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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Chrury Sanson

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Everything posted by Chrury Sanson

  1. Goomba update: (perspective is on BTW) The mouth will be reshaped to fit the teeth next. Then eye tweaking, then boning. The eye's on the 'official' goomba are slightly inside his head. Would you like that? Any other suggestions? Eyebrow down? Eyes up? I love how being part of a group motivates me to get my work done.
  2. I've been recruited! (ask nunsofamerica for confirmation) If you are willing, I will enjoy putting my growing skills to work. And my brother is a huge Mario fan, so he can help me make sure my models have that certain Mario feel. For my first model (assigned by nuns) da gooma: (work in progress) As you can see, I have the bits and pieces mostly ready. Facial landscape is next. Then some eyebrow shaping and boning. Wish me luck. Chrury
  3. That post has made me ponder and gimble from dawn until brillig and then some. I still have a couple projects of my own to finish. And TAoAM. And ABC. So unless you turn this into a group project, I'll wait on this one. I did make a set mock-up though. That made my brain hurt. {wishes for another view}
  4. The only idea I can think of is: The History of the Olympics Showing how some of the sports came about and how wars were put on hold when it was time to compete. It also gives you the chance to put it a "Thrill of victory....agony of defeat" in there somewhere. But that might not be important/world changing enough for you.
  5. Do you plan on animating some scenes inside or is this just to expand your modeling prowess? On that note, It's very well modeled. A bit too modern for me but hey! I don't live there. I would like to know how it would deal with rain water. I see a distinct lack of gutters and the roof is flat. Usually that would end with water/mold damage, and nobody wants that! Also, try rotating the plants a bit. They look too identical. (The two on the front right in particular) Keep it up! Keep recovering!
  6. You've converted LDraw to AM? I would love to see how that works. (Even if it's not efficient) PM me?
  7. Ah, so he's the guy in your avatar. Cuuute. I'm thinking with his spline make-up, most of the emotion would be shown through the forhead by doing some eyebrow impersonations.
  8. Hey! I knew someone would do that image eventually! I just thought it would be me. Keep up the good work! I wait for updates with antisipation.
  9. A ninja bumps the thread. My apologies on the long response time. I had an upgrade to work with and TAoAM to go through and holidays! Those take alot of time. So here's my update: Shaded with perspective Shaded wireframe w/o perspective A LOT of tweaking, eh? The top one reminds me of "I, Robot" but it's probably just the lack of texture. Rusty: Now that I will have to try. This is intended to be my 'masterpiece'. So I plan on having everything animatable (is that a word?) when this guy is done. Let me get the look worked out, then I'll definitely come back to that. Mr. Gaylord: WOW! The ears! Great reference! Black Mage: I started with the cooper tut and I will make sure I go back to it soon. I have it on CD, in the latest TAoAM book, and under favorites. I'm covered. As for the other one, perhaps I'll wait until I understand Japanese better. Then I wouldn't need the translator. (Love his version of Chii BTW ) Everybody: This guy should continue to progress in between bouts with TAoAM and ABC. I'll be getting better rotoscopes so he can be more hi-rez. Rock on, Chris
  10. Spot on! Almost looks like they were modeled in Lego Digital Designer. Was putting the word 'LEGO' on the studs too much? I'd say the TIE needs some texture on the 2x4 double inverse slope that makes the back of the wing. Either that or some better lighting. (Mini sets are my fave legos )
  11. LOL! I keep thinking his torso will fall onto his boots! Does the top of the hat = the top of his head textured?
  12. Yeah, I can see that working. Those are a pair of great shots. Depending on the characters, and how they will be positioned in relation to the camera and the background, you should be careful about the background stealing the scene. Not a problem with the canoe shot. Or you could work with it by having a reaction shot from your char, then spinning around to reveal the landscape. I may be thinking about this the wrong way though.
  13. I did say that the eye/eyesocket was next. And Here's what I'm going for: (just without the mask and with shorter hair) And I said it would take a while.
  14. Well I'm not one to restart something if it is salvageable. And this is salvageable. Looking at those CD chars was a real "Doh!" moment. Hopefully I can get to be that efficient. Here's me, trying to be more efficient. And the reworked nose: Still needs a bit of tweaking. I'm thinking I'll work on the eye socket next. Any tips? BTW: I'm using screenshots as rotoscopes and the splines being pointy is probably a product of low resolution as they're renders not screen caps.
  15. Thanks Paul. As they say: If you don't use it, you lose it. Got some work done. getting smoother. I'm finding almost all my problems have to do with 5-point patches or 5-spline points. here's my nose (just because I want to show my nose ) Any thoughts on those side creases?
  16. Easier said than done! lol I got those working better and found a few more around the nose area. I'll get a pic up when I have them smothed to my satisfaction. PS: What's that command for placing a CP in the middle of a spline?
  17. OK! This will be a model of my Ranger in GW. But that's pretty far off. I've made a body mock-up and now I'm working on the head. Here's where I'm at: [attachmentid=23207] Lookin' kinda freaky. [attachmentid=23208] I've gotten this far with the help of the great 'Cooper' Tutorial. My questions: - Am I using too many 5 point patches? - How to fix those creases on the side? - Does he need more CPs? - Should I put this on hold until I get my version 13 upgrade? (Just in time for Christmas. ) Suggest away! Now that I've made this thread, I should be more motivated to work on him! Updates will happen!
