There was a lot of interest in the Cap Your Mo, Summer Mo-Cap Challenge! The most frequent question I got was, "Do I really have to show myself in the video?"
"Why, of course!" I answered, "That's half the fun, right?"
There the interest diminished quite a bit! That video rule does seem to have warded many people off.
But we do have a fine and worthy winner! The First Prize of a $150 Hash Store Credit, for mo-capping, bravery, and getting the one entry in on time goes to...
@Wildsided Dan Skelton!
"Only Fools and Horses"
A $50 Hash Store Credit, for his not-in-by-the-deadline-but-I'm-glad-he-got-it-done entry goes to...
@Shelton Steve Shelton!
"Suspicious Mind"
And for $0, my non-contest entry...
You can still enter!
There's still money to be won! Complete a Mo-Cap Challenge entry by the end of Summer 2023 and we'll add it to the gallery above and you will win a $25 Hash Store Credit!
Let's see some more Mo-Cap!