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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


Hash Fellow
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Posts posted by Caroline

  1. Another thing you could try is:


    Help Menu > Reset Settings


    Then exit A:M, restart the computer, then restart A:M.


    That will make sure that all the settings are at default.


    (Restarting the computer is probably not necessary, I am just mindful that a restart will often cure 95% of woes)

  2. HomeSlice has been making some brilliant tutorials in the Tutorial forum.


    Here's his lighting one:




    And here's one from Yves:




    A search on the forum for


    +lighting +tutorial


    will show up lighting tutorials.


    Non A:M, but shows principles:




  3. Way too many splines is causing the creasing.


    It looks like a very simple shape - you could probably do this with 4 - 6 splines meeting, instead of 40. Then you could do a cross over instead of a hole.


    What is it you are modelling? Have you tried the giraffe tutorial in the Art of Animation Master? (Although that is a tricky one.) You could also look at the Primitives models that are on the Hash CD, and see how few splines they use. Maybe take a Primitive and change it to what you want?


    Also, when you post, please could you put up a jpg instead of a bmp - they are a lot smaller to download!

  4. Hi and welcome to the forums!


    Only yesterday I bookmarked this:




    I don't know if it's useful - I haven't got around to doing it yet, and I don't yet know the language of rigging, and it's for a fairly old version.


    To understand it, I think you probably have to be fairly good at rigging already.


    Another post may help too:


    http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16943 - animating rope that stretches.


    I'm interested in this topic too, although more about rigging a long tail than stretching, so I'll post anything else I find.

  5. I think you should go back to first principles and try this:


    Restart A:M first.


    1. Project Menu > New

    2. Right click Objects and Import the cube from the disk.

    3. In Cube Properties > File Info change Embedded to ON.

    4. Right click Images > Import > Image (*thought* did you import the image as an image or a sequence before)

    5. Import an image from the disk > Data > Images

    6. Drag the image into the Modelling window (don't bother to hide).

    7. Click OK to accept the default of Decal.

    8. Right click the Decal > Apply

    9. Right click the Decal > Stop Positioning.

    10. Repeat for the top view with a second image.

    11. Save the project


    I hope that's all the steps - it works for me.


    Does that work for you? If not, then I don't know what's happening. If it did, then it must be something to do with the image.


    Edit: I just did a decal like that with a tga sequence, and that worked for me too (that was neat - I hadn't done that as a decal before) - note that when you first open the image sequence you only click the FIRST image in the sequence, you don't select all of them.

  6. Could the lag be particles? You can turn these on and off by pressing Shift + 8.


    Also, pressing Page Down a couple of times makes a big difference - Page Up & Page Down are the real-time render quality.


    Animate in the chor is easier, unless it is an action that will be reused by this or other characters. In which case an action is better, which can later be dropped on a character.


    I'm just experimenting with compositing in A:M, using Twisted Brush to do a background, and seeing how much I can get away with in 2d, like trees and such.


    You can put tgas on layers in the choreography, or use a tga as a camera rotoscope.

  7. Hair (and other particles) can be very heavy on the system - if you want to go ahead and pose him, you can press Shift + 8 to turn the particles off/on while you pose him.


    When you come to render it, in the Advanced Render dialog you can then turn the particles on for the render - remembering to turn it off again afterwards.


    He looks good as is though!


    Congratulations on making it all the way through.

  8. At first glance that looked really good, so you must be almost there.


    I guess you've seen the Muybridge horse gallops?


    Your front right leg holds in position for about 5 frames at the top of its stride, so it looks jerky, and the back right leg also holds for a few frames, I think. I can't see them too well, but your left side looks better than the right side - are they the same?

  9. Is the centre spline being continued around the chin?


    Click a control point along the spline and press the comma key, and the centre spline should be selected. The centre spline should ONLY run from top to bottom.


    These are the steps that I take:


    1. Save the project and model.

    2. Click the central spline.

    3. Press the comma , key to select the whole spline.

    4. On the top toolbar, click on Show Manipulator Properties.

    5. Click the Scale manipulator.

    6. Change the X scale to 0% - this aligns along the x axis. I also changed the X pivot to 0 - This step is supposed to be unnecessary, but I do it as part of my ritual.


    If you have a right half to delete:

    7. Select the left half of the model up to and including the central spline.

    8. Press Ctrl C to copy.

    9. Press Ctrl A to select all

    10. Press Delete to delete all.

    11. Press Ctrl V to paste.

    end if


    12. Shift click the middle spline.

    13. Right click and Copy/Flip/Attach.


    I don't know about the olive green - are you using that colour anywhere in the project?


    Good face, by the way - maybe a few hooks needed in the forehead area to reduce splinage?


    Oh, and there is a 5 point patch to the left of the nose that would be better as a hook. And one on the left view on the chin too.

  10. Hi, Tralfaz, seeing no-one has answered you yet, I'll try....


    I don't want to mess things up...

    I was worried about that to start with, but I don't think you can - with SVN there's backups and backups. And with just renders, you definitely can't, because you won't be saving back to SVN.


    1) If these have already been answered, or if there is a FAQ about it, could you please point me in the right direction?

    I think you just ask here - I never found a useful FAQ.


    2) Are the rendering settings already set up in each project that gets downloaded? I have been following along with Martin's "Ongoing Renders" thread, and it looks like some have DOF on, others have DOF off.

    I don't know enough to mess with settings, so I have just taken what's there. The only things I have changed is the folder the tgas are rendered to, and the frame range, so I can use two computers.


    3) Just to be sure, these are the final renders that are taking place?

    Is there such a thing as a final final render?


    4) How exactly do tasks get assigned and how does one get notified about it?

    Martin emails.


    the renders shown are pretty amazing, this is going to be a great final product

    It's so cool seeing the scenes freshly produced!

  11. Although it looks like it may be that one frame that has a problem? The others seem to be rendering fast.


    You could try aborting the render, restarting the computer, and re-rendering starting from that frame.

  12. :blush: That's the trouble with studying 1/24th of a second in time, and being over-excited about how the movie looks.


    I think it's motion blur from the camera (along with the depth of field), so I'll just let it run.

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