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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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this projected started out by trying to find a way to do fast and fun animations.

The character(s) had to be as easy as possible to animate. Why not use one cell - a one celled organism - the ones who started life on earth.

I Googled on it and found:



And they seemed to have some sexual life too:

When the animal wants to have young, it simply splits into two, and each part goes its own way.


And they were also dangerous some of them:

Some of these flagellate animals can be a nuisance and may even be dangerous.


Well they looked a bit like human beings our first ancestors:

Some flagellates come close to one another to form a colony. Each animal can live separately but prefers to be in the company of its brethren. An example is Volvox.


And they are really smart - making their own food out of sunshine:

With the help of this chlorophyll, Euglena, like plants, use the energy of sunlight, to manufacture their food.


And they were something inbetween:

Botanists therefore claim that these green flagellates are plants but, because they can swim, zoologists say that they are animals!


The last thing - the inbetween - another state of mind - perhaps the supreme state of mind I wanted to communicate - the yoga state of mind:



So here is the result - an image - and you will find an animation - and the project file with sounds and image if you want to have a try yourself. And it is lipsynched - to find out more about lipsynch you can go to The Software Tutorials Forum:



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Ones - info!


I have tried to use Depth Of View - DOF - then doing the animation.

Here you can find a little more on the subject in the Artistic Rendering Forum:



You can have a look in the A:M help and read this:

Cinematographers have used depth of field to help tell their stories since the camera was invented.


Depth of Field is the phenomena whereby the point of interest in the frame is crisp and in focus, but things behind and in front are blurry. Stories benefit from this effort because the audience’s eye is drawn directly to the in-focus object, and they ignore everything blurry. In real life, the depth of field is modified by changing the aperture of the camera lens, which also affects exposure time (a tricky process).

One advantage of using a virtual camera is that depth of field can be so easily controlled.


And using a background image on a Layer in the Choreography - being in the blurry zone behind the characters - will let you fast and easy make the settings - the surroundings for the plot.



I have not used music - but in the next animation I will do it - because music talks to your emotions.

I have used two characters and lipsync - it is the easiest way to make a plot I believe.

You have to start with having a problem eg.: -What time is it?

And you have to find out some answer to that problem: -Eternity!


Now you have hypnotized the onlooker... just that the media does with us... and Internet that is media for everyone - not being a globalist - having bought all the media and the media workers - the Internet is open to the idealists - the ones looking for the truth - wanting to communicate their findings - with sound and moving images of the reality.


So being an idealist - you do not only want to hypnotize your onlookers - onlisteners - you want to dehypnotize them - letting their imagination and emotions free - how to do it?


Well there is no answer I guess or you have to try to dehypnotize yourself first - perhaps sitting meditating every day - finding some other state of mind - some peace, some love, some silence...


Well to put it easy - :P - the question is the answer - trying to ask: -Who am I?


Seven - you seem like you know your way around with lipsynch, you're very good at it. You should try making them look more cell-like, maybe by giving thir bodies a transparent "shell" around them. If you've seen pictures of cells, they usually have a "mainbody" and a "protective shell" around them. It may be a rather unusable thing to add to your models, as you have put a mouth and a pair of eyes on them, which may make it a wee bit harder to create this transparent shell around them(as it is suppose to be the same shape as the body, only a few x/y's from the body(y=cellbody, x=amount of z value from y)<----confusing math that I'm far from sure that you'll understand :P


I think it's nice that you add some info, relateted to your flick, it was quite interesting to read. Though, you and me, we're exact opposites. Me being a buddhist, you being an idealist. Nice to see that most opinnions and alike are represented on this forum(just try not to express them TOO much ;) )


Seven, Who are you?!


your an Idealist, Mr jaqe there is a buddhist, im just plain curious!


Regards - Nixie


The blue guy says "What time is it?"


But I can't figure for the life of me what the pink guy said.


Dhar Posted on Jul 16 2005, 08:04 PM

The blue guy says "What time is it?" But I can't figure for the life of me what the pink guy said.


Hello Dhar. The pink character also says "What time is it?".


You have to start with having a problem eg.: -What time is it?

And you have to find out some answer to that problem: -Eternity!


I think the pink one is saying Eternity


Seven- I like the simple characters. You could probably crank out a whole series with these guys. Stuff like this is perfect for new users, people always say to start out simple. You've inspired me.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sub-titles added!

