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Taking a short break from organics and characters.

I'm trying to work out some architecture now.


Here's the dome for a cathedral. Fair quick to model using extrude and duplicate in several ways. The texture is a small patch-image, not intended to be definitive.


This is the result of some 1 hour work so far.








Comments welcome!!!



Emilio Le Roux

Mosca Films

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Yes, I'd like to make some paintings in the dome. But first I'll go ahead with the building.


I built some archways and their union to the dome. I had to use some 5 point patches in this union, which does not make me so happy but i spent a lot of time looking for other solutions.







Emilio Le Roux

Mosca Films


Another update. I think I'm doing faster that I thought.



I built almost all the cathedral ceiling, with its archings and all. Also, I added glass windows, including a texture map.


I'm using very little transparency for the glass. Instead I decided to use an ambience map along with GLOW on.


The texture tile (patch image) for the concrete was updated, and I am thinking about NOT texturing by hand all the building, but keeping the patch image style (with exception of the details like windows, paintings...)







I'd really like a floor plant.

Now for the columns... nah, now to bed, tomorrow for the columns.




Emilio Le Roux

Mosca Films


Thanks William!


KenH: it's a patch image.



I think patch images are one of the coolests AM exclusive features, and -perhaps as they are so related to the patch concept - I also think is a often overseen feature.


Patch images show in every patch, adapted to the full size and shape of the patch. So, they are very useful to create a seamless texture, but also you could create tiles with obvious seams between them.


In this case, i used a 128x128 color and bump map, complete with deep borders. Note the 'crosses' that this border creates on the ceiling. But I'll have to increase this resolution since texture is too gross for this model.


The color tile:



the bump tile:



and the rendering.



Emilio Le Roux

Mosca Films


The patch image looks great!


The one problem I see is that on the lower roofs there is some serious stretching. I would suggest using the stitch tool to subdivide those patches and make them closer to the size of the patches in the dome. Looking really good, especially in the dome.




Now this is kind of a vote :)


I tried another patch image:




and the result is:





Do you like it more than the earlier posts?


Emilio Le Roux

Mosca Films


Thanks Will!


I think you are right. Also, I think the bricks don't belong here. They could be used in the underground crypt, which is supposed to have roughly the same format of the cathedral, but a more rustic finish.


Back to the "single concrete block" tile idea. Along with the new columns. (the middle part of the column uses a different patch image to simulate some bass relief)




and then some inner archways...




Now I feel i'm slowing down because of some lack of references. I'll look for more images now.



Emilio Le Roux

Mosca Films



PD Do you think these images are too big for the forum?


Great work Emilio, :D

I wonder if you could create a couple of tiled images which were prestretched/squashed to compensate. You've inspired me to create some patch images.


I've never found achitectural stuff or mechanical stuff to be a problem in AM. Never understood how people thought so strongly otherwise. The modeller (once I spent my year in purgatory with it) is a lot of fun to use and very quick. And since it's pretty strong with organics, adding those human details to mechanical things is very simple as well.


Didn't mean to hijack the thread.... continue on. I'm just up waaaaay too late and feeling a bit loopy. :blink:

  • 2 weeks later...



That's a nice model. I've just seen your post here. Now I understand your plugin idea.


I hope you plan to use photon mapping in your cathedral when finished. This would be a nice environment for it.




Neato work. I do hope that you give photon mapping a try on this when it get's done. Or stage a vampire fight in it with whatever lighting you want. Those are the only two choices I see with this work.


One thing you might look at (risking deletion now...) is Wings3D for your shapes that are purely polygonal. I don't use it much, but If I needed to knock out some pews, altars, and other boxy items, I might give it a try.


Thanks for posting this. I enjoy seeing other artists work through their process.


Thanks for your comments!


pdaley: I know several people use Wings 3D, but I prefer to stick with AM. It's not a matter of loyalty or something, but I feel very comfortable with Animation Master even for very simple models, like boxes etc...


Except, of course, I find a modeling task that's impossible or very difficult in AM. But I prefer to avoid importing /exporting tasks.






Amazing. I was working on a gothic cathedral but it's no where near this good. I might just give up compared to this.


But in case I don't give up ;)



You mentioned "patches" in the thread when it came to the look. I'm still using v8.5. Is that feature available on that version?

Does anyone know of a good tut for patches?



I had honestly thought of making a site with a small tut on the gothic cathedral for us n00bies, but after seeing this...I am truely humbled.




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