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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by TNT

  1. I like both styles. The first thing I notices is the stars do not move in the background. Maybe if the star field went by with different stars moving at different speeds so some look close and some farther away would add some feeling of movement. Like the bots a lot.
  2. Robert's the TSM guru but I have had this problem and so have others when doing everything correct. This is a link to that topic. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=32122 I hope it helps you find the solution. The one thing I do know is it has no adverse affect on the model. It's just annoying to look at.
  3. He has personnality. It makes me want to see more.
  4. Great work guys! Love the song. Aaron was a hoot!
  5. TNT

    spine curve

    PERFECT! I need to test some more but the left hand works now and I think I am back in business! Thanks again Mark
  6. I have the Barry Zundel's Animation Master Training videos also and I agree, they are well worth the money.
  7. TNT

    spine curve

    Thanks Mark, I'll try that tonight after work and see how it goes.
  8. TNT

    spine curve

    With TSM2 I found that if I saved right after running Rigger, then restarted A:M and reloaded the character most of the text strings would appear properly. However they are just display names, and don't affect the working of the rig. Usually it's the word "Relationship", but i forget what 4386 is. I closed and restarted AM, then restarted teh model and it seems to have cleared up the most if not all the names. Thanks Robert,
  9. TNT

    spine curve

    Yes I did use the "Mirror Constraints". What is the proper way to mirror the constraints without "Mirror Constraints"? What do you suggest for me to get my model working right? Thanks Mark
  10. TNT

    spine curve

    Well I think everything is working now and the weights are all right. I have a small issue with the rotation of the fingers on the left hand not working. Only the pinky works. Not sure where this problem is coming from. Anyone seen this problem? The only other problem I see is in the "Relations". They have an error loading the name strings for the relationship. It does not seem to affect anything functioning. I recall seeing this error with the TSM2 rig when I got it and used it in v14c. Has anyone seen this in v15i with the 2008rig? I can probably correct it in a text editor with a little effort.
  11. TNT

    spine curve

    I don't understand but that seemed to make a big difference. I didn't check it because I understood that would make it ignore the opposite case. i.e. "Right" is search string with case sensitive ON would not mirror "right". I will give it a hard look and let you know if there are still any problems. Thanks,
  12. TNT

    spine curve

    Thanks for looking at this Mark. I have a couple pics below to help answer the questions. The bones I added are all below the MirrorBones bone. I ran the Mirrorbones plugin by selecting the MirrorBones bone, right click, and select the mirrorbones plugin. The fans are added before I ran the plugin as you can see in one pic. I actually have tried to complete all the weighting, smartskinning, fan bones, and relationships on new fan bones, all prior to the mirrorbones process. I was careful not alter, move, add or subtract from any relationships in the 2008rig. All mine are in a separate folder as shown below. I thought that way I would get everything on the left for free. (silly me) I saved the model before mirroring (that's the pic below) so I could return to a fixed point if there was a problem. I did not run the mirror a second time since the fans were all part of the RightHalf prior to mirroring. EDIT: I am using v15i if that has an impact.
  13. TNT

    spine curve

    The bones and CP weights seem to be pretty good for the RIGHT side now. I was continuing with the instructions for the 2008 rig to mirror bones and finish the install. Now I am getting strange issue and I don't know what I am doing wrong. The weighting for the CP's is not FULLY transferring to the Left side. The bones are mirrored and the CP's are mirrored, and the bone names are Right_*** and Left_***. Some CP's on the left are only taking part of the weight assignments. I used the settings from the 2008rig installation instructions to mirrorbones. Any idea why its not assigning to the weights for Right*** to Left***?
  14. TNT

    spine curve

    I have placed some dynamics on the lower pant legs, breast, and ear ring. The bottom of the shirt needs to have some natural follow that is not built in yet. The back of the shirt when bent is sticking out too far I think. The body portion seems to be close. Thanks for the explanations of why I need to change things.. They go much farther than just what to move to fix it.
  15. TNT

