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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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    Matthew Krick
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    Here and There

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  1. update yer website!

  2. What exactly is the problem you're having? You should only mess with 2 of the settings. Color settings iirc. Also, have you done a search for Muhair and looked at this thread?
  3. When you render, are you remembering to turn "Plugin Shaders" ON before you render? If not you won't get the muhair results you expect. When it's on the result is night and day.
  4. This link should help ya out. http://dement3d.com/tutorial/toontutorial/...ng/shading.html
  5. Wow, beautiful work!
  6. Wow that's really great work!
  7. Try attaching the arms to the chest area, the shoulders are will look better. Attach the neck too if you can. The top back of the head needs to be rounded out to look more sphere-ish And the arms are a bit muscular, she's got some popeye forearms going on now. Other than that its looking good, the face and mouth look nice.
  8. That's a cool looking Tardis, looks a bit too bright and clean tho. Dirty it up a bit. I agree. I was skeptical at first but by the end of Xmas Invasion I was sold, Tennant's doing a great job and I hope he sticks around for a long time. (Goofy faces and all, heh) Last Saturday's ep was amazingly good. Dont want to post any spoilers tho for those not caught up. ok just one tiny thing (non spoilerish) Dalek - "You are superior in only one respect." Cyberman - "What is that?" Dalek - "You are better at dying!" Had me in stitches. But for Eccleston fans I hear rumors that he may do a remake of The Prisoner! Another great UK series. Be seeing you!
  9. Gir = Awesome. doo dee doo dee dooo! I saw a monkey!
  10. Find out as much about the different "sides" there are in the videogame as you can. (good, evil, whatever) and think about Star Trek. Each faction in Star Trek had their very own style and look. The federation ships were grey, smooth and had blue lights. Klingons were dark green and quite evil looking. Borg ships were very mechanical and looked like primitive shapes. You want your players to be be able to look at a ship in your game and with no thought be able to tell friend from foe. Good luck.
  11. Benders body is thinner. The head ought to be seperate (if it isnt already) so that he can spin it.
  12. Great improvement over pt 1, you put a lot of time and energy into this and it shows. Might want to warn people it's not very kid-friendly.
  13. Try right-clicking the link and doing a save-as. If it still wont play you need to get Quicktime 7.
  14. Nice, one thing... How large is the machine supposed to be? And what is the machine made of? If it's a few inches long and made of lightweight plastic then n/m. But if its several feet long (or larger) and made of metal.. that hydraulic seems really flimsy for something so heavy.
  15. I know, I was just being an idiot this time heh. I've got a tutorial on rendering to passes on my website and yet I still I didnt do it. Yeap, he wants to release a bunch of pages at first and build a bit of a buffer, so it may be a few more weeks til the comic goes up. His current site is at http://www.dartistic1.com/
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