sprockets Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine! Learn to do radiosity renders
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Posts posted by dblhelix

  1. lesseee...


    1. is there a way to simultaneously (=identically) change light cone values on a group of lights? it could be just me (this pc), but shift-choosing is problematic due to the refresh freezing. any tips/workarounds appreciated!


    2. how to grapple with the oddsy roll handle - it changes when rotating the.. hmm the yellow balk? indicating light direction and gets in the way. if i delete the entire param in pws this changes xyz rotations. this is not serious but a bit of nuisance at larger quantities of lamps/lights.


    3. the fill light is a bit of a performer isn't it? one fill just needs to be present and on and the entire chor is awash with its influence? not a problem, just trying to understand.



    4. is the glow somehow similar to unsharp mask in PS? in my crisply lit chor, i'm pretty sure all i did was 0% chor values for glow (to see what it was already doing by default) and everything went all fuzzy and dreamy? maybe my question here is about the relationship between the different places to control glow, how they interact. done the usual spacebars and rebooting a:m.



  2. Well... what would a girl version of TAoA:M look like?

    taking a moment to happily declare you've already done it:

    it's the holistic approach, where the excercises build parts toward a final result.

    this idea is simply brilliant. genius.

    (it's the "this button so, that button so" without aim that puts an x to sleep.)

    but it would help if there was also a visually appealing element to confirm inclusion.


    i see Nancy took the exact same route in reasoning as i did, considering the broad demographic.

    a warm, fuzzy potty-mouthed evil, macho testosterone laden Robot-Rabbit in tights with Fairy wings, weilding light sabers

    now you've got me all tingly, and i'm fireproof. you think i could get his number?

  3. The complexity and order of subjects is wonderfully realistic and welcome but you need a humanoid in motion/posed as a part-headliner just to spark up the x-genes.

    Is that a request for a sexy girl? More specifics are requested please.

    - - the- - err-- whu-- nyyoess?


    that was a fun mishap and a tough question rolled into one!

    i simply mean that all of the female persuasion WILL find a humanoid more

    interesting than metal. (yes i do indeed realize this is an invitation to testimonies

    to the contrary.) the rabbit will undoubtedly do the job!


    when thinking about it, all of the humanoid content seemed so eminently applicable

    for an introduction to pws. going through the content, changes are made to the rabbit.

    we want the other chars for sure - for a metal, the rocket is just too cute

    (wanna kiss it then move right in), and i can't wait to see the robot!


    and the thought was, that when one wants to wrangle a humanoid, the message is

    not "go to dusty old corner". it should be integrated in the brand spanking revision.


    oh hey you could pose the rabbit for the decal! if the rabbit decal was part of the established



    this is gender politics :)


    make the X feel at home.

  4. (interpretatation key: blurting)


    sounds like


    guy fest. this is probably raining ugly on the parade, but - rocket launch, robot, candle?

    while i find the complexity and order of subjects wonderfully realistic, overdue even,

    you need a humanoid in motion/posed as a part-headliner just to spark up the x-genes.


    plus it's possible to make a showreel with one ready-made rabbit, for instance.

    groups are a must, as someone already said - you want to customize your rabbit first,

    so you need to understand groups and hierarchies. how to change colors, or the apparent

    material on the rabbit's sweater. this sounds like a chapter 1B, like an introduction to pws.


    decals follow suit;

    (how to make an image in the front of the sweater?)

    don't leave out alphas. explain how they work in a:m, what they look like in pws, how they

    react to hierarchies, how to manipulate=troubleshoot, and leave the choice of application

    to the customer, to learn alphas in their respective program in the respective site. (still

    sounds like introducing pws?)


    posing should come early, maybe as an introduction to a rig, before making a rig;

    naming names, showing the user properties, the balance and how and why to turn it off.

    explain that there are different rigs in the library.

    (the simplest constrain excercise could be how he has a beanie in his hand and puts it on

    his head.)


    isn't this already (at least partly) done btw? do bake it into this new order, make it part of

    the new and improved dazzle in an including manner. there could be a suggested, clickable

    study route - "if you want to pose/animate a ready-made, read 1B - 2A - 5A".


    core idea in the above:

    show empaths the way in at first glance.


    if there's going to be rendering, explain the included shaders please? an image gallery

    with a brief description PS style would suffice.

  5. *spits duct tape* ha!

    found some murky orient-like business going on with the stone being scraped against the other stone=surface.

    and that became clear now that we have a plain tutorial in view.

    thank you Rodney - i might return about the other constraint though..

    John Big--Vern? sympathy much appreciated; i knew the only way to feel more stupid was to ask and read

    the answer. was correct. til your post!

    itsjustme - those prjs didn't come up when i did searches, wouldn't have found them without help, thank you!

  6. thinking out loud here:

    we'd need a tutorial on surface constraint on the site.

    please nobody say techref, i did look *HURTS*. long enough to know we

    need a tutorial.


    how about a fun penguin sliding downhill, up a bump, in the air,

    then down again and sliding on. no fancy animation, just the direction change,

    constraint on off, basics.

  7. Also, I think a subtitle file for each one would help non-English speakers and the hearing impaired...translations could be provided by anyone that wants to volunteer.

    Just having English subtitles would be a big plus for most international users as reading english is easier than hearing it.

    put this to a vote before putting energy into it.

    the windows are cramped with information as it is.

    reading subs won't leave time to look at what's happening.

    tuts tend to be all action no drama.

    but my english is pretty good so i'm not a good representative.

