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  1. Wow. (jaw drops). I'm still in shock. That was great! Awesome! Superb! everything flowed smoothly together and everything. Wow. So how long did that take you? It's obviuos that you put tons of effort into it. Also, the A:M film page said it was award winning. What award did you win? and (last but not least) what did you do to get those statues to melt? (the ones that are after he gets off the train). I'm going to be doing a project with a character that melts, so it would be great to figure out how to do that. All in all, great work!
  2. When I think it's done I post it for download as an add-on to the trees with leaves project. Still have a few things to work out. I'll see what I can do John.
  3. Personaly working with his eye character I can say it is rigged well, easy to use, and fun. After I am done with my current project I think I will animate a short with the eye.
  4. hmm. Well, I am animating like mad. so this next one is 19 MB and 1minute 14 seconds long. I wish they were smaller, sorry. Right now I am a little over halfway done with the whole animation. Enjoy. { PROJECT FINISHED DELET THIS THREAD } site is http://www.psyog.cjb.net Have fun with watching this, hope it is worth the download to you guys. Remember this is based on a true story that happend to me last saterday, just exagerated a bit.
  5. I am still working I have the next part ready and the link is... { PROJECT FINISHED DELET THIS THREAD } It is 17 MB, I wish I had DivX but my trial expirerd, bummer. This one goes up to 1:06 seconds and I am already working on the next part. Sorry for the size, I will try and find ways to shrink it for all you 56kers, I used to be one and I know how it feels . Enjoy this next part. More coming soon, probobly tommarow or later tonight lol, with summer here I can animate as long as my brother sleeps in .
  6. Progressing slowly but making progress little by little. It seems that each time I think it might be a good time to post on A:M Digest related happenings the timing just hasn't been right. Just to let everyone know where we are at this time here is a little update. The year is being broken down into themed issues. 12 themes in twelve issues. Underneath those 12 themes are 52 basic sub-themes. For instance: One theme (currently expected to be issue #4) is the "History" Issue. Four sub-themes start to emerge: - Hash Inc History - Community History - Animation:Master Features and Progression - Year in Review (and on to the future) I know that is a bit too generalized but thought I would give everyone at least something to think about. Especially you old timers... Do you recall something that others might find interesting. An example under Community History: Within the Community theme there is space for the legendary users of A:M to say their piece about what they have done and are doing with A:M. There will be space for new users too! So anyone who would like to promote what you are working on... or just say "I'm a part of the A:M Community" there should be space to do just that. Other sub themes aren't hard to guess. Just look at the current (and past) feature list. Then look at the Image and Animaiton contest themes... lot of potential there! Here are a few possibilities: A:M Forum/Community Navigation Anime Booleans Chat Choreography Coloring/Textures/Materials Comic Books/Heroes Contol Point Weights Customizable toolbars, menus and keyboard shortcut keys Decal View (UV Editor) Displacement Materials Distortion Boxes Dynamic Constraints Expressions Gaming Hair Hash Fellows Lighting (Reflective Blend/Reflection Filter/Soft Reflections/Fresnel Term/Light Attenuation etc.) Magnet Mode Mechanical Modeling Modeling Multiplane/Compositing Music/Sound Integration Netrender Non Linear Animation Optimum System Setup Plugins/Wizards Post Effects Programming Props Rendering/Render Settings/Multi-Pass Rigging Solutions SciFi/Fantasy Shading SIGGRAPH/Trade Show schedule Software Development Kit Sprite Emitters Support Timeline and Project Workspace Toon Rendering User Groups User Interface/Navigation Webpages and Establishing a Web Presence Well, that's not 52... but you get the idea... Once any specific sub-theme gets enough good information/articles to 'complete' a themed issue it will be put on the official schedule. So, deadlines are on a sliding scale to help everyone get involved. Do you see something I've missed? Would you like to contribute to a certain theme or lend your expertise to an specific area? I look forward to hearing from you! Let's get published! Rodney
  7. Thanks JacK, I am interested cog cd in because I only hear good things about it.However I will not purchase it just yet because to do so now will defeat the goal of the Niomi project which is to push my skills in modelling,texturing,rigging and character animation to the higgest and share what I have learned with AM community.The effort is slooow in coming but is paying big dividends for me of which the rig is one.I don't know what new discoveries I will make but with your encouragement I will keep pushing Luv Pat
  8. John, Every time I see one of your projects I am known to exclaim, "Wow... I need to do something with that effect!" Problem is... I can never seem to figure out how in the world to add the effects you come up with into a project of my own! They just don't fit in! Just wait though.... someday... all this will fall in place for me... and I'll be able to grab from the treasures you've put together. Hope I'm rich enough by then to hire you as a technical (FX) director though! Cause I probably still won't know just how to incorporate your ideas into a project. Ah.... but one can dream!
  9. What happens in this film happend to me a few days ago, I add some things, but mostly it is true. I like the way it is turning out, 47 seconds and 12 MB, sorry I no longer have DivX so I can't encode them anymore . Enjoy. { PROJECT FINISHED DELET THIS POST } it is also available at my site, http://www.psyog.cjb.net wich I will be updating severly for the next few days, it is in the movies section. Any input on the animation before I do a Final render would be nice. Thankies, enjoy.
  10. Thanks for the replies, people. I'm rerendering as I type this and hope to get the results of some of the minor tweaks up by Thursday at the latest. Now to address some comments and questions. CreativeAustin Yankee - There are actually thirteen lights making the glow of Thom. Extending from his feet to his head. I will probably use more lights in my project. I'm not certain why it looks like the light is predominately eminating from the middle of the character. :shrug: KingSalami - More info will be forth coming on this, if people are interested. But in a nutshell, the clip is comprised of three renders. A background render (contains all scene elements except for Thom), a gray-scale render (to create the transparency), and the render of Thom doing the action (contains all scene elements except for the glow effect). They are then composited together in Final Cut Pro.
