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Someone was missing this one. Here it comes!


You can use hair to make grass!


This WINK-tutorial describes how to makes grass in a simple way.

A more advanced way you can find here:



To learn more about hair you can listen to this tutorial:



And a web page to learn about hair:



Hair can be used in many ways

so moore tutorials on hair is needed to describe all the possibilities.


cfree68f introduced the topic - experiment in Paint strokes, or pointillism?



Here you can find the Hairbrush program and a tutorial:



NancyGormezano has posted this about hair and artistic rendering:




And about toon rendering of hair:




And here - the WINK-tutorial on making grass in a simple way using hair:


  • 4 weeks later...
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I would like to thank Seven for all he has done to help me by the way of this forum to learn and understand AM , he has been of great help. So, Seven, if your out there ,Thank you, and I have missed your tutorials.....I wish you the best ,


Michael Cossey

Just searchin for my lost shaker of salt.

Thanks Kamikaze for your nice words!

I am myself searching for the salt. To me the salt is the silence in my I - my shaker.

So animating you have to have some breaks - making the animation so much better.

Making a 3D model you have to have some space - making it so much better.

Doing a 2D image you have to have some void parts - making the image better.

Making music - you have to have some pauses - silence to be heard all the time - making the music - the magics so much better - so much more balanced - having something to balance around - the mystic silence.


Googling on Yoga I found this:



First Edition: 1939 Eighth Edition: 1999 (2,000 Copies)

World Wide Web (WWW) Edition : 2000 WWW site: http://www.dlshq.org/

This WWW reprint is for free distribution © The Divine Life Trust Society

ISBN 81-7052-098-3


P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192 Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh, Himalayas, ndia.


3. Who Am I?


This is a world of diversity. Intellects are different. Faces are different. Religions are different. Sounds are different. Faiths are different. Colours are different. Faculties are different. Tastes and temperaments are different. But one thing is common in all. Everyone of us wants Nitya Sukha (eternal happiness), infinite knowledge, immortality, freedom and independence. These things can be obtained by knowledge of the Self alone.


Everybody wants eternal happiness that is not mixed with sorrow and pain. Every effort is to achieve this happiness. But he does not know the place wherefrom he can get this supreme bliss. If you want to enjoy supreme bliss you will have to realise the Self, or get knowledge of Atman. The best means to acquire this knowledge is the enquiry of ‘Who am I?’ This enquiry has the potentiality of producing the quiescence of mind which will enable it to wade through this ocean of Samsara. It demands a subtle sharp, pure intellect, bold understanding and gigantic will. Enquiry of ‘Who am I?’ is the Vedantic method or Atma-Vichara.


This common place ‘I’ that everyone is glibly talking about and relishing acutely every moment of his life, from the babbling baby to the fabulous old man must be clearly analysed.


4. Silence

1. Once the disciple Bhaskali approached his Guru, Bhava, and asked him where that eternal, the Supreme Infinite, the Brahman of the Upanishads is. The master spoke not. The disciple asked him again and again but the master did not open his mouth. He kept perfect silence. At last the teacher said: “I have been telling you again and again but you do not understand me. What am I to do? That Brahman, the Infinite, the Eternal cannot be explained but by deep silence know it. There is no other place for Him to dwell in, but the one eternal deep silence! Ayam Atma Santah—This Atman is silence.”


CHAPTER VIII Yogic Exercises

1. Yogic Alphabet

Asanas make you strong and healthy and eradicate many diseases.

Bhastrika Pranayama develops lungs, destroys the germs of tuberculosis, augments lung-power and lung-capacity.

Constipation is removed by the practice of Bhujanga, Salabha and Dhanur Asanas.


2. Padmasana


You must be able to sit in an Asana quite steady at a stretch for full three hours. Then only you will get mastery over the Asana (Asana Jaya). Without securing a steady Asana you cannot get on well in meditation. The more steady you are in your Asana, the more you will be able to concentrate and make your mind one-pointed. If you can be steady in the posture even for one hour, you will be able to acquire one-pointed mind and feel thereby infinite Peace and Atmic Bliss inside. Four Asanas, viz., Padmasana, Siddhasana, Svastikasana and Sukhasana, are prescribed for meditative purposes. Rishis like Gheranda, Sandilya and others speak very highly of Padmasana. This is highly agreeable to householders.


Spread a seat on the ground and take your seat facing North or East. Spread the legs forward. Take hold of your right foot and keep it on the left thigh and then place the left foot over the right thigh. Place the hands on the knees. You can make a finger-lock and keep the hands over the left ankle. Sit erect, keeping the back, neck and head in one straight line. Close your eyes and begin your Japa and meditation.




6. Peace Chant

Peace be to the East! Peace be to the West!

Peace be to the North! Peace be to the South!

Peace be above! Peace be below!

Peace be to all creatures of this universe!

Peace be everywhere.




7. Halasana


Spread a blanket on the ground and lie flat on your back. Keep the hands at the sides on the ground with the palm facing the ground. Join both your legs. Lift the legs slowly up as in Sarvangasana. Do not bend the legs. Do not raise the hands. Then slowly lower the legs until the toes touch the ground above the head. Keep the knees close. Remain in the Asana for 5 seconds and increase the period to 5 minutes by gradual practice. Then raise the legs slowly and come back to the original position.

Seven, wellcome back, you were missed!!!



