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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Well you 'orrible lot, I nearly had to blow this venue out since I was supposed to help out with a diver training expedition but alas that HAS been blown out ( I think I would rather go to Hash do anyway :D )


So I have permission from the 'Missus Almighty' to join you, and whats more bring a spanking brand new laptop! So if you have any work that you want to display or renders to review bring them on. The only thing is I don't know if it has got Quicktime on the laptop. If it hasn't I'll try and put in on this evening when I get the lappie - cannot promise it though :(


Anyway, I will see you lot there - looking forward to it!

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Our first meeting was a great success - I've put a page up with the pictures I took here. I'll write in more detail when I get some more spare time. Thanks to everyone for making it an inspiring afternoon/evening.


Paul.. if you email me the pictures you took I'll add them to the page.

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Well I enjoyed meself, and it was great to finally meet some other Hashers in UK and not online. The only problem we had was no sound on the laptop for some reason it had turned itself off. I tried all sorts of things to get it to work, but alas they all failed (I also forgot the mouse - that would have helped too).


Anyway, when I got home went through the manual and still couldn't work it out. Then I plugged my headphones in and the sound still didn't work. I was now thinking my stepson was not going to be too impressed that I had broken his laptop. Then as I was unplugging me headphones...




There is a volume control on the side of the laptop which had been turned right down when I put the laptop in its carry case...


Well, guess I am not used to laptops... or computers ;)


Looking forward to the next venue!

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Hey guys, I think you need to pull your weight a little here! I am the only one even nearly approaching Vern quality baldness and I am the youngest there (I think).


After seeing those photos, the old clipper came out to play. Next time you see me I will resemble an army man - shaved and ready for action.


The meeting was certainly a sucess. Looking forward to doing it again.

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Great site! - I can see this becoming the official chronical of all things GLAM/LA:MU. Depending on where and how we should definately try to do more of the same in the non-too-distant.


oh, Just for clarification I wasn't using TSM2 I was using an altered TSM1 rig with added FK spine functionality. I've yet to experience the joys of TSM2 but the example model has made more than slightly interested.

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If anyone is in desperate need of a haircut, it surely has to be me! ............ and I seem to have been permanently stuck to that side of the wall during the afternoon.


Anyway, I had a great time too, thanks guys and brilliant site Paul. I rather like BAM (British Animation Masters), especially considering none of us actually hailed from London, but I guess it doesn't really matter what we call ourselves. :)

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Well, Paul you sligh old bugger! You sat there all day not saying much and then you launch a website on us - GLA:M Gang - and I couldn't stop laughing at the picture and title! Any chance of super imposing you and me on that photo? I wouldn't want Sam, Keates and Milligan getting all the publicity :D Then again, perhaps that would be a better idea to keep a low profile.


Anyway, keep up the work on the website and if you need any help with it let me know I MIGHT be able to help ;) If you want to post links to my websites feel free.


Well, all I can say is I hope these meetings continue and the work by its members flourishes. Big thanks to Sam for getting the venue, it was nice having a room to ourselves instead of standing around in some dingy old pub (Not that the pub we were in was dingy).

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I was going to post earlier to say "Great Job" and the usually about your awesome efforts... but I figured it might be best to let you enjoy the moment with the rest of the membership.


Can't resist any longer.


I just want to complement you all on the excellent efforts put forth thus far and wish you prosperity in your future endeavors.


Long live BAM! (or whatever you decide to call it)


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I just want to complement you all on the excellent efforts put forth thus far and wish you prosperity in your future endeavors.


Why, thank you, Rodney!


I'd just like to say how much I admire your mighty efforts here on the Forum pages. You're all over the place guiding people, mediating, inspiring, comforting and generally being good natured, down to earth and helpful. There is a really good spirit here in this community, which encompasses so many continents, cultures and personalities, and I notice your efforts in keeping it light and breezy and civilised. You have a pleasant manner and you keep people informed, following up loose threads and the like. Very efficient!


Your not a robot are you? :)


I hope we can make the BAM website entertaining, inspiring and informative as well as being a showcase for British A:M artists / animators.


