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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

switching installed machines / support


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Hi all - I've purchased a pc for A:M.  Initially I installed A:M on a Mac (no good).  Now I wish to switch my installation to my pc and have contacted support.  How long can I expect to wait, want to scale my expectations and not be too impatient? - but I am anxious to get going.  I've even thought of purchasing it again and then asking for a refund for the initial purchase if it is going to take too long.

Thank you.  


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Let me know if you'd like a brief tutorial, I've had XP running in a VM on both Linux and Win 10.    Currently experimenting with getting AM going in a vm, I don't see any reason it wouldn't work so long as you can pass the CD drive through to the VM.    You might be limited to software 3D though, I don't know how GPU passthrough works with virtualbox.

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Thanks all.  I'll muddle through with my Mac until support gets on this.  I worked a bit with it this weekend and it's not as bad as I initially thought it would be.  Granted I'm not rendering any scenes yet, just modeling, but I've got enough tutorials to get through at the moment.  I'll be patient.  

Appreciate all the thoughts.  Looking forward to getting the new version up and running on PC though.  

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