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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Hello, all.


Well, this week's Animation Showdown got me really down, so I decided to cheer myself up with a new head.


(Some people say a new brain is in order instead, but I just laugh at them. Hysterically. Until the persons in white coats come...)


Anyway, here he is thus far, in a quick turnaround. He's my usual low-patch cartoony fare, but I think he might have potential for the future.


I do wonder where to go with him next, as far as clothes and a body of some sort. Right now I'm leaning toward a gas station uniform, but I don't know why. Suggestions welcome.


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Thanks, Mike and Ken!


I'd suggest deleting some splines on the side of the head as it looks like overkill from that angle.


Hmmmm.... you may be right. Those splines loop under the chin, but I don't think they're doing anything essential there.

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  • Hash Fellow

How about somewhat bigger eyes?


"The better to peer at things, my dear"


Since they have no pupils, will they slide around on that flat area to indicate direction? That would be novel, we don't see much of that in 3D.

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Since they have no pupils, will they slide around on that flat area to indicate direction? That would be novel, we don't see much of that in 3D.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm.... maybe!


The eyes are sort of influenced by Keith Lango's characters in his short film "Lunch," so I'll have to watch that again and see how he handles that. I had thought it would just be a head-turn thing with the eyes staying still, but I really like your suggestion, Robcat.

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When I look at models like this, I try to see the "character". The impression I get with this guy is that he's a worry-wart... somewhat anal retentive... and maybe not all that bright... he doesn't know alot so he relies on the"rules" to guide him through life.


As, such, he could be anything from an accountant, or underling (yes man) of a big boss, to some form of scientist or researcher, mathmatician, there's quite a few possibilities. Bottom line for this character, rules and numbers govern this person's life.


Or maybe I haven't had my medication today... :lol:


My two cents,


Steve P.

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...and here's the wireframe. (He's not actually been Copy/Flip/Attached yet, so his middle splines are peaked but they won't be in the final version.)


I think he's going to have a potbelly. Hope he's taken his heart attack medication.


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Hey Zach, looks pretty good so far. I am however confused I suppose by the way you have layed down your splines. There doesn't seem to be any rhym or reason behind the areas that have a lot of detail.

I would suggest printing out a wireframe of the side and front of the model. Then.... this is what I do, if I can(I know not everyone can do this especially if married).....

when going to sleep I bring the printouts and a pencil with me and I study the mesh.... look for what's not necessary. Then mark it up with your pencil. You'll find what needs to go. Then next time you rev up A:M, try cutting out the unnecessary splines.

Immediately what I see should go are the number of spline loops between the top lip and bottom nose. There should be one spline loop between nose and top lip. that's all you need.

Give it a shot.

Mike Fitz


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Hi, Mike; thanks for the crits. That's what I need. :)


You mean the splines that loop around the mouth, right? I think I put those there for a reason, but I can't remember what it was, so you're probably right.


When it comes time for making face poses, I'll try it both ways and see what works better.



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He kind of reminds me of Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants.

Not anymore, I'll bet. :lol:


I'm still making a regular human bean, too, but I thought I might as well try for those Valuable Prizes.


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