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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Modeling caricatures is not so easy... I have had a try... Here is the result...

Who is it? It is not Santa Claus! It is not Gandhi... Have a guess!


Now there is only two caricatures on the A:M stills. You can have a search:



I believe in more caricatures... something for a newbie to download... and start to play with... why not have a little exchange of caricatures... upploading models!


It can be "funny" to let different caricatures have some meeting - Santa Claus, Gandhi and some one else... what will they be talking about? It is up to everyones imagination to decide.



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There is a George B on the Extra CD that is definitely worth checking out.

He's rigged with the 2001 rig too. He's a bit more cartoony than your take.


Keep modeling Seven... it looks like your skills are really improving.




Thanks Rodney!

I had a look on the CD and found the nice caricatures made by Alain Desrochers.

So I had a try and lipsynched Georg. Here is a screen capture from the animation.



I found your Kerry model some hours ago having written about it here:



What do you think about a MODELS EXCHANGE forum - that is my suggestion - now eg. your Kerry Model was a bit hard to find - searching - if you had been able to upload it I think it would be nice and we could exchange our models...



The Kerry model looks good to me - but why not some decaling?

I had a look on your site too - nice modeling and nice family photos...

There is a George B on the Extra CD that is definitely worth checking out.


Actually, it is Jean Chrétien former prime minister of Canada, who has this strange mouth "behaviour" because of paralysis. (modeled by Alain Desrochers)


And yes both are easily recognizable.


There are/were some sites that have/had models available outside of Hash.

Animation Pitstop had the largest - an exchange section and even models for purchase. I used to download a lot of models as a base and for insight for the models that I was working on. They're no longer there as well as a lot of the old model hosting sites. (The only sites I know that are still available are project files at the ARM - http://www.lowrestv.com/arm/ and models at http://www.koumis.com/3dobject.htm )


So, I'm all for having more models available and think it would be a great addition to the Hash forum/site. Now personaly, I wouldn't really have anything to offer as I don't think I've ever really finished anything;) It would be nice to see what someone else could do with the Kerry model though. If Hash sets something up, I'll try to locate the model.


Here Georg is coming animated dancing CanCan!

He has got a bad mic so it is a bit hard to hear him rapping:

CanCan c´est la vie pour moi et toi aussi!


And not only the sound a bit bad - also I believe the camera is on a too long distance... A new one is coming... a more close-up... that one is nice... I think...

It is really funny using the caricatures on the CD... I hope on more... having a MODEL EXCHANGE forum... not only for caricatures... but for all caracters and props...




Its a good model Seven, but I think you made him look to nice and way to normal. Can you make him a little more hideous or Ugly?


Just my opinion. Good work though.


Love the Kerry Model. Excellent form. You guys should collaborate and create an animation.




Or this distance - talking with his hands and body... I believe there is some smell in the air, too! But he is in a studio - coming on your telly - so do not be afraid - you cannot smell him!



Here he has got too much of the so called "modern" society or perhaps it is postmodern or it is deconstructed... I believe he has lost something here... in this moment... his beliefs in something... feelings for something... what can it be - he has lost?



Now poor Georg has gone really mad.

What has happened?

Too much dreams, too much greediness, too much money, too much energy, too many calculations, too much distance and to much closeness?


He has lost his public - his illusions - his thoughts and feelings are not shared any longer - his public has got new illusions - new thoughts and feelings.


Why will they never learn to empty their I:s from the thoughts and feelings - understanding/experiencing there are no concepts to have - no thoughts being able to think, no objects for their feelings. Everything being empty fullness - still having to have I:s - but on a new experience of...


There is a George B on the Extra CD that is definitely worth checking out.


Actually, it is Jean Chrétien former prime minister of Canada, who has this strange mouth "behaviour" because of paralysis. (modeled by Alain Desrochers)

And here is a photo of the one having his caricature done by Alain Desrochers.




And the text belonging to the photo is not nice to him:

Lettre à Jean Chrétien au nom de la nation québécoise

Lucien Morin, Pierre-Paul Sénéchal et André Gaulin - Le Soleil lundi 17 novembre 2003 - Quarante ans de vie politique qui se terminent par une gifle au peuple qui vous a vu naître, ce vote à la Chambre des communes qui nie l'existence de la nation québécoise. Comme si un vote suffisait pour faire disparaître tout un peuple ! Quatre rappels, Monsieur Chrétien.

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