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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by DJBREIT

  1. Lets make it simple for him. Export your model in every version that A:M supports and then load them into Acad and see which one looks best then you can export it in a DXF format from Acad. Why make life hard.
  2. Yes there still in business. There up to 15.0f. For converting from Auto Cad to A:M with DXF file I have tried with no success. So if you can I would love to know how. ( see note at bottom) Converting from A:M to Auto Cad I think is duable in DXF but you may want to test it with simple shapes to confirm this and to see its limitations. Do keep in mined that you will lose some or allot of detail from your model when you convert it over. A:M has allot of stuff that Acad dose not use or support. If you only need to show clients or other people the final work an image file would do. If you need to have clients or other people to send feed back and modifications in DXF on the work you may need to open up Acad and A:M and just rework it in A:M . Even if you can import the change with the DXF converter. In most cases it would be faster to just rework it in A:M instead of importing it. If you have not started yet on the project. Make it in Acad then get your feed back from the clients. Then make it in A:M. In this way you can update the DXF file as you move along with the project. Acad can load any version of DXF out there. It can also use OBJ and other file types but you will need to check your Auto Cad version and “import/export” list see which ones. Or get a list from the client. Note There maybe a way to get the DXF importer in A:M to work. I’m betting the DXF importer was made for a specific version of DXF instead of being made upwardly compatible. If this is true and you can find what version of DXF it works with you maybe able to find an old version of Acad and grab the DXF exporter for the DXF version you need. And put it in your current Acad program. (Note you will need to do a little menu set up to get to the exporter but the converter should still work.). But I have not tried this so there is no guarantee it will work.
  3. DWG and DXF are both 3D files. The only difference between 3D and 2D in theses formats is all of the depth info is zero.
  4. These were simple files with just some lines for a test. I also found a post that mentions it has to be V12 or earlier. So I will need to test it tomorrow.
  5. I have been trying to import a dxf file from AutoCad. Non of them seem to work..Is there a trick to it or do I need an older dxf format or plug-in?
  6. I think for this one you can get away with a very simple rig. but it depends on how much you want you robot to bend.
  7. Thank's
  8. Dose anyone know if there is a plug-in to purge out un-used stuff. like groups, material and more.
  9. I've solved the problem............. I hit the render button
  10. I need to make a collar bone line on my model. But as you can see it picks up other lines I don't need.. I have figured out how to remove the hooks line but I am at a lost on how to remove the other unwanted lines. Any suggestion?
  11. Give it a shot If it dose not work contact hash
  12. I am not sure on this but you key is keyed to you computer so if you re-install it on the same computer it should work.
  13. The eye do have a shin to them but it hard to see from this angle. But I have to admit I grabbed the eye off of Squetchy Sam. I had decal eyes before but they are very limited on how they can be adjusted for expression. Squetchy Sam eyes with the Squetch Rigis already setup to adjust the pupils and I only need to add a second set of bone to do the retina. This was done in toon render since the bow was hard to see in a normal shot. Since this is for a set of shows I did her hole body. The other shots are for fitting her clothes. If you like I can post a set of spline shots to show her line work.
  14. I do have the face where I want it but I'll see if I can get it a little more rounded. Yes . I will be simulation the lower half of the dress.
  15. No need. I rebuild half of the model last night. And in the next day or so I should be back to where I was. Luckily I did not get in to the point of adding the rig and beyond. I am just surprised A:M did not have a simple back up system already installed as standard. Since there are constantly up dating the program every few months.
  16. I would like some feedback. line work
  17. I don’t think customer support will be of any help on my file. I have looked in the file and it seems the patch, normals and attribute sections did not save. If someone has a trick up there sleeve on how to recover the other stuff post it I have also placed a request on A:M report for a save backup system for A:M.
  18. I was working on one of my models and AM experienced a problem. I hit save and it messed up my file. And the last back up I have is just the head. Can someone see if they can recover a model file. If you think you can give it a shot “post”, I will be grateful I will not be posting the file since to many people will try and download this file and crash there programs. I get Exception #039, trouble saving patches.
  19. O.K. You mean the BVH for reducing movement if they are whispering and increase movement if they yell?
  20. I spoke to soon. C D G K N R S TH Y Z_BVH and L_BVH in the controls seem to do nothing.
  21. Don't worry I lost track a long time ago.
  22. Nothing I am seeing.
  23. By the sound of this I maybe better to make a body menu just like the face. For speeding up the install, if you can get some coders/programers for AM to set up a script reader you can automate the reset compensates.
  24. ACAD can convert to dxf directly. I think you would need to make your drawing with the spline system in ACAD before you convert it.
  25. I found a cosmetic item. On the lower legs, The bow system twists too much at the ankle.. A question The thigh_flexing_percentage and calf_flexing_percentage it the controls I thought they where for bulge the muscle in the thigh and calf. But they seem to be doing something else and only work when you move the leg and foot?
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