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Everything posted by Rob_T

  1. John, the patches would "kinda" disappear when I did the render lock. They were still there they just looked really screwy. I assumed they would disappear altogether if I actually rendered to file. Either way though that doesn't resolve my issue since I need them gone so I can better see what I'm doing as I continue to model in shaded and wireframe view. That said, the five point patch thing I thought of right after I posted this and it does work but the patches look like crap even when rendering to file so I'm probably going to have to come up with something else in the end but for now it works. Robcat, unfortunately most of the model is almost done, bad planning on my part I guess, live and learn. Going back and redoing all those splines would be a real chore. I can see I'm going to have to get creative. Would porcelin help with the 5 pointers? I'm making walls and the 5 point patches are bulging slighlty when rendered.
  2. I'm trying to model something with a lot of square shapes in it and I'm having problems with patches forming where I don't want patches (places I need to see through). I realize in the short term I can hide the CP's that make those patches but that doesn't resolve the issue that I simply don't want those patches there. They are completely valid patches but I need them gone. I've tried transparancy of the group of CP's that make the patches but that doesn't even work in render lock (I assume it is done in final render) as the patches still remain despite being changed to transparent. Also, I'd rather not add additional CP's as this causes a domino effect requiring me to add bunches of other CP's and splines to keep the patches I do want. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  3. Yeah it seems like Simple Scatter will work for what I want to do. Just have to go back in and make some minor model changes and add a good group for the plug in to work off of and I'll be all set. Thanks guys.
  4. Is there a way to constrain a crowd in the flocking engine so that it does not intersect with other models (it's fine, and perhaps even somewhat of a benefit ift hey intersect with each other a bit)? I'm trying to add a shitload of trees to my choreography and I figured I could put them in one at a time but it would be great if I could just do a crowd or a couple crowds and have all my trees added. This of course leads to another question. If one can add them without them popping into existing models in the choreography is there a way to randomize the scale on all three axis a bit? So I get different sized and shaped trees? And lastly is there a way to randomize the rotation around the Y axis so that the trees appear at different degrees, thus further changing thier appearance from varying perspectives? The only flocking I did in Tao was with the birds setting and the lesson mostly concentrated on the action of the flight so I'm a little in the dark about the Crowd settings. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Actually, that's a great point. It never occurred to me that the program would render things that cannot be seen by the camera. I wonder how that works.
  6. I love how you say stuff like that like it would be so simple. I hope that stuff gets so easy for me that I can be blase about it myself someday... sooner the better. But just slapping maps, of any kind, I don't even know what that means. I've never mapped anything, bumped, slapped or what have you, to my knowledge. Was that even part of Tao? I do understand what you mean about geometry though. I'm not making windows on any of my buildings right now. My intention is to either decal them with a window picture if they are far away or insert a window model into the building in strategic places if the camera gets close. My question was, as far as rendering goes, if it is better for me to repeat those window models in the choreography as many instances of the same model, or if I should insert them into the building model in the modeling window and then import the building into the choreography (with the windows already in place). If one was better for rendering over the other. My thought process was that perhaps the program may have an easier time rendering the same window model over and over again rather than having to consider each window as part of a larger model and therefore distinct on its own from every other model. I think Robcat is probably right I would have to test to find out. Unfortuntely I haven't a lot of time for testing right now. I'm going to have to make a choice and stick with it. For better or worse. Rodney, your info about altering the models in muscle mode has already been a huge help. Thanks a ton for that. Sometimes when I load the project the geomentry on the buildings I altered already is wacky and all over the place but as soon as I select them and click into modeling mode they snap back. Wierd but I can live with it. Thanks for the help.
  7. Your comment about your style reminded me I have some things I'd like to ask you about some of your models. Do you have an e-mail address? They appear to have messaging turned off in here. Mines rob@remedialcomics.com