Thanks again, Rodney.


Paul Forwood

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Don't tell anyone but if you'll look back through the posts you'll notice that Steve disappeared about the same time I showed up.

Its all a plot to smuggle him into the UKand dispand the the BAM LAMU gang...


I told you that the Hash gang are all out to get us UK users, it's a Mel Gibson thing :ph34r:


Now where did I put my medicine... Oh, do I really have to take it...

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Hi Paul,


Nice site and nice logos. My favourite one is the green version of BA:M (a fab group name). I'm not too sure about 'British Animation Monsters' though - I'm glad I'm not in that photo with that name stuck on the side :D It's great to read a summary of the meeting and I'll try to get to one in the future. Interesting information links as well.


Thanks for your efforts,



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Hi, Steven.


Sorry you couldn't make it to the meeting at the start of the month. hope to see you at a future gathering.


The Animation Monsters was just a stupid joke and as Halloween falls on the last day of this month I thought I would let it ride. :unsure: Funnily enough, you are the first to comment on it. Personally, I don't feel that I have earned the title of Master but I must say that other members of BAM/LAMU are much more deserving of the title. Maybe we should call ourselves 3 A:M egos x 2. (Bad joke, I know)


Anyway, Steven, nice to hear from you. Do you have a link to any of your creative output?


All the best.


Paul Forwood

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Sound's like you had a good time .Wanted to be there aswell but forgot that I was on holliday at the same time .I hope there are more meetings so that I can meet you all .I'm in Peterborough not a million miles away .Will keep my eyes on this thread cheers


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Hi, Steve392.


Maybe next time, eh?


It's alot further to travel from Peterborough than any of us had to travel so you are certainly excused for not making it. Hope to see you next time.


Can I add a link from the BAM site to your website, Steve?


Any other UK based Hashers who want a link added send your name and web address to:




Subject should be 'LINKS'.


Cheers. :)


Paul Forwood

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I bought a USB numeric pad and haven't had any problems what-so-ever; no setting up needed, I just plug it in a go. It's a Swann Multi Keypad which cost me about £22 at the time and comes with the addition of two extra USB ports which can be handy.


Unfortunately, I see Amazon don't sell it anymore (they say it's either out of stock or discontinued) and in my quick search I couldn't find another reseller that has it. Here's the manufacturer's information on it:




The multimedia key is useless though as I have to put ten tonnes of pressure on it for it to work. I hope this information helps in some way and that it's not too difficult to find.



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Let's all get together in one room again and plot world domination

It will be even more sensational now that I have figured out the volume button on the Laptop :D


I'd be interested, I have a few updates to show and some questions to ask :blink:

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Just to let you know that I have another gig on Wed 17 of this month (this wednesday) at the Doublin Castle.


There is more info here:




Sorry to abuse the forum like this, but I couldn't resist a little targeted marketing here :P


Oh, and I will definitely be up for another meeting. I got fed up with the complexities of 'realistic' animation and have started on a really simple short. I will have some animation for you to laugh at this time!

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Wednesday 17th?

Why, that's today, John!

Sorry, can't make it tonight but just keep playing and I'll make it at some point. 'Break a leg', as they say.


Regarding the BA:M! gathering, I am up for that. Has anyone thought about venues closer to home as we all seem to be south of London? Not that he Chocolate Factory wasn't a good venue, it was, but it just seemed unnessesary to treck into town and out again.


Sorry about not updating the BAM site yet. I haven't been able to give it my attention for a while but will update in the next few days.


Looking forward to another productive and fun BA:M session!



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  • 1 month later...

South hill park is a great place and not to far for me but it may be a little far for the others. I don't know if it has a room that we could used but you never know.


Last time everyone went by train. Bracknell is easy to get to from London by train but how far away is south hill park from the station?


I should contact the Kingston theatre to see if we could use it but I expect that it will be cold at this time of year as they are still £6 000 000 off completing it (all the money goes to London). This could mean that it would be rather chilly at this time of year.

