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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Warhawk BattleMech

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I thought it would be relatively simple - but how wrong I was! But I have learned a lot so far; but I know that I have a long way to go.








I am trying to weaponize it now. I found the tutorials on making an electric arc in a Jacobs Ladder and I thought this would serve as the output of the PPCs. Having trouble though.

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Nice Mech!


My thought with the dust is that you could render out the scene twice, once with dust and once without.

Then composite the layer with dust over the other with the appropriate transparency.

That would soften then harshness of dust a lot.


You are well on your way now. Keep it up!

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  • Hash Fellow

I think that looks too much like a flash of light. Too bright and too solid.


The first frame of dust is so small that it's getting missed, it needs to be closer to the full size.


I think the dust falling back down needs to settle evenly. Right now it's settling a little then collapsing real fast. If anything, real dust is slowest at the end.

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The first frame of dust is supposed to be when the heel spur hits. I will check the brightness of the volumetric. I will also look at the dust falling back down and see if I can do it more slowly and evenly.

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Here's using a sprite emitter (smoke2 material from the A:M cd, you can find the image needed there). It not a good representation of you mechs foot, but should give you an idea. And here's the project file as well.


You could set this up in an ON/OFF pose. Then all you need to do is animate the ON/OFF pose as the foot makes contact with the ground.



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  • Hash Fellow

That looks wonderful mark!


Here's using a sprite emitter (smoke2 material from the A:M cd, you can find the image needed there).


The A:M CD image I have only has SmokeOne


SmokeOne.tga (try it, but it's obviously not going to look the same as mark's movie)

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Ok I have added the material, created groups on the feet, dropped the material onto each group. Now how did I get it (smoke) into the choreography? I thought updating the object (model) automatically translated into the choreography?

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Turn particles/hair On in the top menu or "Shift+8" for pc, not sure what it is on the mac.



Sorry to bother you again but I don't know what the top menu is and Shift+8 does not seem to do anything? I have it turned on for rendering.

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I cannot seem to get the sprites into the choerography like your example




EDIT: Ok I figured out how to update the choreography. I RMB'nd the shortcut and selected Cache(). That did the trick. Now the sprites show up. Even though I tired to use your same settings my looks no-where near as nice as yours.


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If you model scale is different than the example I posted, you may need to adjust the size of the sprite in the material and the rate of emissions. A larger model will have smaller particles, where a smaller model will have larger particles.

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I just re-opened my project and the groups are gone! from the choreography. And I have NO idea why. I am rendering the scene right now and the sprites are there but I don't know how I will be able to make any adjustments in the choreography without the emitters being there.

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There were a couple of things, first the normals on some of the patches of the emitter groups were facing the wrong way. The main thing in the chor was once you set the keyframes on the rate of emission, you needed to set the interpolation to HOLD.


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Ok, I got the normals fixed (I think), and got the keyframes for the rate of emission to HOLD. But I am having trouble with the color. Mine still seems to be white. I went through your settings starting the Material, then Objects, then Choreography. There did not seem to be any consistency in the color settings. How does this all work?

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Mark, do I care about the Tint settings in the Sprite Emitter that is the child of Smoke2? And why does the second Sprite Emitter have the Property Additive Color ON while the first is OFF. See your snapshot above.

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  • Hash Fellow
Mark, do I care about the Tint settings in the Sprite Emitter that is the child of Smoke2? And why does the second Sprite Emitter have the Property Additive Color ON while the first is OFF. See your snapshot above.


Something I often do in situations like that is to render a few representative frames with the parameter set one way and then the other and see what the difference is.

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Help, I have screwed things up - again. I have no dust (smoke.) I was trying to adjust the color so that it looked more like dust instead of smoke. Now I don't even have smoke.


Here is the project. All the help I can get will be greatly appreciated. Especially of you can point out where I made my mistakes.



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Ok, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why I have NO dust (smoke) in my Choreography. I have gone through every setting umpteen times and cannot find my error. Would someone PLEASE me.



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  • Hash Fellow
Ok, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why I have NO dust (smoke) in my Choreography. I have gone through every setting umpteen times and cannot find my error. Would someone PLEASE me.


This one doesn't work anymore?





Load it, try it, it worked before. Then change ONE thing only and try it again. Do not change a bunch of things at once.

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Ok, I think I am back to where I thought I should be. Here is short movie of what I have done to create "dust." Right now the colors are white and black. I removed the ground to see better. I am disappointed at the rendering speed. I thought I had a fairly fast machine. It took 2 hours and 10 minutes to render the 170 frames, at an average speed of 45 seconds. And I only rendered it as a VGA resolution.



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  • Hash Fellow

That's a lot of dust! On Mark's he had just a thin sliver at the bottom of the feet emit particles but on yours it looks like the entire sides of the feet are emitting particles. Is that the case?

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