It can be hard to understand what the Ones are saying

I have understood from some posts...

So I decided to add sub-titles...


I used the way to add them I have described in Part 3

of the tutorial on how to make a Jaw Synched Caricature.

That tutorial you can find here:



Perhaps someone have added sub-titles and having some good program to suggest?



To the question put by nixie:


Seven, Who are you?!

your an Idealist, Mr jaqe there is a buddhist, im just plain curious!

Regards - Nixie


I will answer - Tat Tvam Asi - a quote from the Veda scriptures - the one behind all religions(not animism) - hinduism - taoism - zoroastrianism - judaism - buddhism - christianism - islamism - and perhaps some more -isms...


Tat Tvam Asi - That You Are (That is You)

(Chandogya Upanishad of the Sama Veda)


Here you can find a lot to read - http://sriramanujar.tripod.com/tutorial/12.html



But reading you never will found it! You have to sit down - perhaps cross legged - so you cannot go to the kitchen to drink coffee, beer, single-malt whiskey - :P - sitting down so you really can concentrate your mind becoming single-minded!!! because it is beyond words!!! Tat Tvam Asi


Uddaalaka Aaruni had a son named Swetaketu. It seems that the boy Swetaketu did not concentrate his mind in the study of Veda. Out of compassion he asked his son Swetaketu to undertake the study of Veda under a scholar. Swetaketu then went out of his house to study the Veda under a scholar for several years as prescribed. He returned to his father's house after completing his study. Swetaketu was full of pride. He lacked humbleness. He thought that he has finished studying everything. On seeing this nature of the son, his father called him and thoughtfully asked a question "O my son! Have you studied that thing (aadesa) knowing which everything becomes known?"

Swetaketu got shocked and replied

"Father! Your question seems to be illogical. Neither I know such a thing nor I was taught about such a thing. If you know please teach me that!"

On hearing this reply for the son, the father calmly told him with several examples -

"Son! Have you not seen the mud in front of the potter's house! It becomes a pot in the hands of the potter. If the mud is known, the all things made of mud are known! Similarly if you know gold, things made of gold like ornaments are known. If you know iron, all things made of iron are known! Like this, if you know an entity called "Brahman" then everything (entire universe) is known!"

Then his father proceeded with the long Sat Vidya explanation, explaining the Brahman. He said

" ( Sat Eva Sowmya Edamagre Aasit ) in the beginning, which is before creation of the universe, the "Sat" alone existed. It wished to become many - which is the manifold universe. It created three divinities and entered into them. From it, the entire universe composed of all sentient and insentient entities was created. Sat then entered into all such things created by him from him and became the universe."

He continued and concluded

"(Aatma Tat Tvam Asi Swetaketo) - O Son! Sat is the Aatma (Soul). You are That!".



Thus ends the teaching present in the Sat Vidya of Chandokya Upanishad. This is the context in the Upanishad wherein the maxim verse that is to be discussed occurs.


To - Mr. Jaqe - telling he is a buddhist I will say - Kill Buddha - because Buddha is also a concept - an idea - and the real thing is behind words - concepts - ideas...



Radical "Zen"


Some Zen masters use very controversial methods of education. Vandalism of Zen values and beliefs is very common if used in good faith for the benefit of student. Lin Chi Zen Master said if you meet Buddha kill Buddha. If you meet Patriarch kill Patriarch. Zen Master Seung Sahn says that in this life we must all kill three things: first we must kill parents; second we must kill Buddha; and last, we must kill Seung Sahn.


Note: since zen and Buddhism respect life, literal killing is not meant. What is meant is to kill slavish devotion to some one or some ideal that is held as a savior or salvation. To see a savior is to see the concept outside of one's self, when the concept needs to be integrated or rather the pre-existing integration needs to be rediscovered ("original face").



And here is a link on sitting - meditating - http://www.experiencefestival.com/hara - concentrating on a center some fingers - about three to five under the navel - the center called Hara - to find out who you are...




And here the sub-titled animation of the Ones:



Seven, buddhism isn't a religion, it's a way of life. You don't belive in a god, all you belive in is knowlege and by gaining enough knowlege, you may one day see the world without filters, you'll be able to see everything clearly without judgeing anything, only seeing the truth, how things really are. Buddha is merely a guide or an ideal, he's who your are suppose to become, he isn't a god, he's not even "immortal" as most gods are suppose to be. So don't mix buddhism into the religion-bundle.


