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this is my second WIP post, I trashed my old work as without a rotoscope, it's pretty darn hopeless for a newbie like myself to create a human. This time I decided to recreate my favourite Dragonball Z charracter: Vegeta. So the hunt for a rotoscope began! and the journey was long, but Google saved me arse once again (this is turning into a story, but what the heck!). I compared a few side(side views of drawn charracters are really rare, btw) and front pics and I used the ones...I used. and here it is, the start of Vegeta(I know the point is to post atleast almost completet models, but I really need some tips) so here goes:


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thnx, but the hard part's still comming, making his forehead <_< It's gonna be one h*** of a job to get those eye...whatever they are called, set up properly. And then there's the eyes etc etc. (listen to my compains :P)


Anyway, all critics are welcome, both good and bad

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thxn dude, it's kinda wierd tho... I spent 40 min on this one and the 1st model I made I spent 10 hours on and some guy thought he had a desise :P but back to this one, thnx for the tip, Im gonna check out his tutorial.


hmm... for some reason I can't seem to find his tutorial in the A:M Resource Matrix, is it posted anywhere else?

Edited by Mr. Jaqe
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It looks sweet! To do the forehead, just get an even line at the start above the brows, then extrude, rotate, extrude, rotate, then make an ear, position, make side of head and stitch into ear


reference: Cooper Head tuturial (though I've never done anything with it..just read it a heck of a lot of times)

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thnx! it's kinda nice to have an experienced person like yourself saying stuff like that :P Im just beeing silly, but still... :P anyway, just did the mouth, wasn't as hard as I expected. Im more worried about the ear :S as you may see on the retoscope it's a very... special eartype that's used on DBZ charracters and I would preffer to be able to copy it(if possible). and here's another screen:


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aaaaaaaaaaaand the from side view:

(man, If I keep this up, I'll have a high forum rank in NO-time :P)


well, it's 3 AM and I've been working on my model for about 4-5 hours now, so it's about time to get to bed. got school tomorrow (hurray <_< )


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Looking good so far, but you have way more splinage than you need. This will happen for most people when they first start making faces. All I can say is try to keep your spline count down. It'll help with animation with less splines. Still looks good though.

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I know I have many splines :P but for some reason I can't seem to get rid of any of 'em... they all seem necisary. One is attatched to there that is attatched to there etc etc. but I'll keep that in mind, thank you. (and thnx for liking my model :P)

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ok, now I kinda need some help. I tried following the Cooper tutorial on how to make the scalp, but for some reason all I get is a rather... bumpy scalp. I'm posting pics so you guys can see if there's anything wrong with front/side model







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and if anyone, A-N-Y-O-N-E, got ANY idea on how to create a Dragonball ear, PLEASE! I need 'elp with that freakin ear! bah... anyways, gotta make the troat and then the body. and one thing: I want him to have the hair you see he has in the retoscope, but I never understood how you really made hair, so how DO I make hair? just create spines and make them into hair or...?


really 'priciate all your posts, 'specially you jamagica :D


(this topic is really overcrowded by my own posts... :P)

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Don't start doing more than you should. It looks to me like his mouth and chin is starting to cross to the left side. Although it NEVER works proplerly you can always use copy flip attatch or copy the right side, flip it, and then stitch it to the right.

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Use Colin F's. method by lathing the profile of an ear, then use magnet mode to touch it up (you'll have to because it'll be perfectly round after lathing). Here's what I'd do:


Examine the basic shape of the ear..first of all the top is really long and the lobe is huge...so I suggest after lathing you scale on the Z axis larger and pull the top of the ear out with magnet mode, then shape the lobe..something like that

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well, now I only got one problem: attatching the ear. and of course, the ear looks horrible, but I SUCK at using the magnet tool... :( anyone have a ear I could use? just a simple one, ANYTHING would be better than mine


EDIT: just ignore this one, no use asking others to do the work for me. that's just rude. I blame it all on tiredness.

