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  1. Hi Guys, This is a little test I have been working on for an upcoming project. I decided to post it because it seemed like one of those "can AM do blah blah?" kind of effects. So, I guess what I'm saying is 'AM can do plasma rockets too Oh yeah, and its all procedural as well. Javier
  2. This is one of the main characters for a series project I'm working on.
  3. oh the fuel material effector project I posted was messed up I reposted a new one in the old message and posted a new qt too Sorry
  4. Wow... I'm not sure which one I like better.... I like them both! I'm not sure there is really a wrong or right choice. Rather it just breaks down to the style you intend to use and, of course, sticking with that style for the project. If the plot/story has elements that might be better served by the style you'lll apply that might sway you one way or the other as well. While not always the case... the lines are often associated with cartoon work while the non-lined images lean more toward a painterly effect. Some would probably equate that with juvenile and mature. Can you guess which is associated with which? The juvenline effect is ofter used intentionally to good effect, instantly conveying a message to the audience that they can relax... because the situation isn't meant to be taken as real. Hope that makes a little sense. Great work... Makes me wonder what that guy is up to! -Rodney
  5. Sorry I'm later with this, been working on the 2005 cd project. How about a 4 patch tree. good for background. I have another idea I'll try later.
  6. John: I liked the sprites that DIDN'T blow up! ALso the hair animation was very interesting as well. You guys are way ahead of my learning curve right now, but at least I have some things to play with. I don't ahve a real tight time constraint on the project so I have some flexibility in getting the look that I want. I appreciate all your input and guidance.
  7. I'm working on a project that involves my character standing in place, sloshing the mud using his feet & legs. In the pic, you can see that I've used five bones to manipulate the surface of the mud. The four bones lying horizontally are all constrained to "aim at" the fifth center vertical bone with the "scale to reach" selection checked. It's also translated to an additional bone I've added to the characters calf region. Now when I move the characters leg up, the surface of the mud follows but it's consistancy looks more like glue than mud. I'm considering adding an additional bone to the "mud" model and assigning a "dynamic constraint" to it to give it a bit more "looseness. Does anyone have any other ideas or suggestions that would help this surface's texture consistancy?
  8. I do have one other question on the subject. Is there a way to reduce the render hit? I'm not multipassing, and I'm rendering in Low quality (which is all that's necessary for the project), but I'm finding that the program is calling for nearly 3 hours render time for 5 seconds of animation. (That may be a realistic number, but I thought I'd check with those who know). Having the fuel flow for 20 seconds would cost me a 12 hour render (not in and of itself too costly, but if there is a way to reduce the time, I'd be very interested in knowing it) Remarkable forums!
  9. WillP


    Windows versions can be found here: 2004 CDROM (Orangutan) dongle (HASP) Version Multi-User Dongle Version FTP Mirror area (Faster) V11.0 Features V11.0 Online Technical Reference V11.0 requires dongles to be programmed for year 2004. If you receive a hasp or "No Authorization" error you will need to have your dongle upgraded for the 2004 subscription. Contact upgrades@hash.com for more info. Run the RUS Utility to get your HASP ID#. After receiving an update code from support@hash.com you can use this utility to flash the HASP. ----- Fixes since last version. Added FindAnimObjectFromCache, SetActionDeleted, IsActionDeleted to SDK Compensate mode works with SurfaceConstraint. Fixed deselecting a bone selected in a relation view by clicking in another view {Dave Conroy} Fixed path constraints after removing path Stopped drawing on project close Fixed blank Community chat messages after chat window fills up. Community Chat server pushes chat history on signin.
