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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Changing an objects color


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Hi - I have a client that wants a steel looking ball smashing through glass - landing on the ground violently shaking and turning different colors while smoking and then blowing up into his logo. I figured I could do the changing colors with a pose slider, but doesn't seem to be working - anyone have any ideas?


Thanks - E

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You can. But you have to do it within the pose action.....using the "show mode than drivers" red x icon to get at the groups. Once you find the group in there, you can change its color at different percentages.

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Hi Ken - thanks for the help. I created a pose slider (called ball color change) for the steel ball and set it to "0". Where do I change the color at? Do I change it within the group in the instance of it in the chor? Thanks - little confused. ;)

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Hi Ken, or anyone else that might be able to help - I was able to get it work in an action - but can't seem to get it to work as a pose slider. You wrote


"You can. But you have to do it within the pose action.....using the "show mode than drivers" red x icon to get at the groups. Once you find the group in there, you can change its color at different percentages. "


I have been digging all over the place for about an hour and cannot find where the "pose action" is located.


Any help would be appreciated. ;)


Thanks - Eric

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Actually you can although animate a color-change in the chor, the action or of course in a pose-slider-window. It doesnt matter, but normaly a pose-slider is the most flexible way.


To do it, in a pose, just create a pose. As you can see there will be a new action called "Relationship:Pose1" or something like that.

Now use the "Show More Than Drivers"-Button at this action. Everything you change there will be saved in the pose.

Now open the new available hierachy and go to the group you want to change the color of.


Set the pose-slider to a value you want it to be (for example 100%) and change the color. Now test it out by dragging the slider from 0 - 100%.

If the color isnt changing, you have to define a value at 0% and one at 100% (they should be different).


This will only work if you are not using a texture on the group you manipulate. A texture always overwrites the surface-properties.

If you want to blend textures, that can be done in a equal way by using two decals with different texture-maps.

The difference is that you will not edit the surface-properties but the percentage-value of each texture-map/decal-image.



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Fuchur - Hi - I see the new action it created, but I am not seeing the


"Show More Than Drivers"-Button at this action


Is there something in the preference setting that I don't have checked or something to bring that up?


Thanks - Eric

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