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thnx a lot starwarsguy! :D


still got the freakin ear left! I just can't seem to attatch it right :P IT'S A CURSE I TELL YOU!


EDIT: for some reason AM crashes each time Im trying to apply two 5 pointers next to each other(the sad thing is that both 5 pointers are necisary, or atleast I can't see any other option)


EDIT2: going to bed, I'll see if I can fix it tomorrow, unless any of you guys got a good sugestion, because now it's crashing EVERY time I try applying a 5 point patch... <_<

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might be a good idea to go clean up the huuge cp ammount before going on? oh well, in anycase. if you cant do something, dont go to bed! it only becomes worse the next day! Keep at it, to hell if you got school the next day or something. (worst thing that can happen is that you fall asleep during class....leaning your head on pencil case..and the thing slips...BANG! that hurt, and the teacher definetly didnt like it..oh well). anyway, keep it at!

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well... ears... can't say I like 'em, but atleast I got 2 of 'em.


atleast I removed a lot of CP's


EDIT: btw, his left ear is less tweaked that his left ear, so Im still doing that one. not that his right ear doesn't need improvement aswell...


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and of course the famous side view:


EDIT: now I only got one problem(not counting ears): HAIR, if anyone got a good "hari from scratch" tutorial, I really need it... making Vegetas thick, tall hair won't be all easy piecy I guess.


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yes, I tweaked the ear some more after I posted it and it's not looking TOO bad :P anyway, how would I do the hair? make a coupple of "large hairs" and put them together or make one big fuzzy pile?


EDIT: Im trying to form it after the rotoscope, exept I only got half his hair :P I consider this... a challenge... :ph34r:


EDIT: this is his hair so far(comments are VERY much arpiciated):


another EDIT: good thing I got every single Dragonball Z episode on my 'puter (Im the biggest fan ever) so I'll just have to do some hairstudying then


final EDIT: what the heck, Im doing it the "anime tutorial" way that I was so generously show before


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making progress on his hair. Altho I've been sick the last coupple of days, I've still been trying to do as much as I possibly could with out friend Vegeta. btw, hairmaking is REALLY boring... copy, paste, form, copy, paste, form... bleh. well, it has to be done, so Im doing it. here's a screen with some more hair:


Feel free to say if it's too much hair, too little, too tall, too small etc etc.


EDIT: ALLRIGHT! over 500 views! :P just had to mention it


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this way of hairmaking is pretty tough and not so good for my charracter... I doubt the result will be any good. So what I would like, if anyone was to be so nice as to give me it, is an explenation on how to make alpha channels. A link to a tutorial, short explenation, just post what you think might help me


My humble thnx,



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and if anyone, A-N-Y-O-N-E, got ANY idea on how to create a Dragonball ear, PLEASE! I need 'elp with that freakin ear! bah... anyways, gotta make the troat and then the body. and one thing: I want him to have the hair you see he has in the retoscope, but I never understood how you really made hair, so how DO I make hair? just create spines and make them into hair or...?


really 'priciate all your posts, 'specially you jamagica :D


(this topic is really overcrowded by my own posts... :P)

lol with dbz hair you shouldent use the hair tool cause dbz hair sticks striat up and never moves anyway.

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so, you're familiar with DB? koo. Anyway, I started over with his hair and decided to create it A LOT thicker so it takes a bit lesser time. Altho it's still tearing my patience apart and Im barely working on him (gotta find out how to make his torso before I move much further on) which of course is pretty darn stupid of me, considering all the effort I've put in him

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Man, it's been almost a week since I got any work done on my pal. Just did some hair-tweaking, he's still not done, but atleast Im PLEASED with the result. Now I have to start on the body...*sigh* now how to do THAT?! :P any good sugestions? if not, Im going to make him a very "basic" human body, but what I mostly need is tims on how to make him look "buff"


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Nice job on the head. The ears look like concentric circles. I'm not familiar with the actual character so maybe this matches him - but it doesn't have the look of an ear. Study your own in a mirror :) They are definitely not symmetric.


Hair looks like you put a lot of work into it, good job.

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