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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Rodney

  1. A minor goal for me in 2011 is to log into chat as often as I can. (We'll see how that goes) Here are some recent activities in chat: 01/24/2011 11:44 AM - Charlie D. said he had a question but didn't get around to asking it. 01/28/2011 3:41 AM - Lycan05 offered to answer it. 01/29/2011 12:54 AM - chucky dropped in and revealed he was trying to create an animated bike chain 02/02/2011 3:16 AM - Lycan05 offered some useful suggestions. 02/03/2011 1:41 AM - PaulNyssen suggested posting the question to the forum 02/03/2011 7:13 AM - chucky thanked them for the tips and added that modeling a chain was easy but the rigging of it stumped him. 02/03/2011 7:14 AM - chucky also related some issues with pasting material attributes and a problem with rotoscope folders propagating themselves. etc. ...and so goes the chat.
  2. I just renewed my subscription for 2011 and want to comment on the steps for those going through the same process. Subscribing may not be the preferred method for everyone but there are benefits for those that do. Subscribing to A:M is a very straightforward process: - Visit the A:M Store. - Purchase a subscription. - Install A:M. - (If renewing remove the master.lic file from your master folder) - Activate your new subscription. If troubleshooting is needed here are some general tips: - You won't need to uninstall, just delete or remove the .lic file from your master folder. It will most likely be named master0.lic - You can verify your expiration date by examining the contents of the file or if you have not yet expired you can see this info in the "About Box" of Animation:Master's Help Menu. - (Vista users may need to do the following to access the file): - Browse to your Master folder using the explorer/file browser and select the "Compatiblity Files" button in the tool bar. Vista places these "generated" files in a safe jail area where they appear hidden. - If you cannot find your activation code visit the store or check your email. You can retrieve the activation codes from there. Stand by for any Mac specific installation tips.
  3. I think Gary has been having trouble logging in... so this is to bump this topic up.
  4. The forum accepts MOV if you can convert to that. You may have to zip up an AVI file. How big is the AVI file?
  5. This showreel from Uli Meyer has the quicker sense of cutting with short clips that I'm talking about (although not with much... very little... bouncing ball/match cutting):
  6. I just think Holmes should have picked better music in this case. If reviewing the Demo I think I might have rejected it on that alone. Sorry Holmes, you wanted honesty!!! As for my preference in accompanying sound tracks; sometimes just a decent beat... bumpbump bumpadump... (or whatever) will work fine. Vary the rate of speed of that beat along with the tempo and beats in the animation over time. There has been a lot of good advice here on what to have in a demo reel. I'd pick the top three or four from the Oz reel, cut everything to read fast and most definitely get their attention at the start. You've got to grab and hold the viewers attention. Don't waste their time. Things I like: - Your namecard at the beginning and end. (Follows the principle of first learned best remembered and retention of the last exposure. (For instance, some people say the last 90 seconds of a play is the most important to get right) - The Door pounding at the beginning (but once the door opens don't use Mrs Yoop... cut to the next shot) The door opens to reveal your demo (see bouncing ball suggestion below). - I'd like to see a quickly cut sequence of the SO shots where SC etc are calling out for Captain Bill... building up tension... end with the guards marching. You might even be able to get a finely cropped shot of SC moving across the ravine on the rope just prior to this shot. - I like the water splashing on TW, but would crop that sequence way, way down in size. Perhaps from where the water has just hit him until he steps forward... be merciless on that) - I'd keep Bumpyman but only from his last gesture with the dialogue, "Would you care to try some?" placing this at the end of the Demo just prior to showing your end title Namecard. (You are effectly suggesting the viewer dial you up and hire you) - The Demo is a Bouncing Ball (These scenes should cut together like we are following a red bouncing ball throughout. Where the viewer's eye goes should be where that ball would bounce. If the focal points of a sequence don't match up over the cuts... pull it out. Of course... there is no red ball to follow in the demo but nobody needs to know that!
