sprockets Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine! Learn to do radiosity renders
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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2023 in all areas

  1. There was a lot of interest in the Cap Your Mo, Summer Mo-Cap Challenge! The most frequent question I got was, "Do I really have to show myself in the video?" "Why, of course!" I answered, "That's half the fun, right?" There the interest diminished quite a bit! That video rule does seem to have warded many people off. But we do have a fine and worthy winner! The First Prize of a $150 Hash Store Credit, for mo-capping, bravery, and getting the one entry in on time goes to... @Wildsided Dan Skelton! "Only Fools and Horses" A $50 Hash Store Credit, for his not-in-by-the-deadline-but-I'm-glad-he-got-it-done entry goes to... @Shelton Steve Shelton! "Suspicious Mind" And for $0, my non-contest entry... "Leap" You can still enter! There's still money to be won! Complete a Mo-Cap Challenge entry by the end of Summer 2023 and we'll add it to the gallery above and you will win a $25 Hash Store Credit! Let's see some more Mo-Cap!
    1 point
  2. The information that has to be processed for a CP and the splines that intersect it and the patches they make is much greater than for a vertex and a facet in a polygon model. But now you're converting all those vertexes and facets into full CPs and patches and there is something A:M has to do called "finding" after every CP is added to a spline that seems to take exponentially longer as the CP count increases. My experience is that any model above 10,000 CPs is probably impractically tedious to edit. It's possible that if you wait long enough a 1.5 million vertex model might finish importing but the same can be said about a killer asteroid strike happening or the Sun running out of fuel.
    1 point
  3. After you import the Prop, you can put it in a Chor and model new splines there, I recall. Drag the Prop into a Chor. Create a new empty Model and drag that into the Chor. Select the Shortcut to Model, then choose Modeling Model to begin editing the Model with new splines. Snap to Surface (Shift + 9), which attempts to place new CPs on the surface of a Prop or other object already in the Chor was made for endeavors such as yours.
    1 point
  4. v19.5 is out now. Having a 19.5 suggests plans for a v20.
    1 point
  5. It is still possible to join our C++ study group! https://forums.hash.com/topic/52292-c-study-group-june-4-2023/
    1 point
  6. Who is interested learning C++ and computer programming? C++ is the core language of A:M and just about everything of importance in computing. You will like programming if you like using small things to make something bigger. We've done this group twice before and at least one person made it to the end each time! We've found a free curriculum on Udemy that does a good job of introducing C++ and programming itself, so you don't need to know programming already. What you will need is some time. The early exercises are easy but later ones will need about three hours of devoted attention to get done. Rodney and I can pretty much answer any question you might have about the projects in the course or the use of MS Visual Studio. The course leads up to a particle explosion display as the final project. This is my variation of it... Midway through the course I was able to make this character graphics game... Let me know if you are interested. Start date is TBD.
    1 point
  7. Collecting Comics
    1 point
  8. v19 will be the last for Macintosh support. A v19.5 is being tested for Windows.
    1 point
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