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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

rotor fix

Master chief

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ok i no there are constrants but i apperant dont kno whow to use them i have a model helacopter facing up with its blades and i need the rotor to only spin but when in the animation mode it like to rotate into its own body, what type of constrant do i need and what should it look like to make sure that the blade is all way flat with the body no mater how i spin it ?

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ok i no there are constrants but i apperant dont kno whow to use them i have a model helacopter facing up with its blades and i need the rotor to only spin but when in the animation mode it like to rotate into its own body, what type of constrant do i need and what should it look like to make sure that the blade is all way flat with the body no mater how i spin it ?


You need an Euler Limit for example. You can set it with its Min / Max-Values so that only one rotation will be possible. For example -> Min - X = 180, Y = 0, Z = 0; Max - X = -180, Y = 0, Z = 0.


But I would recommend to use a Pose-Slider or and action for this purpose. You can just define one rotation in the Pose-Slider and in the animation make this one repeat.

A Poseslider is more work than an action would be, but if you want to slow the rotor down or alter the speed of the rotor, it is the better way to go.



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you could set this up with and expression and a pose slider ...at work now ... but could possibly post sample later: also do a search I pretty sure this has been discussed before


A Poseslider itself should be enough... you can use an expression, but I dont think you have to. Expression would be a simple sin-function, but in general, an expression wont give you the flexibility as a pose-slider would.


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  • Hash Fellow

If you select the bone that controls your rotor and hit "r" you get the rotate manipulator which allows you to rotate a bone on one axis at time.


You don't need a constraint at all just to rotate something on one axis.

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