  10. As a matter of fact, the system IS an old one. It is a mechanical injection system that is used to this day on drag racing cars and boats. (No electronics at all). The system was developed in the late '40's, and survives to this day with very little modification. (Over the years, multiple pumps, nozzles etc. have been added). The animation is to help to explain the very basic system for someone contemplating switching from a carbureted application to an injected one. I would very much like to include fuel flowing through the lines as it would be a tremendous help to visualize where and how the fuel gets to where it's supposed to be. I downloaded a project with blobbies and sprites, but I must confess, I haven't got a clue as to what is going on. If I could figure out how to get the blobbies or sprites to emanate from a particular direction, and be constrained to the inside of the fuel line, I'd be in 7th heaven. I try to learn one new thing a day in A:M. So I'm trying to figure out the sprites and blobbies. I'm not sure if I'm going to leave the background the way it is. For the moment, I'm trying to get my chor sorted out with the correct shots and timing. Once I get that nailed, I can make a decision as to whether or not to enhance the scene. (By then, I'll probably know how to do it! LOL! Thank you for the encouragement and support.
  11. You know, I think that would work well. Could you post the model/project? Thanks! Greg
  12. Thanks Ross! Thanks Rodney! Thanks JIM! The walk cycle was actually animated for another character, and a last minute drag-n-drop onto this one. I can do better, wait n see! This project was inspired by the new 'Incredibles' movie...I hope to initially just get some good samples I can plop into a demo reel to offest all my motion-graphics, and then I would like to make 4 or 5 short episodes of a very formulaic nature. Maybe something I might pitch to spikeTV or some other non-childrens production... ROSS- Here's my little explanation of how I get the cleavage to bounce.(attached jpeg) I would love if Joe Williamson(?) of 'Hunter Dynamics Test' fame could illuminate how he does his magic... God Bless our emerald coast today, may Ivan's wrath be mercifull.
  13. HI Justin thanks for your comments. I see what you mean by the foot slipping and went back into my action and adjusted the timing. I spend most of last night working on just that. I originally had stride length turned on and set at the heels but i guess since he leaves the ground i had to extend the stride way out. then i could make small timing adjustments to the action so the foot speed matched the ground movement in the action window. I made a test render with just the run cycle and it seem much better as far as foot slipping and now he covers alot more ground per stride. i still need to work on the jump and to get the timing right , but now i know how to do it so it looks right in the choreography. As far as camera moves , its an area i'm having some trouble in, i'll try to keep the moves simple like you suggested. maybe I'll pick up a book on camera techniques thanks for you help. i'm learning so much on this little project mrball_run.mov
  14. Here's a technique for quickly laying a surface texture over an irregular object without first needing to decal it. The various projection map types work well for regular-shaped objects like sphere's, planes and cylinders. For irregular rounded shapes a projection mapping type which is based on the surface normal is often a better solution. AM doesn't currently have this option but for stills you can use the environment map to project a texture. Just add an environment map material and select an image. A spherical projection is ideal because it avoids pinching at the poles, but even simple photographic textures work well. On larger flat areas the texture will stretch, but this can be minimised by adding a fractal bump material to break up the streaking. This technique is great for trees and other objects which are time consuming to decal.
  15. Some suggestions: On the web site remove everything except the content, which by the way, I have not been able to see as of yet. You have java applets? Or something? There seems to be "blocks" of content somewhere but they never show up. When doing a web page for something like this the first thought should be towards getting to the good stuff as easily as possible. Is the site a "look at all the cool HTML stuff I can do" or is it a site about the film project you are working on? All of those other things just get in the way. If you must have those things in the site then have a splash page that indicates it is for PC only, or there is a lot of java (not javascript, JAVA APPLETS!). Or have an alternate page. Java NOT JAVASCRIPT, even when done usefully and correct, is iffy at best. There is no need for it here, in my opinion. Also since you are using FrontPage, try not to get carried away with all the wizbang gizmos and what not. You are just looking for trouble, trust me. Front page is not... uh... the best tool in the toolbox. The "bubbles" animation is useless and annoying. Try doing a page that is plain old HTML without anything fancy. You want fancy? Make some cool images, use animated gifs...THAT DON'T REPEAT, standard stuff that won't cause a browser (mine) to crash or become unresponsive. Hope to see the actual content someday. Remember KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid - I am not calling you stupid. It's just a figure of speach. Vernon "!" Zehr
  16. I don't think you'll find much complaint about dynamic bosom behavior on this forum. And I don't mean that in a back-handed, Poser-user kind of way -- I just mean that I've never seen it be a big deal. Speaking of big deals! Nice job with the dynamic constraints. Would you mind giving a little explanation of how you got those to work? I really like the characters. I enjoyed CrimeBomb when you first posted him, asking for help with the arms. He's coming along great -- I look forward to seeing an episode. On the other hand, Ms. Demeanor's walk test doesn't look as feminine as -- well -- the rest of her. Some people (I'm thinking of Parlo) can give you some really awesome tips about walk cycles, and particularly how you could exaggerate the hip swagger on this one to put it in the spirit that you look like you're going for. What are these guys for? Just something to practice with, or do you have a project in mind?