  8. wow.

    i really like the hips. it has to do with large high-contrast areas -

    you see that motion even when you're not looking. it makes her come

    alive very effectively. the sword no longer attracts questions. i like the

    way he goes down backwards, there's stealth in it, makes him more dangerous.

    can't go frame by frame, which is where the comments are now. looking forward

    to some weaponry sparkles!

  9. it's a little bit devastating how good these tutorials are. mountains of gratitude!


    thanks Roger for sharing your problem and for a fun char to learn with.


    these tuts are perfect for non-tech intuitive newbies

    they're like an implant in your visual cortex;

    information comes in comparative before/after chunks,

    letting you continue working by eyes alone knowing the numbers will simply just be there.

  10. that's coming along fine!

    i find it helpful to slow down things that are supposed to be fast, and

    feel in the dynamics in the slower version then make strategic adjustments

    in the fast one.


    my first reaction here is expecting incidents;

    but it's so short maybe you're just getting there.

    danger would enter the fight if there was contact.


    from here, either her sword could be weightless which would show in her

    wielding it with extra wrist movements, giving more movement to the sword.

    at the end of a blow it would not stop then retrace it's last "steps" and then

    start a new blow. instead the energy would never stop, just change direction

    (in a large-ish rounded motion).

    or you could go a bit more newtonian, slow down beginnings and endings of

    movement and emphasize the blow by blow staccato.


    regardless the weight of the sword, it would show in her shoulders/upper

    back a little more. bit of rotation, that has follow through at endings, then leads the

    beginnings of blows.


    it looks so good you could benefit from just slowing down the pace in the

    expected=newtonian places - sword starting to move in new direction, heavy guy

    prepairing to change direction of movement? a little can go a long way.


    generally, dunno how long it will be? her hips demand a bit of worship: once finished

    with the major choreography, give her minute soft motion in lower back->upward in

    appropriate direction so her movement becomes as fluid as her shape. itty-bitty rotations

    would fit even a caricatyrized movement. her stance is from the newtonian world, her

    maintaining balance would be an ongoing miniature "wobble" of the hips countering

    armshoulder balancing placement.


    (that was edited so heavily read it again :) i see you're here)

  11. Cull hair removes hair from the group randomly.

    this was helpful, thought about it and now know what happened:

    an extreme refresh problem.

    had trouble with ctrl+s not getting rid of the asterisks as well -

    and was listening to a cd in the laptop at the same time.

    since hair is so fast to preview, didn't even consider this,

    it felt like an anomaly.


    thank you everybody!

  12. announcing "tidy" as my new favourite word.

    this might even threaten my biannual vacuuming :D

    thank you!


    second, hair=particles was on.

    i deletd the hair mat, saved model, saved project as,

    rebooted, made new hair and am not touching cull no more.

  13. this is so weird i'm almost excited.


    15j+ (no that's not the weird part);

    Tools>Customize>Toolbars> clicking the box for "Grooming"

    brings a tool set in view immediately. clicking OK makes it

    disappear. going back clicking the box brings it back, but

    only till i click OK.

    seriously! anybody? makes me want to write a camp fire song.


    second, slightly less exciting incident;

    hairing up an ostrich feather all's well, tweakin'&learnin'.

    wanted to test "cull hairs" what it does and turned it to 100%,

    hairs disappeared. changed it back to 50%, they did not return.

    rebooted a:m, hair's gone.

    hmm? any thoughts?

  14. just, wow.

    took forever to examine all the detail at the edge of the light,

    how objects reveal themselves. really good lighting, couldn't get enough!

    if this is your ending, do let the camera linger, maybe with a near

    undetected sideways trolleying. that would also help bring depth.


    what a moment!

  15. hi!

    this is a bit outrageous, but i'm wondering whether you remember

    writing about your bus stop project and feathers?

    someone complimented you on your materials in particular, you

    answered in generous detail, and then there was talk about the way

    feather "hairs" cling together; of every hair having more "hairs". i

    seem to remember an image of a white feather, but all of this could be

    faulty - i could be connecting details here that were not connected.


    on a couple of occasions i've done searches for this, coming up with

    nothing, so this is a bit of a last resort. have to ask. :)

  16. stretchy bones and rigged skin.




    ok, i'm game. the piece of cheek would need to become narrower

    when Eugene -Osiris- opens his mouth and the piece stretches.

    guessing this would be a pose?

  17. http://ariskolokontesart.blogspot.com/

    someone alert del Toro. transcendental still life.


    the Eugene would be Osiris, based on a real mummy

    but with the green skin, the Ateph w ostrich feathers but no other props.

    aiming for immeadiate visual of death;

    he's the first character seen, rest are "run of the mill" skeletons whose

    timeless symbolic, emblematic value is not quite dead enough.

  18. about a decade ago i heard something similar for the first time;

    the profit was exclusively in the DVD sales. at the time it was

    grounds for targeting piracy, these days a quiet whisper for

    new and better ways for distribution via internet.

  19. considering a final addition to project; maybe making one Eugene a mummy.


    for the most part the skin would just sit there, but have a couple of large holes

    and not cover hands but end in a hard crusty formation. like a long sleeve.

    however on the face the skin should have prominent tearing at the mouth,

    with both hard and flexible behaviour - there'd be a nice, disgusting piece

    over the molars between a hole in the cheek and his mouth. this piece would

    stretch when he opens his mouth and have hardened crusts at top&bottom angles.


    the Eugene will be sporting the gentlemen's classic cloak with no sleeves.


    i've no idea how to plan, what to plan, or weigh pros&cons.

    is the solution some kind of model/cloth/smartskin soup?

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