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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • Hash Fellow

Hmmm... I suppose my gambit would be to prepare it for a cylinder wrap but each of the hair spikes would be a separate cone.


Cheers for the suggestion Robert. I managed to get him mostly flattened. He looks like an Eldritch Abomination or now I'm thinking about it he looks a bit like what the Jokers' face looks like after he slices it off and wears it as a mask in Batman - Death of the family (Don't quote me on that title).  Hopefully have something to show soon.


He's coming along. His design has always had eyebrows, just for some reason I never added them to his original puppet or 3d model.

textured and furred0 copy.png

  • 4 weeks later...

Been thinking about possibly making YouTube videos again. If I did they would be Minecraft based. So I took some time and modded Tech into Mineraft. But I also wanted to be able to add in animated cutaways so I have also modelled and Rigged my avatar and Tech within A:M. 

Minecraft uses a dual layer system for its skins. The outer layer gives more depth to the avatar but only consists of a slightly enlarged duplicate of the inner layer which has no thickness so from it looks odd from some angles. For the models I'll be using in the cutaways I've added thickness to the outer layer to give it depth and consistancy while keeping the overall look of the game.


3 dans0.pngDan and tech0.png

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Progress has been made on the new project. Tech and Dan are now fully modelled and can blink, wink both eyes individually and have a full set of pose controlled phonemes.

 Tech Dan and gem0.png

The girl on the left is the avatar of YouTuber Geminitay who makes videos on a group server called Hermitcraft. She will not be appearing in the new project, I'm using her as an experiment to see how well the mouth I've made will fit into a skin in that style. A lot of female Minecraft skins use this style of having the eyes low down on the head and it doesn't leave much room for a mouth. Not that it matters as Minecraft characters don't usually have mouths. So I am planning on installing a mouth and seeing how it looks in practice.

  • 2 months later...

Just realised I never followed up with this. I did end up adding a mouth and it works pretty well. Also ignore the fact she looks a bit sozzled.





Quick question regarding animated decals.

I have a 16 frame animation that I've applied to a patch and set length to 1 second. This makes the animation play out over the course of 1 second (obviously).

If the choreography is 2 seconds long, the animation plays over the course of the 1st second and then stops. I can set the duration of the animation to 2 seconds but that makes the sequence half speed.

What I want to happen is have the animation sequence loop back to frame 1 at the beginning of second 2 but I can't figure out how to do it. Is this doable or do I need to make a longer sequence with repeating frames?

  • Hash Fellow

In the Chor, Show More Than Drivers to expose the model's Decals folder.

There you can keyframe values for "frame".

The curve for a decal that plays twice will look something like this...




The opening part of the MC project starts in a local grocery store. I designed and built it in MC (along with a decent sized chunk of the surrounding street) with the intention of using a program called JMC2OBJ to export the map as a model into A:M. Sadly a lot of the mods I used to make the set were incompatible with JMC2OBJ. So I've been recreating the set directly in A:M. She's taking a little while but she's coming along.


For Context



  • Hash Fellow

If you want a characteristic florescent tube light effect you can path constrain a light on a spline and use multipass.

5 hours ago, robcat2075 said:

If you want a characteristic florescent tube light effect you can path constrain a light on a spline and use multipass.

Funny you should mention that, as I was looking at that forum thread the other day and tested it out.

Multipass even at 16 passes, which I think was the minimum suggested in the thread, greatly increased render times.

But I have it set up now so I might use it for still images down the road. Probs just stick with a single light for each tube for animation. Maybe adding a small glow effect to the tubes would sell the effect a bit more.

  • Hash Fellow
1 minute ago, Wildsided said:

Multipass even at 16 passes, which I think was the minimum suggested in the thread, greatly increased render times.

Yeah, but the computer can work while you sleep.

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so the main floor layout is pretty much complete. I still need to do the Deli/Bakery section in the back left of the store. The rest of the store like the back offices, storage and produce prep area won't be shown on camera so everything beyond the bakery area will be empty and just walls for the exterior shots. Then I can move on to making the rest of the surrounding street (Which will all just be facades and should take a lot less time. Then we can get down to the business of killing off the protagonist.

Store aisles .png

Store more.png

  • Wildsided changed the title to Minecraft Experiment

Damn Daniel! Back at it again with the white Van.

I had previously built a few vehicles for the car park using a mod called chisels and bits. I've now started rebuilding them in A:M.

White Van0.png

  • Hash Fellow
3 hours ago, Wildsided said:

 the white Van...

That is very disorienting to see those jaggies  :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally have all the voxel vehicles I built in MC rebuilt in A:M. Now I can make some colour variations (a process that is a lot quicker in A:M) and get them put in the car park.


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I've always suspected that I was an idiot and recently managed to confirm it.

This Minecraft experiment I've been working on since last April is called "I Got Reincarnated in Minecraft" and everything I'd done so far was to go towards episode 1. In said episode the main character is supposed to die and be reincarnated in a Minecraft like world. Is anyone seeing the problem yet?

I MADE EVERYTHING LOOK LIKE MINECRAFT! Why would he be being reincarnated in a Minecraft like world if he was already in one? 

Having noticed this glaringly obvious error I have started working on a new opening scene. Meet the tentatively named, Isaac 'Zack' Last name tbd.



He is a night security guard who be our murder victim. He's very bald at the moment but his beard is majestic. 


  • love 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty much nailed down the layout of the security office/booth where Zack will start his ill fated date with destiny. Still need to finish making that chair, put things on the monitors and I think I want to put a fan in there somewhere.



