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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by DanCBradbury

  1. Wow! that's looking great. One thing though, you should increase the quality of the volumetric lights above the bar, or is that turbulance you added? either way. It's looking real good. Very nice improvements so far over your original. Yeah, your mood is more of a "sin city" type feel with the harsh contrast of light, and like i said before radiosity isnt a very moving animation friendly thing. It would take days to render my stuff if it were moving. I wish i had a Cray... then i could realy do some awesome stuff.
  2. Hmm. i think it's time for someone to get a new comp...
  3. Realy nice model you have goin there. Are the random, further sticking out, plants modeled or is it part of fur? Now, is TWO a A:M community project or somethin?
  4. Holy moley! um... i dont mean to brag, but my computer can calculate a million rays in about 20 seconds. Have you got programs running in the background or something? Or is this the render itself, because rendering the initial radiosity shouldn't take longer than three minutes or so. If you want, you can send the project file to me and i can render it for you... if you'd like. I'm not realy sure what kind of computer you have... but, you may want to consider... maybe buying a new one... or using a desktop for renders.
  5. Can i ask what version of A:M you are using? From the sounds of it you are using version 7 or lower. If you have anything before version 8, then radiosity as a means of practical rendering is not an option to you. One of the programmers around here, Yeves, refers to the old way of radiosity calculation as "The Monte Carlo" approach, and it is incredibly unrealistic and will not add anything but incredible amounts of noise to your radiosity render. For the monte carlo approach to ever get anywhere near the quality of the newer approach you would have to let it calculate hundreds of millions, or even billions of rays, where as the new one would only need 10,000 or at most 1,000,000 ray casts. I would recomend that if you have some extra dollars lying around, to just go ahead and buy the incredibly inexpensive A:M v12. It's worlds better than the old ones i can tell you that. Included is a picture of the best possible render you could ever get with a monte carlo radiosity calculation. You can realy see the noise and bleeding.
  6. Now that's lookin awesome nathan. You did a real good job populating the scene. You should add some stuff over the bar area though; it looks a little plain on that side of the picture. Maybe a shelf with bottles and such or a mirror. You should realy consider radiosity for your shot now... and if you want i can show you how. The only problem with radiosity, however, is that it realy bogs down the system and depending on the quality of the radiosity it could add hours to a still that size; but... it will come out lookin fantastic. Global Illumination is amazing and adds a lot to renders. The most importan part is that it allows you to create simple lighting rigs. Lighting is never wrong with radiosity on the line. lol. Let me know if you need any help if you decide to go that route.
  7. That's a pretty cool model. Now is this from a book or some sort of short story? I like how you made the ropes loop around. Are theactually rapped around with all the frappings and lashings? Your bamboo looks a little shinny though... but other than that. nice model.
  8. That's pretty cool... but... i havent got a clue of what i'm lookin at. lol very modern.
  9. Dude! that is awesome! did you use a displacement map? the only thing i do notice that's a little off in your pic is that the moon is way to bright, and it's really realy yellow and the light reflecting off the water is not. Other than that, nice pic of a very turbulant ocean. Can I see your wireframe? you should add some white caps and stuff now.
  10. I pulled out the old model, and thought i'd spruce it up a bit. I designed and built it in v6, and now that i have v12 the modler is way more easy to use, and fast. Here is what i came up with on the new and improved Retro. Hope you guys like it. One of them has radiosity, but for some reason whith the addition of radiosity it takes reflectivity away from the object, making it duller. I'll have to talk to one of the techy people here to find out why that is. Enjoy
  11. Very nice model. But for some reason it looks lik e a baloon...
  12. Looks awesome. Nice effect.
  13. That looks awesome! Very nice changes and additions to the model.
  14. a re you making this for a court hearing or something about an accedent you were in?
  15. that's just awesome! How did you do that withought creases?!
  16. That's an awesome wing. I dont think it's too much detail for what you're goin for.
  17. Looking good so far. Some helpful stuffs: Your door looks a bit square. You might want to make it taller, and if you do... the knob should already be in the right place. Maybe add some chairs and some empty or part empty bear mugs to the table in front... or some kinda food stuffs to make it all messy and such. If you want a bit more realism to the shot, you might want to think about raidosity, and some reflective caustics. hope to see how it comes out
  18. lol. i'm never going to be done with this model. every time i look at it i see areas that need something or improvement. "maybe a sprinkler system, a sprinkler control valve maybe, how about an electric pipe that runs from light fixture to light fixture with supports and screws for the supports" lol. this model has well over 18000 splines lol and it keeps growing. Well, thanks guys. I'll probably start work on the floor texturing pretty soon. Here's the color map for the sign luckbat. but i still think the neon no smoking sign looks good to me... kinda like a stop sign glow when lights on it.
  19. Sorry i havent done anything with this for a while but... I HAVE A NEW UPDATE lol Well, i've been learning more and more about radiosity and population of a scene, and thought i'd work some more on my hallway. Changes: I added a ruber boarder around the floor, and had it bow and come appart in areas where the glue may have given away, even though it's not easy to see them... they're there lol. I changed the POV of the shot, added some ventalation ducts at the top, placed a few stacked cones close to the camera to reinforce the "3D" aspect of the stereo, another florecent light in the hallway junction area, put in some signs, a fire hose, ciggarette butts, and a guy walking around the corner that you can see in the mirror... (ooooo mysterious O_o) lol. I also made the florecent lights much realer looking by removing the "ambient + glowing" plastic sheet cover and gave the inside a brushed reflective metal material look. Let me know what you guys think.
  20. I'll get right working on that. I did kinda have a funny feeling about that one wire though. It was in a reference shot. i may put some brackets on it... or possibly remove it entirely... And yes... pipes disapear into walls and floors all the time. Ever been inside an airforce underground full pump station? There are hundreds of pipes goin every which way in there. lol but a "hey, looking better" would be nice too ya know...
  21. Now that your model is complete you should realy consider radiosity for the shot, instead of 80% darkness kelig shadows. I just upgraded from 2000 too, and the new radiosity method far surpasses anything from 2000. lol. I have a model right now that i posted in wip that utilizes the radiosity feature. Radiosity gives your pictures so much more believability, and awesomeness.
  22. K. here's the updated model. I hope you guys all like it. Let me know if anything seems off. Check The radiosity forum for a complete list of changes. render time: about 12 hours.
  23. lol... that's really gettin better. Nice movements... but on some of the frames it looks like you just took a still and froze it for a second or so... but other than that... it's pretty funny... that's a big sward reminds me of final fantasy
  24. Thanks for the tips guys, i'm gunna get right on that. Maybe a cylinder projection map on the pipes would look good.
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