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Folks, I've been struggling to work this sporran into something suitable for the cover of an event program. The cover is a full color, full bleed 8.5 x 11 deal where I have the full reign on the design. It is for a Scottish Highland Games, so the theme is obviously...Scottish. My current idea is a sporran (see below). But something seems lacking, so I'm seeking any ideas from the forum..samp0.jpg

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Paul - didn't even know what a sporan was (had to google it). Worn around the waist and hangs in the front of the kilt, right? Can we see it from another angle? Maybe a side view and a straight frontal shot?


Most of the one I found pictures of had 3 tassles (or something) hanging from the front. They either had what looked like a metal "cantle" to open an close? Or a flap that only whent about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way down the front.


It looks like you are going for the flap closure, made of leather? with a embossed design? If so, I think the flap is too large (top to bottm wise).


Just observations. May or may not help, but there it is.



Yes the sporran is the pouch worn around the waist wilst wearing Highlan attire (the kilt). It can be made of fur with tassles (for formal dress) to leather (for day wear) with/without tassles, whatever. Mine is a rigid leather pouch covered in mink fur with a leather flap held in place with thi tip of a deer antler.


The fur on the model is actually a scan on my sporran, I took one copy of the scan, turned it into a grayscale with a gausean blur and applied it as a displacement, then the color version as a decal. The embossing on the flap is the logo of the local pipe band which runs the games that the program is for.


I did reduce the size of the flap a little as you suggested, but what I really need is some suggestions on how to improve the model/render so that it will really pop off of the cover of the program.


Here is a front view of the model.




Ah... for that I'll leave you to better qualified people. I won't be much help in that area, but I'll be interested in what may be suggested.


Best wishes.


To make anything 'pop-out' of a page, one way is the use of contrasts in light & dark. In your model's case, since it is dark to begin with, a black (or darker) background coupled with some hi-lights on the model just might do the trick. Give the black leather enough shine to reflect some light.


This is just a suggestion. With trial & error you'll get what you're looking for.


In all seriousness on my part, I found it difficult to identify this particular item out of context. I'm sure that those who attend the event will likely recognize the thing right away, but perhaps strapping that thing around a kilt might help.


It's a very nice render.

I wouldn't mind seeing a closeup.


Ok, tried from another direction. Added a claymore, changed the color of the flap, camera angle to directly above, and added a texture to the backdrop with a test title...Tell me what ya think about it..





Theres alot more going on which is a good thing, the tartan kind of overpowers it a bit though, I think perhaps making it more of a still life style thing, put the tartan on a table - hanging off a bit, make it look cloth like. put the objects on the tartan and view it like a still life painting, that way youl probably have spare room on the top third for some text; I think itd look nice! -ooh if your feeling crazy put the table by a window so its lit nicely and throw a photo of somelocal scenery as a rotoscope behind it!


Regards - Nixie

-ooh if your feeling crazy put the table by a window so its lit nicely and throw a photo of somelocal scenery as a rotoscope behind it!


Regards - Nixie

Well, I suppose its worth a try...





For myself, I prefer your second post with the tartan in the background, except the cloth overpowers your composition. I think you lose too much in the "still life" long shot.


Take your idea of the sword, tartan, sporran, etc. and rough out at least 10 different comps with it, in pencil (aka thumbnails). See how fast you can come up with multiple views/ideas without the computer. No details, just rough comps.

Pick 3 of these to explore on the machine. Play with the lighting, etc. Maybe go back and do another 10 comps after.


Might be my biggest problem is you have spent time on the sporran and it shows, the other items look cartoony and hastily tossed in.


My .02; good luck with this, sounds like an interesting project.


hmm, maybe the overhead was a better view? Or maybe the view of the still life is too far away. working in pencil to draft some compositions is a good idea to letyou see what works best. keep tweaking!


- Nixie


While I was bouncing ideas off of you guys I was also sending a few over to the client just to make sure I was going in the same direction. The last with the table clicked best since they wan a "personal touch" with the cover (ie pics of the pipe band or past events). So I am now carrying the theme a little with a plaster wall full of pictures from past events. I'm still going to work that dang sporran in though! I'll post an update later this eve.


Nice, the tarten no longer overpowers, the only issue for me is that it lacks 3D ness, But then It serves the purpose! If you could somehow turn the camera at a slight angle and put in your (very nice) sporran model in the foreground? It just seems a waste since you made it and that you are using a 3d package (what you have now couldhave been done in photoshop)


Its only a suggestion, Overall what you have works but the more you push it...


Kind regards - Nixie


Word of advice, if you are working for a client, and have a piece that you are really not sure of, DO NOT show it to the client! They just might like it and wnat you to go with it. Such has happened with me. I did the still with the table and window as a test to see how it would look, and sent it for my client to look at to get in idea if they wanted that kind of graphic on thier program. Turns out the want that one as it stands. ARRGH! Now I need to make that still something that I want to take credit for, and I need some suggestions. What can be done differently to bring some life into the still life??


I'm using you guys/gals in a virtual brain-storming session to kick my own brain back into gear.


Many Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


Shading comes to mind foremost to me. I took your still life pic and photoshopped in a little shading on a new layer and rendered a light source from the upper left. Maybe you could add a bump map to your floor tile surface for a little extra depth, umm, you can also use the text to cover any blank or dead spots in the picture. Maybe add curtains or shutters on the window frame to dress it up a bit. I know your pain in dealing with clients. I often will get free reign on a project until I show them something, then they suddenly become graphic designers with all sorts of suggestions for improvement. :angry: Keep at it though, I think you can turn this into something you'll like. :)


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