    spine curve

    thanks Robert. Seems You and David have seen the same errors. I'm not defending my bone positions but I would like to show how I placed them and get more of your feedback. I used a set of skeleton rotoscopes that I distorted to roughly fit her proportions. as you can see from the pics. Can you please help me understand where my thinking went off track? This is how I thought I could get good bone placement but if this is not going to work I am ready to learn. The "NULL" you asked about is the body null of the 2008 rig that parents everything but the "steady" and "balance" bones. I adjusted the back bone to what you and David suggested. It definitely helped. I added one fan bone to smooth and help put forwards a bit. I still need to work on the bottom of the shirt. What do you think?
  16. TNT

    spine curve

    You are always helpful. It sounds like you and Robert see some of the same problems.
  17. TNT

    spine curve

    I am having trouble figuring out how to weight CP's and/or add fan bones to make the spine curve and twist properly. I want to sqaush teh stomach more than I stretch the back and not compress the breasts vertically. I'm sure this is possible with the 2008 rig but I need some direction please.
  18. TNT

    CP Weighting

    OK, I think I found my mistake. After setting a couple of the constraints with compensate mode on, I adjusted the "start" point on the fan bone to make its swing arc more where I wanted. These were the bones with problems when I readjusted the CP weights. I think this makes sense when I think about it. If I move the start point the compensates will no longer be correct for the new bone orientation. Am I correct that would cause the kind of behavior I was getting? I want to be sure I know what I did wrong. I deleted all the constraints and recreated them with compensates again. Now the CP's don't move when adjusting their weighting in the action.
  19. TNT

    CP Weighting

    Thanks for the response Mark. I am getting movement in the fan bone as expected. It and a few other fan bones are set to orient like the thigh at different % and from different points of rotation. Compensation was set for them so they did not move when the constraint was applied. v15i seems to default this way now. There may be other ways to get the CP's to move properly but so far for me the extra fan bones seem the easiest. I'm glad to know the CP should move in an action as the weighting is being applied. They do look correct in the model window.(not moved) I just don't recall seeing it before and I don't understand why they should move but I'm still learning. I should clarify, I understand if I am posing the character in an action and move a bone that the CP's should move just not while I am assigning the weights. When I go to a chor and pose the character the CP's seem to follow correctly with the bones. I also appreciate the insight on what to turn off and on when assigning the weights. I did have some issues until I figured some of that out. Lastly, I would like to tell you thanks for the 2008 rig. I've used it on my robot (no fans were needed) and it is a great rig for me. Not heavy, not to light. Good documentation on the initial install. I really like it. Cheers,
  20. I just changed to AM v15i. I have the 2008 Rig partially installed but have not mirrored the bones yet. I don't have a lot of experience weighting models but I don't recall this happening before. When I weight a CP between two bones in an action, the CP is moving as I change the balance of the weighting. The two pics show the position of the CP with a 90/10 favoring the Pelvis and a 90/10 favoring the Hip. Note the position change of the CP. Is this supposed to happen? I thought that since the model was in its default pose, nothing should visually change. If I'm doing something wrong I want to fix it before I mess up my model and rigging. Thanks,
  21. Hi Jason, Have these been made available anywhere yet? I looked out at the FTP where the TSM2 stuff is but couldn't find them. I own several of the Anzovin tuts but there are a few I do not. Thanks
  22. Happy B'day! Enjoy the movie.....again
  23. TNT


    I would search the internet for images. You can also look here http://www.the-blueprints.com It's a great site for all kinds of rotoscopes from people to cars to planes to what ever you can think of. Here is what I always use if I want to do a human character. They are skeleton rotoscopes from all the major directions. They help keep proportions and help place bones as well. I put them in a 80% transparent and always on top. Good Luck. Character_References.zip
  24. That's cute. Is that Jerry Reed? Sure sounds like him.
  25. I have the Barry Zundel rigging tuts and they are very good. Well worth the money. I would think the modeling would have to be as good.
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