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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Fire elemental

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So it's been a while since I hunkered down and actually got some work done in A:M.

So I spent this weekend playing with particles and materials trying to get a good molten rock effect.


so I wound up with this guy.



Then seeing as my TSM2 no longer works I watched the video tutorials on setting up the squetch rig. Turned out it was not as bad as I thought.


I still have to fix the CP assignments (autoassign mangled it a bit) and figure out the compensate mode adjustments, but I'm making progress.

Installing the rig was easier than I expected so a big kudos to everyone who has been working on it. (and I'm looking forward to the action Install and compensate plugin to make things easier)


Here's a little quicktime of the guy standing around looking hot (No AO on it, so the eyes are a bit distracting and he's a bit overbright and I didnt animate the lava texture yet.)


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Thanks martin & john!


I finished re-assigning the cps to the rig which got rid of some of the more serious lumps, and made some changes to the surfaces that emit the particles (like the underside of the chin was causing the head to look detached)

So now he's posable.



[edit] Fixed the texture problem. Using 100% AO shadows was going wonky.. so setting it to a nice 55% made all the diference[/edit]


Definatly noticed some jumpiness in the rig which I can only assume is because I havent adjusted the compensation on the poses. So that's tonight's project.

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Hmm so I ran into a problem that I can't seem to fix.

I noticed that when I move the left or right foot null down beyond the reach of the leg it 'kicks backward' a little bit.

I've dug around in the poses looking for something which a)had a label 'i am the problem or B) was associated with the leg and I could do the re-compensation to fix it..


Unfortunately I found neither of those... Any suggestions would be more than welcome.



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Hmm, I would check all the alignment of the hinge and such bones. Might be the culprit.



Umm.. hinge? I can barely follow the instructions for installing this thing much less comprehend how the two million bones actually work and where they're supposed to be....


Can you explain where to find and what they're supposed to look like? If it helps, just pretend you're explaining it to a second grader.. in special ed. after drinking a bottle of ny-quil.. in the dark.. with crayons.. in a mud hut in the middle of the serengeti.. or something..

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Hmm, I would check all the alignment of the hinge and such bones. Might be the culprit.



Umm.. hinge? I can barely follow the instructions for installing this thing much less comprehend how the two million bones actually work and where they're supposed to be....


Can you explain where to find and what they're supposed to look like? If it helps, just pretend you're explaining it to a second grader.. in special ed. after drinking a bottle of ny-quil.. in the dark.. with crayons.. in a mud hut in the middle of the serengeti.. or something..


If the leg jumps, it could be the euler limits on the "right_calf" and "left_calf" in the "Rig_Components/leg_constraints_folder/leg_constraints"...it might need to be able to bend a few degrees to the negative side. If the leg is modeled slightly bent, then that is probably the problem. Try setting the negative side of the "X" limit to approximately the amount the leg is modeled bent.


Hope that helps.






I'm not sure what's going on with the foot bones in the image posted...there's probably some compensate problems in there.

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If the leg jumps, it could be the euler limits on the "right_calf" and "left_calf" in the "Rig_Components/leg_constraints_folder/leg_constraints"...it might need to be able to bend a few degrees to the negative side. If the leg is modeled slightly bent, then that is probably the problem. Try setting the negative side of the "X" limit to approximately the amount the leg is modeled bent.


Hope that helps.






I'm not sure what's going on with the foot bones in the image posted...there's probably some compensate problems in there.

Sweet that was it. :)

And as for the foot bones.. i accidentally installed the foot gizmo version which had a bunch of stuff i didnt need. so those bones are just floating there. doing nothing.


Thanks bunches.

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And as for the foot bones.. i accidentally installed the foot gizmo version which had a bunch of stuff i didnt need. so those bones are just floating there. doing nothing.


I should have thought of that...makes sense. I was thrown off because there weren't any individual toes. I'm glad it helped.

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Good God! That's a fantastic model! And the texturing and particles look incredible! I wish I could help with your rigging issues. All I can do is give you a giant virtual pat on the back for a job EXTREMELY well done :D.


- Michael

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