  18. That was fabulous. And you finished it two years ago! I have great anticipation on your next one! Chrury
  19. Just got my grade in. 100% with the final and 99.7% overall!
  20. Hello peoples! I have just finished Keystones (Keystone Online Highschool Home Page) AM course. I am just waiting for my last grade. So I thought I would show you what sort of stuff this course has you go through. No videos though. Most are AVI and too big for the forum and my comp won't render MOVs. Most images are frame captures from the animation. The course has all animations on VGA format. Onward! Assignment 1: Introduction and spheres The course assumes that the student has never touched AM. I had some experience so these first couple of projects were a breeze. This one introduces the splines, texturing, scaling, and the chor window. The models you make are a planet, a glowing sphere and an eye. All textured spheres, of course. And finally, moving this towards the camera. After doing what was required, I threw them together for this: Spheres Assignment 2: Pyramids Same as #1 just with pyramids and a (jerky) flyby. Assignment 3: The vase and the lamp Yep, model and animate a vase (does a dance) and a Pixar-esk lamp. (gets startled at your presence) Assign. 4: Spaceship Extrusion, more texturing, sprites (flame effect), constrain to path. No image for this one. Assign. 5: Segmented Guy (think stick figure with a sphere at each joint) Bone hierachies and walk cycles after modeling this guy Assign. 6: Dolphin Advanced extrusion and texturing, make some sort of jumping/diving animation. The resulting model in the tutorial looks nothing like a dolphin. I did some research to get a more realistic one. Midterm! Make 3 animations/projects reflecting what you have learned so far. I redid the spacecraft from Assignment #4 and made it to more of my liking: a Pic Got a recolored segmented guy to dance. and made a piano play music. (Fur Elise, to be exact) The Piano Assign. 7: Squash and Stretch Sound familiar? Model/texture and bone a ball for bouncing. Assign 8: The robot Model said robot and make a short animation with him. I had him yawn. Honestly! Does that look like a robot to you? Assign. 9: The Hovercraft Intro to the five point patch. Model and animate. A pic. The bucket is from the AM:Extras I believe. Any ideas as to why the top half didn't render? Assign. 10: The butterfly Photoshoping a decal, decaling, repetitive motion. Assign. 11: Ants More extrusion/ texturing. The tutorial/lessons have you make some sort of beetle/ant/toy hybrid. BLA! More research for a better ant. What I came up with: My ant. (the lessons ant is squished, see? :-D) Assign. 12: Landmark Specifically, a Space Needle type building. Required a flyby. Assign. 13: Emotional Furry It Right {shakes head} This one introduced the hair feature to a limited extent. Finished product: a fuzzy potato thing. The assignment requires that it show 3 distinct emotions. I couldn't have him emote at noting at all, so I threw a ball at him. {shrug} Assign. 14: Mr. Eggplant Same as the furry it. 3 emotions using poses. Wanting to try my hand at lip poses, I parodied a well known commercial. Extra credit: Photoshop Mr. Eggplant into an image. He likes my computer, apparently. Assign. 15: Chess I Create a chess set and animate! Lots of lathing in this one. I fiddled with solid bodies and went bowling. Assign. 16: ChessII Three point lighting system and accurate positioning. This one required an image as well as an animation. I sharpened my anthropomophism skills for this one. Extra credit: Change the lighting for a different mood. The result. A funny note on the chess sections; the king and queen are on the wrong square in every picture. That bugged me to no end. Final! Same as midterm. I decided to: - edit the robot so he can complain. (camera pans past this in the first second or so ) - fold a paper crane - Some strange ancient artifact. And THAT'S ALL FOLKS! The student is given a good deal of leeway as long as s/he accomplishes a few key points. Texturing, extras (the walls in squash, a backgroud) and animation are usually left up to the learner. The course lets you set your own pace and I got through it in about 10 1/2 months. I tried to add my own touch to all of them. Of course, this being a forum, comments and critiques are encouraged. You should know, however, that all images are being shown off "as is" and will not be edited by the author. I'm rearing to go! Keep an eye out for a WIP I will put up soon. Thanks for looking! Chrury
  21. Fascinating. Who's arm would that be? Interesting factoid: The majority of watch-wearers who are right handed wear their watch on their left hand and vise-versa. Therefor, that character is probably left handed.
  22. Smashing good job. Will he be a hover-bot or will he have legs?
  23. Pretty darn cool looking. Now it just needs a sci-fi hacker dude.
  24. Great flower, Caroline! modeled, textured and moving! Thumbs up! I found and used jetAudio. (scroll to the bottom) The basic download did the conversion and did it correctly. (I can't count how many I found that would play the midi from the internal speaker and record from that )
  25. I did a project like that. Used the midi-motion plugin. It's a piano playing Fur Elise. Took maybe 2 weeks to model, animate, light, and finish. The hardest part was finding a GOOD midi to wav converter as AM doesn't allow midis in the chor and the plug-in needs a .mid >_> I can render a smaller version if you would like a look.
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