  11. Go to page 1 of this thread and you can download it there. There is a project file there too.
  12. I keep thinking of all of these ideas of animations and models! I have like 10 projects I have to finish!!!! Anyways, I thought of an animation I want to make and it involves a diamond...therefore I'm made a diamond. I'm still trying to get the material right but heres a neat pic of the diamonds with different hues. Tell me what you think because I want the diaond to look good. Thanks
  13. Hit a snag with patch count and limited computer resources. Experimented a bit with V11.0 and hair, but it's not quite ready for what I'm after. I have reworked a branch of my model to reduce patch count and increase leaf coverage at the same time. Here is an old branch with 2772 patches and 168 leaves: Here is the new branch with 1104 patches and 240 leaves: I basically reduced the patch count by replacing the leaf cluster stems with rendered lines. I further reduced the count by reducing the lathe cross section of the branch forms to 4. Thats a 60% reduction in patch count with a %43 increase in the number of leaves. I think I will make the trees smaller with fewer branches, too. My workhorse computer became terminally ill recently. Took this as an excuse to build a new one: AMD Athlon64 3400 with 1G of RAM and 240G of hard disk space. Maybe that will help some, too. Wish me luck getting the project done! Bill Gaylord
  14. Guest


    I'll take a look at my virtual memory again I may have it set to large if thats possiable. I have also had it set on a separate drive also, but not at present. I do my AM on a laptop only, but dont know if that would have anything to do with anything...I know that I cant have shadows on in hair material or I have problems. Im guessing that consolodating my project would be the best way to send in a project.... Mike
  15. Not sure what super secret activities Vern is up to these days but the New Filter I believe has been certified "Vern-free" by some to top security people in the biz. The filtering feature allows you to locate words in the Project Work Space (PWS) that otherwise might be hard to find. I haven't used filtering so can't comment much on it's utility in production with A:M. For those with more complex projects I would imagine it could be quite useful!
  16. For a while there I thought this was going to fall flat But it looks like in might fly....so here's a dragon wing. I haven't had a chance to download Xade's excellent offering but variety is always good. I'm on a severe deadline for the next couple of weeks but lets keep it moving. materials and patch decals of things like scales or zebra markings migh also be cool. Amar: I like keeping things simple because they're easy to alter, but it's a personal preference...and in this case the project belongs to anyone who chooses to contribute. If the join rings are the same it becomes easier to use but people could always use hooks if they wish. Thanks to all the contributors so far... dragonwing.zip
  17. Here is a zipped copy of the "Tube Monster" project so you can see how the model works. It's not very sophisticated and its range of motion is very limited in terms of bending (it can't curl around something like a tentacle), but even its limited motion can be used effectively in the right context. TubeMonster project file Still not as cool as the other monsters posted in this thread though. Nice work folks! How about some Frankenstein's monster like parts? Bill Gaylord
  18. This is cool! A "Build-a-Monster" kit! Here's a monster that is about as simple as they get: a tube! Give it some teeth an a victim and you have yourself a monster movie (albeit a short one). I can share a project of the model and rig. Tube of Death I want to redo this one from the pilot's viewpoint later. Bill Gaylord
  19. Patch count looks great, man. I get the feeling the face and head will be your hard areas. It takes a clever, clever modeler to make a good-looking _and_ expressive low-poly face. I cite the many crappy real-time faces that appear in video games. You know, more than a few Hashers would be enthused to pitch in on a project like this.
  20. Wow, thanks for the great advice everyone. I never expected this many replies and you`ve given me lots to think about. I`m at work at the moment so haven`t got time to go into detail but the project is for kids so I don`t want the forest to be too scary but, I agree, it does need to be darker. I will try and post an update tonight. Thanks everyone
  21. It would be interesting to see your progress on your project, so don't forget to post stuff as you move along. Does your game have an interesting plot? (I've always wanted to make a game, so seeing someone else do it is awesome.) Good luck
  22. I spent wednesday playing around on what you can do with hair, and just barelly getting into it. Selecting the mesh for hair emitter of my model (Erica) from my old V8.5 project. The new hair adds so much life into my model. Its almost like a barbie doll as someone pointed it out. The Hair emitter came with direct manipulation tool, and a comb, and lenghtener tool. I choose 3 point sectional hair, and in hindsight I would of maybe go for 5 for better shaping. I wanted to basically know how the toon render would be with the hair. For the life of me I had a couple of render that render the hair out to toon, and not really knowing what I did to make that render not render toon for the hair anymore. I would have like to show you both ways. Anyway I did get a toon render of the model with the hair and a realistic render of the hair.
  23. wow, that second pic looks like real grass, minus the repeating diagonal line of brown grass blades thanks a million for the project file
  24. I've been working on a toon flower model for the trees with leaves project. I discovered something interesting. You can control hair guides with a pose slider. The model is set up for toon render, but I think I'll be able to set an image for the petals for normal renders. I'll be adding sliders for color, size of petals and for flower growth. Let me know what you think.
  25. Well, making a game nowadays is easier than it used to be - there's a lot of game engines out there, free, cheap, and expensive. I picked GLScene, which lets me program in my favourite language (Pascal), is low level enough that I can muck around with the structure of my models, and is free under the Mozilla Public License. It's not for a company - I'm going to sell it myself as shareware. There's a few sites on the Internet that make it easy to sell your own software, like RegNow or BMT Micro or Share It - or if you want something fancier, CafePress lets you print your own CDs. And yeah, it is going to be a time consuming project, on the order of months and months.. Makes me wish I could find some extra artists or programmers, because I know it's a killer idea.. -Sean Givan
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