And dude, you can't kill Buddha, because he ain't here...


That's exactly what I did, I corrected his informations, which most certainly, trough sevens will, has become part of the topic...

Seven, buddhism isn't a religion, it's a way of life. You don't belive in a god, all you belive in is knowlege and by gaining enough knowlege, you may one day see the world without filters, you'll be able to see everything clearly without judgeing anything, only seeing the truth, how things really are. Buddha is merely a guide or an ideal, he's who your are suppose to become, he isn't a god, he's not even "immortal" as most gods are suppose to be. So don't mix buddhism into the religion-bundle.


And dude, you can't kill Buddha, because he ain't here...

Well - what to say? No!


And here you can find a showcase on the - no - subject:




To me buddhism is one of the ways leading from Veda - seeing everything being One - like most religions do. And to get to know "the One" most religions use some word for it - calling it God, Dieux, Allah... but you can choose your own word... to get the experience of it... going beyond words - and you better sit down cross-legged or you will loose your concentration - perhaps beginning to animate something or having a sandwich and something to drink... or using a lot of words instead of concentrating on only one word... to get beyond even that one and only word.


So killing Buddha - means to get rid of every word/concept - also the word/concept Buddha... it has nothing to do with killing a person... it has to do with killing your own concepts... your beliefs... ideals... whatever eg. Buddha - that hinders you from just experiencing...



Having a look here - you are told:

Buddhism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of the Buddha, Siddhārtha Gautama, who lived between approximately 563 and 483 BCE.



Stopping the circle of Samsara (Nirvana) is the ultimate aim of both Buddhists and Hindus.



In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, samsara or saṃsāra refers to the concept of reincarnation or rebirth in Indian philosophical traditions.


For sure there are lots of words... thoughts and feelings... in our I:s - the I... our own tool... :P

but everything is still united - being one - I believe... :D

we need to have an I... but we also need to have contact with something uniting all our I:s...


It's COMPLETELY wrong to call Buddhism a philosophy or even to relate the two, because philosophy is the exact opposite of Buddhism. "Never dwell on questions that should go unanwered" and "we may be part of something bigger, which we'll never understand", Buddhism is about concrete knowlege and how to gain it, not necisarily book-knowlege, but also knowlege about people, how they react, etc. etc. There is no "one" in Buddhism, there's an "ideal". Many of the Buddhist say they don't belive in Buddha, they know in Buddha. There IS no GOD in Buddhism, however there is a GUIDE.


But I would still like to see some shell on your cells, I think it might look better.


EDIT: btw, anything else that ain't directly related to this thread, like, i.ex, wheter or not Buddhism is a religion or not, I'll be sending trough PM, so I don't take up more space. Sorry 'bout that, didn't think of it before.

It's COMPLETELY wrong to call Buddhism a philosophy or even to relate the two, because philosophy is the exact opposite of Buddhism. "Never dwell on questions that should go unanwered" and "we may be part of something bigger, which we'll never understand", Buddhism is about concrete knowlege and how to gain it, not necisarily book-knowlege, but also knowlege about people, how they react, etc. etc. There is no "one" in Buddhism, there's an "ideal". Many of the Buddhist say they don't belive in Buddha, they know in Buddha. There IS no GOD in Buddhism, however there is a GUIDE.


But I would still like to see some shell on your cells, I think it might look better.


EDIT: btw, anything else that ain't directly related to this thread, like, i.ex, wheter or not Buddhism is a religion or not, I'll be sending trough PM, so I don't take up more space. Sorry 'bout that, didn't think of it before.

Have you been drinking, Mr Jaqe?

Drinking is no good!

I think you do not understand what Buddha tried to tell you - it is really easy - just loose your I! Have you lost it? Fine!


You are telling me to put shells on the cells... No, I do not like to... because... animation is not reality... it is just fake... I am faking... and I cannot do otherwise... and believing I can do otherwise... I will be decieving myself and you too... and I do not want to decieve you Mr Jaqe and no one else... that is the reason I do not try to make something with shells...trying to look realistic... I do not try do it... I am not JTalbotski... for sure he is good on faking reality... and he is clever too... sometimes giving his characters souls... but I do not want to play that game... do you understan...


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