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  1. Today
  2. @Rodney If you are "signed in," I believe this page correctly links to each week's lecture and "problem set" (about half-way down the page) But you have to be signed in. https://learning.edx.org/course/course-v1:HarvardX+CS50+X/home
  3. Good point, forgot about VLC. I'll give that a try.
  4. VLC Media Player can do almost anything.
  5. Hmmm Windows Media Player doesn't support the encoding you used for that .AVI file. Anything else I should try to view it?
  6. It was just a silly attempt of me trying to change the catterpillar into another shape. When I had the model with pose it suddenly came to me to copy the keyframe of the baseframe into the first animation. First time I tried the original pose was shattered, but after some smart keyframing I could reach that baseframe. Then it was a question of positioning of the vertices and negleckt the bone hierarchy. h01kbah.avi catterpillar.zip
  7. Yesterday
  8. Bring your A:M questions to Live Answer Time at Noon CDT Saturday March 29, 2025 Singer Pearl Bailey was born on this day in 1918
  9. I like the caterpillar. Is he morphing into a butterfly?
  10. that is a fabulous creature!
  11. Last week
  12. @Rodney For our C++ use, the "main" line of the Caesar's Cypher program needs to define argv[] as char *, not "string" (which was shown in the lecture)... int main(int argc, char* argv[]) after that, you can treat any element of the argv[] array as you would a string, such as cout<<"Argument: "<< argv[1] <<endl; I presume this will be true for future programs that use command line arguments. I don't know why string doesn't work since it worked for them in C in the lecture.
  13. Here is another one. Inspired by the illustration of Lois Carrel's cover of Alice In Wonderland's Catterpillar. I'm beginning to get intrigued by a way to change the mesh of the model into another shape.
  14. MJL

    Walking Granny

    It's another case of trying to take a "shortcut" and making the trip longer than it should have been. Thanks for the help, it'sjustme, and Bobby. I appreciate it. Granny was never meant to be a "major" character and I was trying to make things quick and easy, which , of course, neither has happened. She just has one job, and that's to shuffle across the screen. I may give the 2001 rig a try Robcat, I sent you a private message. at first it said that you couldn't recieve messages, but then it looked like it went through. Here's the gist; The computer that I do AM on is located differently and not on the interweb. I tried downloading the 2 TSM2 instructions from u-tube using Realplayer Download, but got a message that said RP cannot download from that page, which is unusual because it normally has no problem. Is there another way to get my hands on those two videos?
  15. I had never seen the back of a Legoman before this. I didn't know he had holes in his butt. Two of them!
  16. robcat2075, everything worked out. You were right, we needed a spline in the middle.
  17. I did a quick once-over. It looks like the rig works, but I didn't do any weighting. There probably is something wrong somewhere in this model....the modeling definitely needs a lot of work. I tweaked a couple of things to make the bone positioning faster but it still needs quite a bit. Walker Granny_update_with_bones_and_constraints.mdl
  18. One solution is to use a boolean cutter instead of modeling it explicitly. To model it explicitly, i think you will need a spline bisecting the leg vertically to properly support the shape.
  19. New findings... If I drag my boneless, poseless, Granny into a new empty model... that causes a crash. If I COPY and PASTE just the mesh from Granny into a new model, then drag the Bones model into that, and don't move any bones to fit the model, the export from the Install Action doesn't crash and the resulting model appears to have a working rig. Constraining the "left Arm IK Control" to the Walker cause the hand and arm to appropriately follow the walker. the next step would be to do the above but also properly fit the bones to the Granny mesh.
  20. I decided to practice by making an animation of a Lego man, but already at the modeling stage there was a problem. I don't know how to make a hole on an uneven surface.
  21. One of the places I used to frequent most on the Hash website, besides the gallery sections was the "A:M Users" area. They did a great job making it feel like a community of 3D artists. In 1999, I connected with Paul Sterling through A:M Users after seeing he was based in Oakville where I was living at the time. We chatted via email and when we decided to meet for coffee realized we lived literally five minutes away each other! We were both graduates of the Illustration program at Sheridan College and like many college grads continued to live in the city. Paul was working on pitching an animated series based on a script his friend had written and asked if I was interested in helping out. It was called "Guardian Force" unfortunately it never got off the ground partly because Paul started a web design company with his roommate, where I ended up working for the next few years. With the help of the Wayback Machine, I was able to look back to when Paul and I had our websites linked to the A:M Users pages.
  22. I tried doing the LiteRig process again, starting with a clean Granny, with no bones and no poses but it still crashes when i go to export a model from the Install Pose. If I make a simple test case of a vase with a couple bones and export that from an Action I don't get a crash so there must be something about this more complex situation that is the problem. If I start a blank model, drag the Bones model into it, open the Install Action with that blank model... force the keys, save the PRJ... then export a mdl from the Action, that also does not crash. But of course, there's no Granny in that. There is something about the Granny model that is a problem If someone can make it all work, I would be curious to see that.
  23. @Jason Simonds so will you message me about the work around?
  24. I experimented with the Thom (2001_Skeleton) model. Thom_0000-0240.mp4 GrannyWalker_Test1.prj
  25. MJL

    Walking Granny

    I'll probably try both in the interests of gaining knowledge. As always, Thank You Robcat.
  26. @MJL I realized I did something wrong when I tried to do Holmes' process.... i deleted all the bones in the model but I didn't delete all the relationships that were still in the model from previous rigging attempts. They ALL have to go before starting to rig again. I don't have time to try it all again today to see if it still crashes, but you might look into that. Or... stick with TSM2
  27. @MJL I tried following the instructions in Holmes's Lite Rig post. I always get a crash when i try to export the new model from the "install" action. I think that's the step that would incorporate the missing nulls into the model so i'm guessing you haven't completed that step either. I don't see a way to proceed without that step completed. If i had to get a model rigged today... i'd go with TSM2
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