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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Folks my eyes are getting crossed.

For some strange reason which escapes me I have now lost my wizards.

If i right click in window the menu that comes up has lost EXPORT and WIZARDS.

Where did they go? How do I get them back?

Sure could use some help here 'ole wise ones'

Animation MasterImage005.jpg

  • Hash Fellow

It should be between View and Properties

I don't use a Mac but you might try Help>Reset Settings, then reboot.


Right click here my wizards are under plug-ins. Wild guess but did you lose the directory in the preferences for the plug-ins? Open the preferences and see if it is listed in the folders tab. That's my edumacated guess.


  • Hash Fellow

Are you permanently on v18?

Just to try... if you have time to kill... no promises... you might try installing an earlier version to see if it is any different.

Earlier versions of v18 are on the ftp site also


I currently have ver. 16, 17, 18 on my main drive and ver.19 on a different drive, All the same. 

No Plugins, wizards and no Export.....


Did you check "Tools > Options > Folders" as Ken said?
Sounds like something messed up there... if that folder is not available and does not hold the HXT-files, you are very likely not seeing any plugins anymore.

If there is no folder in there or the folder is wrong/not existent anymore on your system, you would have to click on the new button (upper right next to the delete button) and specify the right folder for your HXT-Plugins there.

Best regards



Hi Fuchur, Thanks for the response, no go there either. I even went into the system and checked the folder

it was locked so I unlocked it then reselected it in AM did not work.

I just don't understand how I am working along then want to EXPORT it and that option is no longer there, thats when I noticed the Plugins were gone also.

Thanks for the help....maybe one day it will stop having a fit and start working again...


Animation MasterImage004.jpg

Animation MasterImage005.jpg

  • Hash Fellow

Since you have the problem in v19, you can put in a bug report.

Do the screen capture that shows the missing menu item in v19 and include that in your report.


Hey Walter, what version of OS X are you running? I'm running Sierra (10.12) and my plugins are still available in the menu. I know my work computer is running High Sierra (10.13) and I ran into some issues with not being able to see GUI elements in the Open window (specifically it would ask me to find a missing file, but not display the name of the file that was missing.)

There was a note in the latest release that they weren't supporting newer versions of the OS.


Hi Mark,  I am running High Sierra 10.13.6

The thing about this mystery is that up until Last week It was working fine. I had Export because I had exported my model 

to try in Blender, worked fine...I had the Plugins because I used them to 'Split/Patch' on the model several times. All in ver.18....

(I had at that time ver.16,18,19....) So through many efforts to find the problem I tried the Re-install so took them out and 

installed them again....no help. Still NO Plugins or Export.....huh a mystery....

  • Hash Fellow
8 minutes ago, Walter Baker said:

Hi Mark,  I am running High Sierra 10.13.6


10.13.6 is the last supported version according to Steffen's release note, so that should not be the problem. A bug report is a good idea.



latest supported version is OSX 10.13.6, because my mac can't be updated to a newer OSX version


  • Hash Fellow

go to reports.hash.com and fill out the form. Make sure you have v19 selected.


I can do it if you post the screen capture here.

  • Hash Fellow


Whenever you start A:M a file is created in your Hash>v19 directory called "master.log" that captures some info about your install. if you could include that too in your report, that might be useful.


Well an UPDATE....

I removed ver.19 

Purchased a 1 year subscription of ver.19 , dowloaded and installed. (assuming a complete new install would fix problem)

Entered NEW activation code....opened up a model....

SAME PROBLEM...No Plugins, or Export...So guess I quit trying.....

  • Hash Fellow

Have you made the bug report?

I really do think that should be the next step. It is clearly a bug


Does Mac OS run into permission issues like Windows sometimes does? Wondering if it is a profile issue rather than an actual program bug. I had other programs react weird under Win 7 when security patches were applied. Really screwed up my Corel Draw and drove them crazy trying to fix. Just a hunch as this seems to be on one persons machine and not everyone with a Mac.

If possible can you login as an Admin on the Mac and do the install and test?

  • Hash Fellow

Two more things to try...

  • RMB on the model in the Objects folder in the PWS and see if the Plugins menu time appears


  • Put your model in a Chor and try the export from there.  RMB on the chor in the PWS, and see if the "Plugins" menu item appears


If you have a deadline you could send me the model and I'll export it for you.

In the mean time if could you add your master.log to the bug report, that might be useful.


I'll note that polygon exports won't appear near the "Import" menu item.



The polygon exports will only  appear as "Plugins>Export" below the "View" menu item




Hey Walter, did you install any new software recently?