  17. Justin, Shazam3D, thank you very much by your care.................you................make me feel.....................happy. But the problem is not the file are corrupted, the problem is that the file disappeared from my computer .............I've made a search in Windows, but definitively.......I lost the file Well, all this have a good point.......Now I can start the project again with new ideas and more knowledge P.D:Yeah! Shazam see you there!
  18. www.studioartfx.com www.d7peacemaker.com www.animagine.co.uk www.oniriapictures.com/renardweb.html This is what you can accomplish!!! One man show or part of a team!! Your work is just to good to put into something that has been done and no commercial value. I mean I could really see you as a director. There is something about your work and something behind I just see. I would buy a dvd you made, hehehe!!! I mean I'm not saying don't enjoy your project, but wow your work is good to go solo into an idea of your own!!!! Just a thought for the day. Definately be proud of your work!!!
  19. Thanks a lot! My actual goal is to become an animation director, so I think adapting an existing animation through my vision is good experience. As a director someday, I would love to work with talented writers, character designers, and animators to make original movies. For right now, though, I'm enjoying working on this project. -Noah
  20. Hi Ernesto! If your project won't load or crashes, try opening the file in a text editor (notepad p.e.) and deleting everything between [WINDOWPLACEMENTS] and [ENDWINDOWSPLACEMENTS]. (as seen on "Animation:Master" 2002 A Complete Guide" by David Rogers) I hope that it works. See you in the Cole3d
  21. Hey Forum! Thanks for the kind words... I am attaching the 'final' version of the movie from earlier and another one I did quick on the side. Both are actually tests to use action blending, which for the most part works pretty cool, with a minimal of hitches. I think I stumbled upon a 'bug' or 'limitation' whereas when using v11 hair with dynamics'on' that any 'dynamic-constraints' do not appear at render time, like the program is only able to arithmaticly handle one, not both. I say that because I (naturally) put a bone in Miss D's 'chest area' with a dynamic constraint to add a 'jiggle' factor... and in my chor I can see it bouncing away REALLY nice...but when I render the movie that secondary action does not appear. Pity. I'll prepare a project file and send it to support. THIS IS THE SAME MOVIE FROM BEFORE BUT WITH A LOT OF REVISIONS. CrimeBomb2.mov
  22. By the way we have him in the project files ready to use. We just can't get the bones to work right to make him move. The concept is not hard if you know what your doing. We are just to new at it.
  23. We are still looking for someone to help with this project. Sorry Ken we lost your information
  24. okay and if you're are interested here's the project file got the right fir(pine) this time but hey its late fir.zip
  25. We use bmp files like animated gifs. So each animation is a sequential series of images that are in bmp format and then displayed at a frame rate of 15fps max. It works the same as gifs, but has the advantage of more colors and you can compress bmp files, too. Plus bmp files are a Windows standard and the program only runs on Windows. What we need is a 3D look and cells that can be played as animation for various movements that we want the characters to make. I hope this helps clarify our needs. We can convert though from any format to bmps. More details about this project follow: I need frame cells captured from a moving character. We use a type of bmp animation with DirectX. Examples of what I will eventually need are below: The character (dog man, cat man, elephant man, duck man) needs to bend down and pick up reach up turn left turn right reach out to right reach out to left at chest level walk right walk left smile jump up and down hop left hop right I would like to start with this: A frog that does many of these things and uses his tongue to catch things smiles talks eats things turns right turns left turns backward I need the frame by frame movement in 16bit color bmp 200x200 pixels
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