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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

My Room

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In trying to decide what colors i want to paint my room, I'm builing a full scale replica of it in A:M to see how each color choice will effect the rest of the room. So far all i have is the basic furniture and main structure built. I'm not sure if i want to go as far as modeling every little trinket i have on my computer desk or shelf, but I may just end up doing that for the fun of it. :P Matt built the bed for me, but i'm gunna try and make it not look so perfectly beveled, texture it, and give it a not so boxy pillow.


anyways, here's the first render I've made so far.


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Well, the render settings for radiosity were at max, because i was going to bed anyways, so it took about 8 hours to render; the desk was made a while back in one of my really early introductions to radiosity, but the rest of the scene took the better part of 6 hours to measure out, build, color, texture, etc. There's still a lot more i want to do with it though :D

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I cant seem to quite find a perfect color combination. Does anyone know of colors that are psychologically best for a bedroom or somewhere where you spend most of your time? I keep coming back to red and gold, and the room then resemble a McDonalds :lol:


I did a really quick orb render to show a full 360 view of the room, but it's pretty grainy



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I cant seem to quite find a perfect color combination. Does anyone know of colors that are psychologically best for a bedroom or somewhere where you spend most of your time? I keep coming back to red and gold, and the room then resemble a McDonalds :lol:


Maybe the kids are 9ER fans?


How about olive green and rusty red? It seems to be the combo of choice these days.


Exquisite work, as always.

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oh boy... neon green would be killer on the eyes for sure :lol:


I think i found the color combination i want. All three walls except for the one on the right are peach-orange, and the right wall is a dark pastel blue. I rendered out three pictures for different times of day. It goes from mid day, evening, and then night.


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It depends a bit on what you want to do in this room. If it was just a bedroom, I'd recommend some soft colors, personally I like natural colors ( forest green, sky blue, ect...)


Since you plan on working on your computer in there as well, you want alot of light, soft light but bright enough to allow you to correctly see the colors on your monitor. As for decorating your room, colors that spread light would help, perhaps a light blue/green and a white ceiling.


Additionally, you might reconsider the placement of your furniture. The following is partially based on my understanding of Feng Shui and how your work enviroment mentally affects your creativity.


The placement of your furniture in your room looks too boxy - linear.


I wouldn't have my bed next to my computer desk.


If there's room, I'd suggest angling your bed kitty-corner, with the feet pointing toward the door. Trust me on this one and try it out.


Have your bookshelf close to your computer desk, you don't have to go as far to grab that reference book. The few moments you take looking for a book might be just enough time for that brilliant idea's inspiration to fade away.


Anyway, my two and a half cents,


Steve P.

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oh boy... neon green would be killer on the eyes for sure :lol:


I think i found the color combination i want. All three walls except for the one on the right are peach-orange, and the right wall is a dark pastel blue. I rendered out three pictures for different times of day. It goes from mid day, evening, and then night.



I agree. Of the color choices you show in the earlier post, the light blue and orange seem to be the best combination to me also.



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Hm, a furniture rearangment would be a very welcome change cause it's been like that for 5 years now. The main problem is space. With the furniture being so large, it's kinda hard to get an aragement that's any different, as one of the walls has to be completly clear, because it's the closet :\


I'll try out some different furniture combinations and see what comes out :P

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after a lot of tinkering and even removing some firniture, I was unable to come up with a decent arangement for the bedroom (if only there were one bed >_<) The shelf is not actually a book case though, it's just for trinkits and little memory things, so it can be removed from the room if need be.


If you'd like to take a stab at the room feel free, here's the top down view


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ok, final render of the room. Now all i have to do is buy the paint and supplies :lol:


I've seen them in the light probe websites and stuff, but does anyone know of a free program that allows you to import your own 360x180 images, view them, rotate around, zoom in, and all that it in real time?



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