ring with 4 CPs, then select them and extrude twice, you'd have a pipe, or a tube.

    the rings in the ends won't close up automatically. they don't form a patch.

    i'm asking about the laws of a:m, how to plan ahead to avoid this.

    if i recall correctly, the piece i'm working was modeled from the long side and then extruded.

  10. sorting out weird patches i run into one that refused to get covered.

    then i realize this could have something to do with the shape of the piece; it could be interpreted as i kind of tube.

    and i know for a fact there's a page about this somewhere but i can't find it.

    what is the logic here; if i have a hole - well, two holes - with 4 or 5 CP's then it's not doable (=a patch) in principle; i need to plan around and model more to make the piece more of a mesh formation?

  11. i need to ask something but i can't make an image to illustrate... i can't render in the model mode, in the model window.

    trying a jpeg, tried particles ON if that was an issue; wireframe;

    i need an image that shows normals, my actual question is about those.

    help please?

  12. tease!


    wonderful surprise, the stairs! light patterns on floor seem to stem from the stars in the "sky", romantic and funny!


    i was mostly thinking of lighting of movement this time; there's a difference in 3D experience between the previous rehearsing lights and these stage lights, mainly in the very beginning and then again when Lothario stops when she takes a few turns on her own.

    in real stage environment, a row of side lights on either side bring out depth and limb movement the best.

    but maybe you were just getting to those tests; must voice thunder for your camera placement as the choice for advancing movement! just the perfect height.

    (curious to see 24fps version)

  13. about the "disconcerting"-

    reminds me of queuing for DVD's in the digi/gaming mecha the last time, watching an animated scene on the bestest-hyper-HD screen. it sort of stood there screaming. nothing else in the room was so sharp, crisp, absolute.


    it's easy to get used to cinema, for instance; easy to understand a "replicating" technique that's inferior to percieve. small wonder that it would be unnerving to be able to percieve more than your eyes usually do.


    so when the world ends and if we're around, we'll all just be disappointed at the lack of HD of it.

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