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Everything posted by Darkwing

  1. Yeah sure! I'll read through anything if you want to send it! I think my e-mail address on here isn't my preferred one, so use chrisadcameron (at) gmail (dot) com. And yeah, I meant sorta Salvador Dali like, at least just a little or to draw inspiration from. Just a suggestion at least, look up some of his stuff (and watch the Birds ) cause TBH, I think Tim Burton draws on him too some for inspiration as I do find similarities between the two, at least visual concept wise.
  2. Oh wow! I'll tackle the last one first. Already did, got mostly pictures of Indiana Jones. As for Captain Heroic, here's the best of the episodes produced: Now, the best way to tackle some of the other items is to outline what the original series goals and ideas were back in the day. Captain Heroic (there was once a comic by the same title online but that disappeared when I checked last about 6 months ago). Do note, the name as well is subject to change should a better one come up! Ok, Captain Heroic originally was supposed to at least pay a little bit of tribute to the sci-fi cartoons of the 60s (thus its poorly executed somewhat retro style). Heroic was supposed to be a sci-fi adventurer/hero of sorts who would travel around in his ship and save people and get into situations. Best analogy is Doctor Who meets Indiana Jones. Unfortunately, most of my inspiration at the time followed the plot lines of Doctor Who a little too closely, ie, Heroic is from an ancient race that has since disappeared due to a massive war fought with Heroic's arch-nemesis Lordship Goriath (also of his people so a large scale civil war). Since the war, most of the advanced tech from his race has disappeared and all that really remains is his little ship (which is more powerful than it looks). Sound familiar? Yep, that's the plot of Doctor Who post 2005. As for the math, the original series outline was each season containing 6 episodes. Each episode was around 10 minutes in length and the Season Finale was supposed to end in a cliffhanger to lead into Season 2. Never completed the full season for the old series. So for this one, time has made me cautious though I still retain my ambition despite all the failures or incompletions, so right now, the math would be a single pilot episode of 5 minutes, 10 minutes tops because it's the pilot. Depending on how well that goes over/is received, would like to do 5 more episodes at about 5 minutes per episode. Also, I would very much intend for it to be free and getting viewers is of course a skill in and of itself, so really, I'm looking more at being personally content that I made something from start to finish With all that said, answering who is Captain Heroic is indeed a tricky one. With such a short format a simpler character might be beneficial (not certain). Regardless of what depth he has and no matter how anti-21st century this is, Captain Heroic I would like to be a clear cut good guy. Not that he doesn't have flaws or make mistakes or anything, but like Tintin, he's a solid character with a good set of moral values, there for the needs of the galaxy, there to help and stand up against evil. Again his primary antagonist would be his arch-nemesis Goriath.
  3. Fortunately and idea like this has the potential to be very visual and take massive liberties (I mean it is "purgatory" in a sense). It would be very interesting to see it done in an almost Dahli like style or something, it would at the least be very appropriate I think
  4. So with all these discussions of group projects and the like, it really has put the bug in me to do a web series of some sort. Before that however, there needs to be an idea and some designing. Now in short, right now I'm sorta just designing a character and seeing if more blossoms from it. Essentially what I'm trying to do, is re-design an old character of mine, Captain Heroic. This time, I'm really trying to go for a simplistic, stylized, adventure hero type look. So with that said, I'm kind of stumped This is just a quick sketch I threw together and hopefully it can be a launchpad for ideas. It would be very helpful and nice if some of you creative folk here could help get my creative juices flowing and throw in some of your two cents. And really, be critical (constructively of course) I'm not really partial to the design or anything, at least not at this stage. Also, something has stuck out in my mind regarding the conversations we've had and I forget who said it, but it was something along the lines of animation now really being used as a substitute when real people could have just been used. I would be interested in seeing if this character has the potential to morph into a manner where real people may not necessarily be an option or a better choice than animation. If anyone's not familiar with Captain Heroic, I'm pretty sure I put a link in my sig to my Youtube page which should have the Captain Heroic's somewhere
  5. Here's the result of a 3 day render! There's still more to this shot to actually be rendered, but I got impatient
  6. Personally I think if you're going to throw in a historical character as a villain, make it someone who was more villainy (ie cliche Hitler). On that note, perhaps the villain should be more than just a single person. You've stated something of pure evil is what's been holding people from crossing over. Perhaps the villain can be more ambiguous ie the dark hopes and dreams or inhibitions in ourselves that hold us back. Perhaps the primary character(s) have to go on one of those soul searching adventures or something to realize that it's everyone's collective "evil" so to speak that has comprised the "master evil" if you will
  7. Thanks. The chairs may or may not get tweaked, depends on the time. Meanwhile, here's the beginnings of the Enterprise's bridge. Already things are going much quicker than Pegasus so let's hope this modeling spree keeps up!
  8. It's hard to find good pics, but here's where I loosely pulled the design of the light rims from: On that note, what I think I'll do is make them more of a gradient fill. Which I'll play with later today. For now, a quick red alert render
  9. And that's where it becomes decision time. If the sets become "too realistic," then the characters might seem out of place as they're borderline CG/realistic looking so maintaining and element of non-realism to the sets might be beneficial. I dunno, just thinking out loud.