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South Hill Park is only about 1.5 miles from the station, and I think there are regular buses to there. Could even get a taxi. You could be the taxi :D That or a slight jog... ;)


It's been a while since I've been there and I'm not entirely sure what's available, but they've been renovating and expanding so I'd guess there's something of the right size. They've even got a small cinema there. I'll give them a tinkle if people think it's within range to see what's available and how much it might cost.


The 'Rose of Kingston' looks like a great place. We could ask for the Green Room or something and I would imagine it wouldn't be too cold. Might be cheaper because it's still under development. Maybe we could be part of the hall of fame there: "The 'British Animation:Masterers' woz ere" poster on their notice board saying we were one of the first people in there. How could they pass that opportunity up? B)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve had a response from South Hill Park saying that each room they have is £50+VAT an hour (£58.75). He said that they try to “accommodate the varying budget constraints of our varied client base” so we might be able to knock a few quid off that.


The 60 seat cinema they’ve got there also costs £58.75 per hour and he says laptops can easily be connected to the projector. What do you think about just hiring the cinema room and using the projector to show stuff? Just a though.


It’s unclear exactly when rooms are bookable as so many groups use the place and it varies so much, but it sounds like rooms are frequently available even at short notice. So, if six of us go, that makes it £9.79 each per hour. How long did you book the room for last time? Do you think we need access to the Internet? They have a digital media suite there which can also be booked.


Let me know what you think.



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Thanks for checking out South Hill Park, Steven. It looks like they have some useful facilities there! I think it might be rather more expensive than we could justify at the moment. The last meeting lasted all afternoon and into the evening, with only five of us, and we could have gone on longer. I doubt that many would be willing to pay £40 - £50 for the privilege but it would be cool to see everyones work projected on a big screen.


I don't know really. We need to see what all the others, and hopefully some new folk, think of the idea. Personally I think that, until the numbers get larger than can comfortably fit into a small room, we can manage to meet up for virtually nothing. I'll start looking for somewhere too but in the meantime perhaps some other British A:M users could chime in with their preferences and possible venues for a future meeting. The Chocolate Factory was a cool place to meet and is in central London, (all roads lead to London), but we were relying on the benevolence of the owner who is an associate of Sam. Or rather I think Sam got he venue as repayment for favours that Sam had done for him.


We might be better off approaching a college. Most of them run media courses these days and wil have projectors or electronic whiteboards.


Anyone else want to voice an opinion?


Hello... hello... HELLO?



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Crikey. Just had an unexpected phone call from South Hill Park and the cinema sounds as though it is available almost every morning including weekends. He instantly dropped the hire price by 50% (with some carefully worded phrases from me ;) ) so that 5 hours would be £125 which would make six of us going have to pay a total of £20 each. Obviously the more people that go, the lower the cost for each person.


He said the connection point for the laptop is at the front of the room just under the screen so the person making the presentation is in the same room. The screen is bookable from 9:00am on a Saturday and 11:00am on a Sunday. There are some Sundays that have matinee performances so we’d need to make sure of about that.


You can pre-order your grub from the bistro there so that won’t be a problem. There’s sandwiches and the like available all day.


Is that more in the price range we are looking at? I want it to be as low as possible as well (as I’ve got no work in at the moment), with just the price of travel as the only cost. But to get a cinema; I like the sound of that :D



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You should be able to get a travel card into town for well under a tenner, probably nearer £5.00, which will cover you for all the trains. You could get in early or stay late and take in the galleries or nip into MOMI.


Yeah! As far as I'm concerned, Sam, the Chocolate Factory would be great! :)

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You can get a day return super-saver for about a tenner... or at least you could - but they put the prices up recently so I dunno. I might try and combine it with a trip around London (the underground pass costs little more if you include it with the ticket).

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Looking at the lack of posts, do we need to start a new thread called ‘BA:M British Animation:Masters’ so that people don’t think it’s just for London based users? How about putting a message in the main ‘Animation:Master’ section incase people aren’t aware of this thread?


Obviously I’d prefer to go to South Hill Park as it’s just down the road from me, but if everybody wants to go to London, I’ll tag along. Grudgingly ;)



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