  • 2 weeks later...

Work continues on the IGRIM intro. Got a few more details of the office and Zack done done and built a shipping container. Needs colouring obviously.




  • 4 weeks later...

I decided the villains that are robbing the protag's place of work needed to arrive in, and be loading loot into, something. So I went looking for a free van model online. Found a really great looking but totally non-A:M friendly Fiat Ducato (Also called a Ram Pro Master). So I split it into it's component parts and rebuilt it into something A:M likes much better.

Just finished the rebuild so here it is uncoloured with toon and non-toon shading.

van resave.png

van no toon resave.png


  • Like 2
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Just a couple of crims, ready to go on the rob.

I've been calling the one on the right, Robin (Banks) and the one on the left doesn't have a name, but I inadvertently dressed him like Shaggy from Scooby Doo, so that may be canon now.

Couple of crims0 copy.jpg


  • Like 1

My mum, wife and daughter have all independently told me that Zach looks like me. So I leaned into it and gave him my receding hairline and male pattern baldness.

Zach Cross for AM front.pngZach Cross for AM Back.png

  • Haha 1

Robbers 1 2 & 3 are rigged and ready to go on a heist. I still need to rig Zach and Terry, the mastermind behind this whole affair.


  • Like 3

Did a bit of testing of the models for fun. This doesn't actually happen in the story. Also Zach doesn't have any kind of mouth rigging/posing yet so his open mouth is photoshopped.

run robbers0.png

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The rough script I have been working on calls for the van full of crims to pull up on the street outside Zach's work. So I have been cobbling one together. It's a bit dark right now. Still need to strike a balance between "It's nighttime" and "The audience needs to see what's going on." Adding some light from within the yard in the background will probs fix a lot of it.

van street0.png

  • Hash Fellow

Keep the artificial lights yellowish, but make the environment light bluish. And less sharp shadows from the environment light...




Funnily enough there is a big blue light in the sky above the scene to represent the moon. it just wasn't very pronounced I guess.

Also you just reminded me of the Hallmark Christmas movie I watched last year where they clearly filmed a scene in the middle of the day but dimmed it in editing and added a blue filter because it was supposed to be night time.

  • Hash Fellow

It's possible to do day-for-night well and possible to do day-for-night badly.

Most of the "night" in Lord of the Rings was artificial but it looks right...


But when I sample that white van in PS it seems to be absolutely neutral gray with no hint of blue in the light falling on it.


On 4/1/2023 at 11:15 PM, robcat2075 said:

But when I sample that white van in PS it seems to be absolutely neutral gray with no hint of blue in the light falling on it.


That's because I apparently had 2 lights up there and the one that was on was a white light. Don't ask me why I had 2 lights in basically the same place because I have no idea. Anyway, I did a basic animation of the van pulling into frame and rendered it out at a quarter of the final resolution.



  • Hash Fellow

In an animation class about "overlapping motion" I recall they showed a very interesting slow-mo of how vehicles stop.  After the wheels stop, the body continues moving forward slightly, then loops down and back up to its resting spot. The vertical element is most pronounced at the front of the vehicle and least so at the back.



Alright, Boyeeeez (and girlz), I've just renewed for another year. Looks like you're stuck with me until at least 2024. 

  • clap 1
  • Hash Fellow
On 4/7/2023 at 12:23 PM, Wildsided said:

Alright, Boyeeeez (and girlz), I've just renewed for another year. Looks like you're stuck with me until at least 2024. 

Yay, we still have Dan Skelton to kick around!

  • 1 month later...

Been a while since I posted an update so here's the first minute (55 seconds) of the intro to I Got Reincarnated in Minecraft.


  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone,

I've been away for a while because I've been working on this Minecraft project and it has reached what I imagine will be its final form. I have abandoned the idea of making the show fully animated. It's too much work for one person to be able to make (and render) enough content to satisfy the YouTube algorithm (or at least to produce something I would feel comfortable posting regularly enough).

So I went back to the drawing board and settled on making a Modded Minecraft Let's Play series with the twist of there being an overarching storyline and lore behind the show.

If you're interested then here's a link to the episode playlist 

If you're only interested in A:M stuff then episode 07 has a section animated fully in A:M and Episode 09 contains a partially animated but mostly made in A:M comic strip style cutscene. Funnily enough, the motion comic is based on an idea I played with way back in 2014.

Anyway, that's all.

  • clap 1
  • Hash Fellow

10 episodes! I had no idea you had put that much together.

I have no knowledge of Minecraft so I can't begin to imagine what is involved in making all that. But somehow you've made a TV series in a game?

I had missed your update on June 5, The A:M part looks promising too.


I record gameplay footage on Thursday and Friday, with a rough idea of what I want to accomplish (say building something or making an automated farm etc).

Then Saturday through Tuesday I write a script, record it and edit everything together to release on Wednesday. If there's time I try and weave in a bit of the ongoing narrative.

I'm trying to make it (and behave) as if the game were a real world. So whereas in the game you wouldn't think twice about going into a house and taking things you find inside. In Voxel Tales, Dan (who just assumed he's playing the game normally) gets in trouble for doing so and has to apologize and make it right with the man he stole from.

  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone. 

Dunno if anyone is interested but the latest episode of Voxel Tales contains quite a lot of A:M generated stuff. If you fancy checking it out. 


  • Like 1

Nicely done and nicely included. :)
I can see what was done in A:M and what was native Minecraft but I really have to concentrate on it and that means it is very well done. :)

Best regards

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