  7. You beat me to the firing range by about 17 years. No wonder I didn't see you there! Some of the first models I created in A:M were of guns and bullets. They certainly didn't have your flair for dynamic action! In fact they were mighty lame in comparison. (For more fun... play that 'bullet through the bottles' in reverse) Additional thoughts: One thing that translates well is that the bottles appear to expand a little just before shattering. That effect could be further exaggerated by adding a few more frames in post or animating the bottle. I'm considering how I might use these works of art in future projects.
  8. SWEET! Where where you years ago when I was teaching marksmanship at the firing range??? Thanks John!
  9. That was awesome. Definitely something I need to tag for later use. Thanks John!
  10. Thanks Ernest. I think I'm done breaking things for now.
  11. Awesome character. My first thought is that if it is pants then a dark color (black?) would create nice contrast and direct attention to her face. Now you've got me wondering... Besides the ability to turn every guys head in the room, I'm wondering what her superpower is.
  12. I appreciate your feedback into the size of the banners. Huge is rarely a good idea. At this point the banners on the second tier may be unnecessarily redundant. We'll examine our options there but for now they are placekeepers. Returning to Gene's question for a moment: There are some options available within the Special Topics that aren't available elsewhere. We'll explore those together.
  13. I'm not sure I understand the question so I'll say, "Yes" and plan to secretly adjust fire from there. I think you are talking about topics versus forums and in that case technically... No... topics cannot have these kind of banners. The term Special 'Topics' is something of a misnomer. The banners are coded in IPB Portal for 'forums' and 'subforums' only. So these are 'Special Forums' but for now we'll stick with calling them 'Special Topics'. Can you be a little more specific? We have a lot of options available to us and where there is a will there is generally a way.
  14. For what it's worth, I agree. I was about to ask that question. I'd guess they will get progressively smaller but more functional. There are a lot of options out there but we'll reserve those for now. For now it's a jumping off point and we want to give those who take the time to update these topics a place for their artwork. Forum text is cool and small images optimal but after all this is the Animation:Master forum! Most who frequent the forum will probably go directly to the new posts, bypass that level and not even see the banners. But hopefully it'll help direct some users to their favorite topics. Edit: I've got an idea that should serve everyone and maintain smaller banners. Thanks for the feedback!
  15. Presenting... the first iteration of the Special Topic banners. We'll have to devise a reliable way for the topic owner to update their own banner. As of this moment if you want to update the banner you can email it to me or just add the image to a post in your topic and I'll link it in. Special Topics Forum
  16. Thanks Paul, We'll most definitely hold your reservation. Your topic is the ultimate Work In Progress Demonstration topic as you've demo'd such a wide array of models, characters, styles, effects... the list goes on and on. Combine that with all the various methods and techniques you've incorporated into your work over the years and we begin to get a glimpse of the extent of the quality and quantity you've put into your projects. If I was half as talented with A:M as you are... I'd be awesome! Without knowing the specifics of your current situation I'm hopelessly lost to offer suggestions. I do hope that you'll be able to do some doodling, sketching or drawing. That'd keep the creative juices flowing as you enjoy a good break away from the computer. Take good care of yourself and keep in touch!
  17. I recall some of the problems I had initially with Light gels. If your objects have a surface color you may want to change that color to a neutral gray. I've found they also work well with white but black... not so much. A black surface will absorb the light. Also, consider turning down the intensity of the light. *and use a Klieg light* When in doubt start/test with a very simple object. The simpler the better when starting. (I often need this reminder) Once you've got that basic project working expand it's complexity and explore all the v ariables.
  18. Are you familiar with Light Lists? I believe that is what you are after. From page 178 of the Tech Ref: Note: It's possible Light Lists may have changed since this description was written but they should still operate in the same or similar fashion.
