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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by pelonppp

  1. .
  2. i know there is a lot of geometry but 1 hour render for that 90's quality render......no thanks
  3. so realistic my friend............
  4. que hay! great work braga as usually, are you going to animated this panda? looks great
  5. hi you can use 4 or more kileg lights around the model, in the options of the light change the shadow typr to z-buffer and turn on the penumbra option, other way is use a skydome, you will found more about this here http://www.ypoart.com/tutorials/tutorials.htm
  6. yeah, an a great culture too,
  7. WOW !! hi luis, this is a great animation , i have vote for it que pasa cronos buena animacion ya te deje mi voto SUERTE!! saludos.
  8. que onda si me comento luis oliva de la pelicula, y que dices ya casi la terminan para cuando sale soy christopher de los cursos del cieaac por si no me ubicas yo le sigo dando al animation tambien ya no tanto mas bien trabajo con otro programa me saludas al luis SUERTE olle no utilizas el messenger, si gustas agregame ebriusdei@hotmail.com
  9. que pasa luis como te a ido esta quedando muy padre el modelo se nota que le hayas muy bien al modelado que onda sigues haciendo juegos_ saludos
  10. hi i´m back whit a update for this image i forget show thee final version comments suggestion and critics are welcome thanks
  11. HI i think your robot is really cool tanks for sharing it. see you
  12. Hi. NO MAMES!!! (sorry but i don´t say this in english) I don´t saw a mesh like that in A-M before. my first question is, what computer you have? the second is , how many time you take doing this model? i think you had the record for the spline count in a model see you
  13. Hi this is a good model good work you can show me some wirez od the tire please see you
  14. very nice this look like a grand theft auto character where are the guns?
  15. hi. god work in the lens flare effect. i had some sugestion. the clouds of the planet maybe more white and wath is this [attachmentid=17261]
  16. the page of darktree is www.darksim.com
  17. great model. you are a master of lighting what is the render time?
  18. the model looks great nice job I had a suggestion, if you use radiosity maybe you put more photon cast and activate final gathering(200 samples and 20% jittering), this fix the noise in the wall and models
  19. is a ^balero^ a tradicional toy of my country thanks all, I work in made more dirty this room. thank
  20. it is the room of a kid of a personal animation in work... any suggestion or opinion, WELCOME thanks[attachmentid=14728][attachmentid=14728]
  21. amazing work, you make a cool still. 50!!!!! hrs. render you had big electric ticket.
  22. NICE MODEL, you`re work in an animation whit this model. i wait for you gotina.. see you
  23. this is a model of a kitche, i made this model for an animation in group, this is a test whit radiosity suggestions, opinions
  24. hi, i'm from mexico, this is my first house in animation master suggestions.......
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