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I really was not happy with the old father model. I wanted someone strong in character. Someone aging but still intimidating. So I started over


The render we have here is the first general shaping pass. This is the general shape and look I want but now comes the adding and subtracting splines. Pushing and pulling cps in place. Kind of like sculpting clay. It sounds tedious but I find it easier to get the look I want this way.


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  • Admin

I'm liking that.


It's interesting... when I thought of Latimer's father I thought primarily of his jaw for some reason... and there it is.

Fancy that!


Outlook: You are on the right track.


Its amazing! I've been writing for oh I don't know, a while now. So very little modeling was getting done. Since the script is at about 95% (Rodney is giving it a good look over and making suggestions and improvements) I turned my attention to the animatic. And modeling, again.


Here's the dad so far. I really pushed the envelope on him to give him the look I want. I think once textures and hair is in place he'll look great!


This sorta stuff keeps me motivated. As long as things are moving forward...



Holy cow!!! Another update...


Started working on the body. The head is finished. Teeth, inner mouth, tongue...everything a head needs to work.


The body is turning out more stylized than planned but I like the look of it so far and will continue to tweak it until I am satisfied.


Comments? Crits???


On a side note, isn't it cool to look at old posts of models and compare them to the final version and just be amazed? It's one of my favorite pass times :)


  • Hash Fellow

I think the eyes are too small. The eye direction is a huge part of expression and you don't want to make the audience have to search for it.


Looking good!


On a side note, isn't it cool to look at old posts of models and compare them to the final version and just be amazed? It's one of my favorite pass times :)


That's the greatest part of these threads! Especially for the creator. Proof you've actually been working on it. :-)

  • Admin
I think the eyes are too small. The eye direction is a huge part of expression and you don't want to make the audience have to search for it.


You may have a point here but I wonder...


I wonder if his eyes could be this small in the first act but a second version of the model created with slightly larger eyes for the third act.

My rationale for thinking this is that initially having the audience not be able to see the Father's eyes might be a good thing.

In the first act we want to downplay the audience's ability to connect with Father and Mother and to fully connect with Latimer.

In this way it might be good for the audience to have to search for the eyes of Mother, Father and even Geeves (the Butler) but see Latimer's eyes as fully expressive.


In the third act this is no longer the case as we want the audience to be a little confused as to what direction Latimer should take.

Accenting the eyes of the parents at that stage would certainly do this. Why would Latimer want to leave his family when they are together again?


Having this change would also in a subtle way suggest that these characters have grown, something about them has changed.

Change is a good thing in animation.


Aside: One thing Don Bluth always stresses is that in any given camera angle the eye sizes should not be the same.

I can elaborate on that more but it's something to think about especially with regard to symmetry/asymmetry.


Whaddya think?


Hadn't given the size of the eyes much thought but ill modify them and see how they look at different sizes. Definitely something I will keep in mind for future models :)


Getting there. Finished up his body, except for the hands. Hands take me a bit longer. I could simply reuse some I have saved but I really need the practice so he gets custom.


I went ahead and added hair as well. Anyone have any suggestions for giving his hair the faded gray look? Where it starts gray and then goes to dark near the side burns. I haven't had time to experiement and if someone already knows I'd appreciate the info.


Still haven't modified the eyes as that should be a relative easy fix. Just working on getting him finished.


  • Admin

I'd say he looks a bit young at this point... perhaps a but more Marc Anthony than Latimer's Father.

He looks to be in his late twenties to early thirties in this latest image so it may be sufficient just to age him by about 30 years.

I seem to recall you had him at about 58 years old but perhaps that was Latimer's Mother.


Have you heard that old saying about how older husbands and wives often start to resemble each other after spending so many years together?

It might be good to save this guy out as an extra at this point and then continue to modify with an eye toward complimenting his wife in the looks department.


There is also that approach to inbetweening characters... take Latimer's Mom.... then take Latimer... and push the look of both but with certain features favoring one or the other (in this model). Latimer for instance might have inherited his mothers eyes... but not her nose... he might have his cheekbones but not his chin. Similarly, Latimer's father has inherited traits from his side of the family (his own parents, grandparents etc.)


That kind of thing.

Like I said though... save this guy out... he'll make a great character regardless of who he ends up being.


I have to agree Rodney. I sat looking at this latest render and have to wonder lol... I think before I call his father complete ill have to rethink his look. This guy with a few mods would be a perfect Marc. This of course means hitting the sketchbook and redesigning his father again. The tragedy of art lol


I just can't see this being Latimer's father!!!


I've been comparing this with the original model I had and I keep going back to the original. It of course is not perfect. Not quite what I want but with a bit of tweaking I think it can be. So stay tuned and I'll have another update once I get the original closer to what I want. I may modify this one a bit and use him for the Marc model as he really is closer to that look than the father figure I was hoping for.

  • Admin

Something of an odd thought....


It might be interesting to attempt to base all three of the following in part on the same basic model:


Latimer's Father

Marc Anthony

King Midas


Rationale: Remember that Latimer is struggling with breaking out on his own and all three of these character represent some place that Latimer doesn't want to be when he grows up.


Possible way to proceed: Press this one toward being a hunky young muscular hero type (Marc Anthony) first, then use this same basic mesh (or the same generic mesh to mold Latimer's Father. Finally, really pull out all the stops and make King Midas a gross representation of the character.


Need further reason for pursuing this route?

If nothing else you'd have one seriously cool model if it could morph into all three personas.

You'd also have a really good grasp of how to animate with the rig.

You'd really only have to rig once.


Now, there is another aspect of this I've been interested in pursuing personally and that is kind of hush hush for the moment until I can figure out the basics of how best to proceed. We could stop in for a drink at the Raven and discuss the matter if'n you want to. In the end, after giving it a good run for the money, I'd say we'll be needing the expertise of the rigging gurus.

  • Admin

Here is a quick look of where I think they could be pushed...

(factor for your style and more difference in proportions of course!)



I think I see where ur going with this and I love the idea!!!! It's great and if your thinking what I think your thinking I think it's great idea!!!! Fill me in in The Raven :)


A little update on the father model. I'm basing the new design close to Rodney's pic. It's a great pic!!! So here's what I have so far.


  • Admin

It's a bit hard to see from the three quarter view angle but I'd say that as you have him now Father needs to be further differentiated from Marc (not that we've seen Mark... but I'm assuming we are following the original model you posted in this topic as a general look for Marc.


Edit: The forum doesn't maintain text in the way I need it to so... see image attached.



Well...it was a little update :lol:


So here he is. Still haven't got the hands finished but I am really, really satisfied with his look. If you notice the nose between the two is slightly different. The body shot is the final nose. Took me a while to get a pleasing shape. So what do you think Rodney? Would you say this is Latimer's father?



  • Admin

Oooo... I'm liking that. :)


I'd say Father still could use some difference in shape for his jaw to further distinguish him from Marc.

I have a feeling that we are going to need to be able to differentiate between the two characters even in the dark.

As such the shape of their silhouettes will be even more important.


  • Admin

Looking good!


Is that white around the eyes undecaled area or is it a spill over effect from the white in the eyes?


Edit: It almost looks like the SSS is reversing the color of the skin decal which I assume to be darker around the eyes.

That's be an easy test. If you put some white color around the eyes on the decal does the final appear black?


Also, a suggestion: I don't know the style of that day but it seems to me that Father's neck would more closely touch the collar of his shirt.

You could get that by either tightening his collar or fattening his neck.


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