And I hope you will do some WINK tutorial...

Just a little one... take something you like to tell something about in A:M.

You do not have to be very serious... Shit happens... :D

I believe your tutorial will be very good. Come on - Do it!

And I hope everyone will have a try - WINKing - documenting all the different ways you can use A:M - not letting all the good advices be forgotten after some weeks - being lost in all the topics on a forum.


WINK it is FREE! http://www.debugmode.com/wink/

easy and fast to do - making small files - and the tutorials are easy to navigate!


And thanks again for your nice reply - trajcedrv!

Great!  I really need some good tutorials.

I also need some tutorials! Why not have a try yourself doing one?


It is easy and fun. Clicking the Pause-key a couple of times to make some Screen Captures and then inserting some text to describe what is going on. And Rendering it to get a .html- and a .swf-file(Flash file). That is all - will take you an hour or two.



And the good thing is - we can document all the good advices on the different Forums - so they are easy to find - not getting lost in some topic having disappeared after a month or two.

  • 2 weeks later...

Nice tutorial -- thanks!


If you expand this, you might want to cover a couple of additional points:


a) How light interacts with the bitmap layers -- and the option of simply doing away with all lights if your animation consists only of bitmap layers. That perhaps results in fewer surprises for people who just want to animate bitmaps in a South Park style, and simply want the color of each pixel to be exactly as originally drawn, not affected by lighting.


B) How to switch to an orthogonal camera, which can be desirable if you really want to do essentially 2d animation with just bitmap layers (don't forget switching the camera to orthogonal mode will leave the camera's Transform.Rotate.X at 5.71 degrees, which most people will probably want to immediately set to 0). Also worth pointing out that zooms are still possible by adjusting the orthogonal camera focal length.


In terms of drawing more people in to read the tutorial, I suspect it would be a bigger draw if it were recast in the theme of "How to do South Park style animation with simple bitmaps and Animation Master". You supply the bitmaps and vulgarity, and A:M does the rest! :-)

Nice tutorial -- thanks!


Your suggestions - good ones! really good ones! formidable good ones! super good ones!


But I am not going to make that tutorial... following your suggestions... I believe just now... I have other things to do just now I believe... I have already done something...


Do it yourself... it is fast and funny to work with WINK... have a try!


We have to help each other every one of us... I have done my part... now it is time for every one else... but most have not understood how good it is to have done something for some oneelse... and doing it with WINK is so easy...


Yes ... c´mon do something!!!

  • Admin


Do you still have the Wink file to post? The data that is?

Seems like that might be a good way to introduce folks to the power of Wink.


As soon as I get home from the world tour I plan to post a few for people to grab and play with.


BTW - Did you know you can play Wink tutorials from inside A:M?

I didn't until a few weeks ago. The text can run a bit small so tutorials designed for viewing in A:M should have large text to begin with or be run in another window.


More on that later...





The old one was a bit incorrect for animating the Rate of Emission for the ink.

This one will be OK!



The Talking Pen you can use free!


Here is a tutorial on how to use it.


I believe it is possible to fast and easy make some melodrama


with one or two Talking Pens or three or more...




Making a plot - setting up some problem to solve. Some talk and music. Letting the pen(s) draw some sign(s) in some surrounding...



Here is the model file with everything else you need:



Here is an other example - animating a little piece on Gandhi - did not took me very long! This is just the intro - and having had a little more time I could have used some props for the surroundings and everything could have been nicer... But to me this stripped version is good too!


Here is a short movie about UI - United Individuals - replacing UN - United Nations.

Now six billions are represented of 190 representatives in UN - better I think everyone had his or her own buttons - YES, NO and ABSTAIN on their mobiles.


The mobiles can be delivered free - and A:M can be a part of the bundle - so everyone can express their opinion with some nice animation on some alternative - hopefully a positive one.


This is for the topic on United Individuals on the OT Forum started in the beginning of August 2005 - and here is the animation:



Just want to say thanks seven for the Basic tutorials! I think these tutorials should be mentioned in the New User bit.


These tutorials has taught me loads and I'm finally starting to be able to do my own stuff in A:M! :rolleyes:


Hi Seven:


Nice tutorial. However this is using a Quatunian method. With the Euler method I was trying to figure out, all you need to do is rotate the bone a little to set the key at frame '0'. then at frame 1 second you can rotate the wheel 360 degrees.


With Quat method (default) the bone will rotate from where it is and take the shortest rout to complete the circle. So it will move backwards a couple degrees.


With the Euler method, the bone follows the exact way you turn the wheel So once you convert the drivers from Quat to Euler then you get an unlazy bone (one that goes all around and not look for the shorter way to do what is wanted).


I am not putting you down, Just want to help you be a better A:Mer.


I AM grateful that you took the time to create this tutorial (with wink :) ).


I remember I once had a Reel player I made in a:m (just before casettes were on a box they were like filmstrip reels). I remember I was fighting with this and did figure that one out at one time. So once I had it done, I found that I had 1 bone, as the seconds number wheel has made 1 full pass I had another constraint move the 10's colum 1 number (roll like i think it was) . Then had it setup so after the 10's colum made 1 round the 100's colum would make 1 number move. Essentially I could animate the 1 bune and as that bone spins I was able to have all the others automatically spin. Next time I'm making a record player instead (no counters on that sucker) :)


Anyways, thanks again

-Larry B

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