  10. Well in the first one, the whole thing is lit up, whereas in the second, it's only a small strip that's at about the middle of the platform. The strip of light I guess is decoration more than anything as I pulled it from the design of the sovereign class bridge in order to make the galaxy class be more up to date with Trek design Personally I like the second better. I'll throw together a red alert image tomorrow
  11. Thanks everyone! I've started modeling the bridge to the Enterprise, so hopefully that won't take as long as Pegasus did! And Jason, how's this?
  12. WOOOHHOOOOO!!!! The first set for Red Squad is complete!!!!!
  13. Ambiguity usually works wonders like Rodney said (why do you think people like the book more than movie?). Also, you have several things going for you. One is there are only 4 main characters. That really simplifies matters. The second is that this appears to be a story that could work in both a grand scale and a miniature scale as well. This is one of the reasons I kind of like the webisode idea, it allows you to directly break the story down into manageable chunks and allows you to have "completed" products as well without the entire story having yet been produced. Of course the exception is something like Red Squad in which the webisodes are long enough to make the production time about a year. :/
  14. I concur, it's an intriguing and visual idea and could lend itself well to either a feature or web-series format I think. It's a trifle late and my brain's fizzled right now, but seriously, flesh this one out some cause it does seem to have a decent amount of potential!
  15. It was like this from the get-go. And TBH, I have no idea how or when a Mac updates things like drivers
  16. Unfortunately it looks like it is unticked already, so that means that it's unrelated I would assume and probably more like what Robert said.
  17. Interesting. Pretty sure its an nVidia card or something but I mean, I do have issues with other programs occasionally and I've always just chalked it up to my version of Mac OSX
  18. Not to be the negative person who tries to throw a wrench in the works, but I kinda frequently have stability issues with my AM and Mac. V16 has improved on many of them and most have workarounds, but there a significant amount of times where the program just crashes just cause. On that note, I've adopted a now habitual save about every 3 seconds or less, I do it in other software too now On that note, I still use AM on my mac almost daily and have for a few years now
  19. Despite having apparent dark overtones, I could actually see that idea be twisted around into a more adventerous sense, kind of collecting bits and pieces from the Alice idea of this fantastical world (the land of the dead or whatever) and having to have these characters go after something (ie piece of evidence to prove that Latimer wasn't in fact supposed to die and was part of the devious ploy by the being of pure evil. Also, I've always been fascinated by Poe and his bordering of mental instability and insanity and his suicidal like tendencies, except where he's already dead that could pose some interesting character quirks for poe
  20. Ok, so a basic question, why would the teacher change his grade? Was it a mistake grade or something? What kind of format do you envision this working with? Single short film, feature film, web-series? I am intrigued by the concept personally, though I know next to nothing about sports. Also, what relevance would being a hockey player have? (ie when the climax arrives, character has some pivotal skill he learned in hockey that saves him and the prof from whatever the danger was). On that note, is stone age a good time era for it? Could be Ice Age era (might make more sense than neolithic especially if the main character is a hockey player)
  21. Maybe that's a better starting point then if others intend to hash out some ideas, then it can be flushed out together. Of course others might propose altogether new ideas, I dunno, just throwing that out there
  22. I've never fully seen nor read Alice, however Alice in Wonderland story does offer a lot of potential for imaginative imagery and fantastical elements that otherwise would be restricted due to "realism." My first thoughts regarding the first idea is that it sounds like an Alice version of Sucker Punch (may or may not be a good thing, I don't know ). Is there any elaboration that can be produced regarding the primary plot? Seeking answers is a good start, but what else can go along with, what other plot can be driving the story (if I'm correct, the actual Alice story is similar in a sense, Alice is seeking answers but the Queen of Hearts is up to something I think and Alice becomes involved in that?) As much as I personally like a (good) vampire story, in this Twilight driven age of vampires, I'm not sure what kind of "new" creativity can follow the vampire genre. That said though, I do kind of like the basic premise as it allows for story arcs and subplots and the like and again, good visual imagery. Supposing this idea were to be flushed out more, a question I need to ask is, is the vampire hunter simply a hunter of vampires (ie van helsing) or is it an actual vampire hunting vampires. If so, what would this vampire's motivation be. If not, what drives the vampire hunter to be a vampire hunter?
  23. Hey that's fantastic! Love the stylization, kinda Rankin/Bass look to it!
  24. Disclaimer: Not a debate thread about whether we should or shouldn't do something. This is just ideas. Now that that's out of the way, who has some bright ideas to share? I had mentioned the idea of a sci-fi sitcom of some sort. Any thoughts on that or completely unrelated ideas? Just throw them out there (unless you're afraid someone will steal your great idea). But yeah, let's just get some ideas going here and anything else we'll tackle later. Cross that bridge when we come to it as they say
  25. Would doing something like disabling back facing polys help or anything? This is a problem I have a lot when I'm doing legit modeling in AM. If I have two sides of something and so I select a CP, instead of it selecting the one in front in the view I'm in, it selects the back instead. Perhaps this is just an offshoot of whatever that is?
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