  8. From a rendering perspective, is it better to use many instances of the same model or is it better to individually model each instance with it's own name and file? For example, in my current project I have lots of buildings. Buildings have lots of windows. Would I be better off modeling the buildings with the windows built into the building as part of the model. Or would I be better off making several types of windows and then importing the building and window models into my choreography and then inserting the windows into the buildings by creating many instances of the same windows until the buildings are complete? I ask because this is occurring a lot on my set. I have a bunch of balconies on my buildings as well as trees.
  9. Wow. Nice assets. Funny.
  10. Soooo jealous....
  11. Happy birthday man. Atrayoooooooooooo!
  12. Yeah I was going to say, they want to add a significant charge to sell you a hard copy of the manual at the conventions so I (like most people I imagine) don't buy it since they let you know right away that it is on the disc already in PDF form. Welcome Aquaryon. Definitely do the TOA lessons first or you will be so frustrated and lost you won't get anywhere and come back and ask your questios often. The community here is amazing and goes out of thier way to help newbies. Good luck.
  13. Hi, I'm pretty new here myself but I might actually know something that MIGHT help in this instance so I guess I'll pass it on. I'm sure one of the more experienced members will be along shortly to point out why I'm wrong and direct you to the correct solution. Here is a link I found awhile ago and have been saving for when I need to do such things. I haven't used it, I haven't even read it. But I think it applies to what you are trying to do. Good luck! http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...p;hl=Installing
  14. Can anyone tell me the difference between these two books and if either is worth getting? http://www.amazon.com/Animation-Master-Com...ntt_at_ep_dpi_1 http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Animation...84504757/?itm=2 They both seem to have been published in May of 2006. They have similar product descriptions. The same author. But a difference title, a different cover and a different page count. One is available at B&N online the other at Amazon. Neither book is available at both sites. Also, is either book worth the money? I completed TAO. Is this going to walk me through the same stuff or is it more advanced and worth the investment? The reviews (what few there are) are good. I also find myself baffled by the wild pricing variations on these books. I can get one used, probably without the CD for $20; from Amazon new (I assume with the cd) for $32 but there are places selling it used for over $80 and new for over $200. I R confuzled.
  15. How in the hell is that not a real truck? It certainly looks like a real truck to me. Wow. Amazing.
  16. I had the same problem when I was at your lesson. I really liked using the arrow keys. That has become part of my workflow. I just click on the model and the arrow keys let me move the model up, right, left or down. Depending on what view you are in it can easily help you position your models. As for picking your model with multiple models in your choreography I have to go with MJL. The project workspace is by far the easiest way to do that. You will find you will need the project work space open at most times for almost all the lessons so you should try and get used to it as fast as you can. Good luck.
  17. That was great. As for the music... I can't speak for the man himself but with Premier Pro changing the music is really easy and basically requires about five minutes and a rerender. So hopefully that won't be too much trouble for JB because... the music is a bit... much. What happened to the frankenstein kung fu entry I saw on the forums. It looked prety cool. Did it not get done in time?
  18. Nice job man. Is that "Spleen" Beer the rat is drinking? (I love the rat model btw Holmes... a blues rat... what a great idea). Gene I know you said it took you about a month but could you quantify that a bit more for me. A month of Sundays? A month of seven days a week eight hours a day? I guess I'm looking for a man hours estimate. I like the song too. Nice background singers. Oh and Gene that Preacher and Bear one is hilarious... and the felching one... gross but funny. Good stuff opinion from this newbert.
  19. Tom, Rabbit and Knight are in there. I can't use those for commercial purposes can I? I thought that stuff was all someone's IP? They also seem to have a ton of stuff for sale under thier "Eggprops" name. Those guys do some amazing stuff though. Wow. Robcat I got the extras disc when I bought the program. It came with it. Lot's of good stuff on there but I get a lot of compatability warnings about older stuff when I open them. I saw Spleen put up a guitar the other day and I saw someone else posted a lamp post. I was just wondering if there was an area where folks go to donate thier models. Since my work will be for commercial purposes I don't want anyone saying I stole thier stuff... so I was wondering if there was an area where people who want to be altruistic with thier models could drop them off. I'm also wondering if there is a reason Hash might not want to have such an area on the forums. Just curious.
  20. I noticed a few posts scattered around where folks have offered up models for use free of charge for any purpose but there didn't seem to be a dedicated area for such philanthropy. Did I miss it? Is there a section for free use models? Has the community as a whole ever gotten together to create a free use library for anyone in the community to pick from? I've got big plans and a lot of work to do. I'll need all the help I can get and will take whatever I can get so I'm obviously curious. Thanks.
  21. Hey. There's no way for me to verify you got what I sent you so I just have to come out and ask. Did you get those books from your wish list? I know it's not much but I wanted to thank you for all the help you've been giving me. It has been invaluable. Seriously. Thanks.

  22. All the entries I've seen so far look amazing. I wish I could have gotten in on this... just don't have the chops yet. Maybe next year. Great job everyone. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  23. Yes you should have great amounts of "some" people coming to your site because of me. (some may not equal an actual number).

  24. ooh! You sound like fun! BOOOGA BOOGA BOOOGA!
  25. Are you the artist or writer for WP? I assume artist since you are here but I don't like making assumptions.

    By the way I linked you in my comic update/weekly blog tonight. ;)

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