This is a shot in the dark, but years ago, I couldn't use any of the shaders in A:M because I had an application installed that used the same suffix for their files. Uninstalling the application fixed it. I don't know if there are any apps that you HXT, but that's a possibility.


  • Hash Fellow
2 hours ago, Walter Baker said:

Ok Rob I think I did it, ver. 19, 18, 16 in that order left to right.

Thank you.  When I compare your log to one of mine I notice that yours does not record the loading of any HXT plugins, while mine does. I'm not sure why.



I also notice that your HXT path is a partial path, while mine is a full path "C:\Program Files\Hash Inc\V19.0\HXT"



  • Hash Fellow
4 hours ago, Walter Baker said:

I have (In all this process) deleted it out and Re-picked it just to see if I would change any thing, it didn't...

How about... if you copied all the contents of your HXT folder to another folder with a different path and added that new folder to the list for HXT folders?


If it isn't a permissions issue blocking the hxt files from showing then maybe just a file structure issue? Is there a 64 bit and 32 bit directories on the Mac like Windows has? Maybe the hxt folder should be in the other folder ie if its in a 64 bit then move or copy to a 32 bit folder and point to that instead.

Has to be something stupid as the people that write the os on Mac and Windows do some really stupid stuff. Can't tell you how many times I get a Windows update that hoses a function in a program. My last couple updates hosed my ability to copy paste text from my email in Edge into Corel as well as I can't use the new snipit tool as it doesn't have a compatible clipboard even though the image is a F@#$$%!!! jpg!!! 

  • Hash Fellow
1 hour ago, robcat2075 said:

How about... if you copied all the contents of your HXT folder to another folder with a different path and added that new folder to the list for HXT folders?



Well Rob I tried that created a new folder some place other than ver.19 folder, deleted old one picked new one...nope didn't work

So then I tried picking the folder from other versions....nope didn't work

Now thinking about the whole folder thing, If my memory is right in the HXT folder used to be just files like




But now everything is in folders. Is that correct or am I just nuts.



Try this, Walter:

Select one of the HXT folders and Get Info (cmd-i) and look at the Name & Extension section. Make sure the Hide extension box isn't checked and then in the Open with: section, select Animation Master. If that works, there's a Change All button.


Screen Shot 2019-03-14 at 4.07.10 PM.png

  • Hash Fellow
1 hour ago, Walter Baker said:

But now everything is in folders. Is that correct or am I just nuts.


What is in those folders?

If they have a file in them, what if you moved just one file (I REALLY MEAN JUST ONE... to try) up a level?

Do the analogous folders like "Flock" and "Shaders" have more folders inside them or do they have files?


That was odd where they looked like folders, no wonder they didn't work.

Was there an update that nerfed it? Sometimes the programmers for Apple and Microsoft should take up piano lessons so we can slab the keyboard cover down on their fingers so they don't "Fix" things for us for a while.


Well, HXT files are mini-applications on the Mac. They contain data that can be accessed by right-clicking on the icon and selecting "Show Package Contents".

Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at 4.27.21 PM.png


There does seem to be some advice on how to fix them. I saw one that said if you compressed it and then replaced the ".zip" with the correct suffix it might fix them. Worth looking into.

It might work to repair permissions, too. 


If those files were compressed as zip at one time then renaming the extension won't decompress them. I would copy one to the desktop and fix the extension back to zip then extract the file and take that extracted file and toss it in the extensions folder. See if it shows up.

  • Hash Fellow


Could you add the master.log and MasterPrefs.ini that are generated when you run A:M to your bug report?

Steffen will need those.

Posted (edited)


Ok to everyone that helped with this problem. I got it fixed.

I opened my MacKeeper/Default Apps/searched 'hxt'/ assigned AM to default app to open....BINGO!

Checked it in every version ALL WORKING.

So thank you to all of you for the help.


Animation MasterImage_ver16.jpg

Animation MasterImage_ver18.jpg

Animation MasterImage_ver19.jpg

Edited by robcat2075
"Solution" added
  • Thanks 1
  • Hash Fellow


So there must be some other thing that got installed or updated that caused those to be unassigned from A:M.


Some how something assigned all the 'hxt' files to another app.

It was just lucky I checked on that.

Thanks so much for all the help you guys gave.



Did you have a software update or install any other software that might have changed the extension? My FormZ changed associations on a couple of file types on me but I'm just too lazy to change the them back.

  • Hash Fellow

The weird thing is that it mattered at all.  A:M should be able to find a file even if it isn't assigned as the default app for it.

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