  19. I can sense the cool stuff SoulCage can create using projection mapping and light gels so I'm thrilled this topic came up. I have noticed occasions where dragging and dropping images onto a light didn't seem to work. This was likely user error on my part or I simply had my lights set up wrong, but all I knew at the time was that I wasn't getting the results I wanted. When I followed the guidance in the Tech Ref and Right Click'd on the Light and then added an image from the listing of available images, I've always got the right results. Note: Light Gels aren't just restricted to usage in Choreographies. They can be applied just as effectively, if not more so, via Actions. While I fully understand camera projection has taken on different methodologies in the realm of digital film and CG, 'real' camera projection has historically been accomplished through the projection of light.
  20. Guys, (and Gals), There is one realization that dawned on me pretty quickly as I've contemplate the organization and/or archiving of special topics; as long as the creator is highly active in the A:M Community there is little reason to archive a special topic. It's understandable that some topics will occasionally gather some dust but there will always be something really special about these special topics. Keeping a special topic up to date isn't a requirement but it most definitely is insurance against the inevitable archival process. Where possible it may be best to title your special project in such a way as to allow for changes of interest and projects. Thanks Chris. I sure wish I knew where special topics go after they die. That'd make this archival thing an easier process. Your special topic is something of an examplar of archival topics. It has been a very fun and inspirational project. While you may not have created a feature film right there in front of us, it will remain a great example of what someone can achieve when they put effort and heart into a project. If your special topic is archived and you decide to return to said topic, simply drop me a note and to the best of my ability and capability, and where not prohibited by common sense, fiat, exception or law, it shall herefortuitously and henceforthussly be resurrected and take on again the form and function of an active special topic. You may not see this now but archived special topics retain their special status and will, in theory if not in practice, enter into the everreal eternal pantheon of legendary community projects known as 'cool stuff'. As always, thanks for sharing your inspiration with us.
  21. Outstanding. The warpal tunnel to the Land of Zandoria is set to open any minute now.
  22. Okay, this'll be a stretch... but it's an option with a lot of possibilities in some particular situations. The downside is that you'll have to do a lot of planning from the beginning that you might not do otherwise. Light Gels. (See page 100-101 of the A:M Technical Reference for general setup and information) In order for this to work in the same fashion as camera projection you'll likely need to keep all your effected lights and models in grayscale (mid gray color should work best). This counters the loss of imagery projected due to the nature of Light Gels, where black color blocks light from projecting. One of the benefits is that this method tends to wrap the image around the object wherever the light touches. Another is that every object in the scene recieves the projected imagery. Another is that you can use this with Light Lists. (Note: I'd need to test this as I don't recall ever trying this) Yet another is that you can use Materials in place of the images as your light gels. Someone with an actual clue could probably figure out how to wrap multiple projections via an array of lights all the way around the focal point in a scene. I duly qualify as clueless and am out of my league so will defer to the experts on this. Not sure about all of this but as far as I can tell this would address your trouble areas: Check! Check! Edit: There are several ways to turn the images on/off in a Light Gel. One is to toggle off the Diffuse setting or 'Light Default Models' in the Light. Another more esoteric switch might be to use a sequence of images and the timing setting of the image to move to a frame with a transparent image.
  23. Amazing work Mark! She's looking great. It's easy to tell how much fun you are having too!
  24. Jason is out partying already. Happy Birthday Jason!
  25. Me too! It should be noted, these creators/subjects were identified as candidates for special topics because someone thought enough of them to take the time to say so. There is no pressure on any of the creators to create these special topics however. It's important the creators actually want to have a special topic forum. Some are content simply to keep their topics in the WIP forum and periodically update those. After creation of a special topic there is a underlying need to periodically update the topic or it will eventually be archived. No pressure there either, that's just the way special topics work. The reason you see Steve Shelton's special topic live already is that he's expressed interest in it also. I don't think Paul is able to maintain a special topic at this point. I hope he'll feel up to it in the near future. When he's ready all he has to do is say the word. Will, Zandoria should have been a special topic a long time ago. Give me a few days and it'll be ready to move into. Tore, Stand by a moment, one special topic coming up!
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