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Everything posted by goodguy20k

  1. I should have been more specific. If the squetch rig installation would work with v14. Which, you may say does, and may very well be right. I'm still researching that move. Ok, I've been playing around with it a bit. V13's rig certainly opens in v14, and the plug-ins seem to work. Now I just need to find time to watch the whole tutorial... Yeah... That'll be a while..
  2. Ok, so, here's the latest. I tried bumping it up to 200,000 hairs, but that didn't do much, and added about 5 minutes of time per frame. So, I'm back to 100,000. Here he is: Now, if David would get the Squetch rig for v14...
  3. Michael, your post made me smile... But... As you mentioned each additional thing, I'm imagining the render time rising! :shock: But I can definitely picture it! I wanted to see the effect of a multipass... Here's 16X softened. 1080i res. Total render time 1:14 hours.
  4. Ok, so, as I'm not sure what's going to go where in my life yet, I'm not committing to more TWO work (yet). But, I've become addicted to working with A:M, so I pulled PB out, as well as V14 A5. I just HAD to get my paws on the new hair material and shader. I was quite shocked, to put it mildly. I was getting in v13 error after error about the render failing because it ran out of memory to render the fur. Plus, the renders were taking hours per frame, for an estimated 8,000 hairs. :shock: Now, with v14, I'm rendering at an estimated 100,000 pieces of hair in 11 minutes! That just ROCKS! Here's the latest.
  5. Largento, we may need to talk someday. I too have a star trek parody, but I was thinking of filming live action. This might be tempting enough, though... Anyways, VERY cool work! I'll be watching!
  6. If it made it look more like a REAL car, you bet!
  7. Well, now we know what Dhar's car looks like. Just kidding. Looks nice, but I second Dhar's thoughts.
  8. Ok... That's just... Awesome! I didn't see the video until today, but I'd seen all the comments about the lovely dots. Amazingly, those are a lot better then I thought it'd look! Well done! Keep us posted!
  9. Hmm... Ain't that Win98 wallpaper? That's funny!
  10. I LOVE YOU! Object collisions was it! I figured I could cut some calculation time by turning it off, but I didn't know it had anything to do with forces! Thank you SO much!
  11. Ok, so, here's what's up. I have the fur/hair settings as shown in the screenshot below. However, when I render it in front of a force, it... Doesn't blow around like fur should. I've put some SimCloth behind him so you can see what the force is doing. SOME of the fur moves around (look at the top). Sorry for the reduced fur count. I didn't feel like waiting a week for it to do a full render. All help is appreciated! hair2.mov
  12. I'm having trouble getting the fur to react to a force. Anyone got some "fool proof" hair settings for fur and a force? I'll show you my settings when I can grab 'em.
  13. Now THAT looks like something not too hard to model. Very cool! I like! Keep up the work, I want to see where this goes!
  14. Hot chilly peppers!
  15. Ahh! Yes, the feet and paws have that. That's a remain from the first rev's paws. That's further down on my todo list. Thanks for the suggestion.
  16. Hooks and I don't get along terribly well. Neither do 5 pointers. (Especially with the hair. :shock:) But, I'm willing to try anything! *Makes backup*
  17. This is version 2.2. About 6 times of total deletion and recreation. This was the first that I got up the nerve to actually stitch together. Thank you for the encouragement, though. I'd still be interested any spline optimization y'all have.
  18. I've seen it done, and I love the outcome. That was why I tried converting LDraw models to Hash models... So... Planning on sharing that library ever?
  19. Then you are even more impressive! Keep it up!
  20. Ok, so... Humans aren't my modeling forte. Actually, modelling isn't my forte period. But, I have a character, and I know his personality quite well, so the trick is getting him on screen. His name is Peanut Butter. Don't knock it, my little bro named him. He IS modelled after a real teddy bear we have (hence, the personality). This is my first real model, and he needs a bit of work still. (With school and TWO, I haven't had a lot of time to spend on him.) Take a look and tell me what you think. The biggest thing that I've had to fight with is hair. Too much hair, and it won't render (and takes forever to render). Too little, and it doesn't look right. Just a note, the muzzle is actually how I want it. The real bear doesn't have those sharp lines, but I've come to appreciate those. (Oh, and he doesn't talk, as he has no mouth. It's all in the facial features... Which I've yet to figure out how to rig. ) (The ears are free floating... I haven't gotten up the nerve to stitch them in.)
  21. I like that. I wonder, have you used LDraw/Designer? I've done work converting LDraw models to Hash, but the time process of reducing the polygons to Hash Splines is... :shock: Not pretty. Very well done.
  22. Yeah, three Navy pilots from California were supposed to knock their flight hours up, and one of the got lucky and was allowed to fly to the nearest airport by his family. That just happened to be the airport not a mile from my house in Colorado. When they landed, they had a fair sized audience! First the guy's family got a tour, then they started letting others in to see. They are REALLY awesome aircraft!
  23. Now, you want all 400 pictures from our Disneyland trip a month earlier?
  24. Here ya go:
  25. Wow... That's just cool! Let me know how much critique you want. There are a couple of things in that that need fixed. The engine intakes are bulging out. In your original model, they were streamlined. Is there a reason you pulled them out? The elevators should be separate. They aren't one piece. I've got some F-18 shots from a few years ago that you might like to reference. Let me dig them up.
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