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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Madfox

  1. Yes, I entered the official contest! Before I entered the site and saw the examples. (happily) It took me more effort than I thought. Most time went up with the synchronity from seconds to Beats Per Minute. One thought during the project that stays me by was: it's not what I want to do with it, but how to keep up with it, Good promo for Animation:Master! ☺️
  2. Here's the final version. https://youtu.be/iSAFWd6cr84 Merry Christmass everyone!
  3. Yes, that's the way! Only thing I missed was the crosspoint to "import as animation". Thanks a lot. Pretty bird there. πŸ˜„
  4. Sorry for the misunderstanding, Sir. It has something to do with my way of lango explanation. I placed the files in A:M as animation sequence. I just don't know how to render them to a proper avi file. Maybe I'm doing something stupid, like adding it to a screen.mdl and then get the wrong lightning in the choreography. "ImageToAvi" gave me four good results. The fifth one ends up like this. Reason I named the toppic not related, as it points to a program error. And.., nope. The time for 2340 frames is 01:49:00. I use the program VideoPath NHC to add the avi files with the sound.
  5. Here is my contribute to this contest Work In Progress. I took the second number of the "Dark Side Of The Moon" album "On The Run". https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n76j0nuf82wplyyh8i6ll/synchron00.mp4?rlkey=42ol2ivt0g14exrpjei1wp0gt&dl=0 😽
  6. That was my second thought. But I am affraid I get another lightning outcome. It was a hussle. First I did a Netrendering with 7 cores for 13 seconds animation. This took 4:24:00. 2340 frames. Then I rendered the animation in A:M, what resulted in a render of 22 houres. But the sound was scrambled. Something else is getting on. Relaying on this "ImageToAvi"program, that resulted in four parts of 13 seconds, the fifth part suddenly scrambles up to a 4/5 screen error. Tried everything to get it right, but my only succes was a 640x480 example. I can scale this up, but that's not the way. Knowing myself I left my attempts, but I had a hard carrot on it. Then I used AnimationWorks, a PaintShoPro program, and it worked! Only bad is it loads only ten frames at the time. So after thirty loads I had my fifth 13 seconds 1920x1080 avi file. Pffft. I have no experience with Adobe. At least not with files of this size. In the beginning it was simple, but how further I get to the end the more quirks appear to distort it. This how far I have come. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n76j0nuf82wplyyh8i6ll/synchron00.mp4?rlkey=42ol2ivt0g14exrpjei1wp0gt&dl=0
  7. Not related to A:M. Recently I am using "ImageToAvi" to convert 1920x1080 jpg's to avi. This was going fine, although the program seems limited to 720x480. Now I am on the fifth file of jpg's and the program starts quartering out all avi's. So I tried other formats, but only 640x480 suceeds. A bit confused tried other programs, like VideoPath. This makes go all frames on 5sec. I thought of using A:M to import the jpgs again, but that's not the same.| Are there other methodes to convert jpg to avi?
  8. Yes, that looks the best approach to it. This firts part is four times 13 seconds, but as soon as I reach the third one loading goes really slow. I had this attempt to try it out in one choreography as I have the feeling it is the most reliable way to keep sound and video synchrone. Now I started the fifth part on a new choreography and it loads quicker.
  9. I'm currently working on a file for the "PinkFloyd"contest, so yes, there is a soundfile. After tracking the wav file for a decent messure format, I'm a bit lost. It is quiet a long wav file, 3:24:58. So what I did was making parts of 13 seconds and animate as far as I could. Now I have a choreography file that takes a long time before it is loaded. It can take up to 20minutes before it is clear to go. Now I tried to break up the first cho file in a second one, but it takes a lot of query before it are the same statements. Also there is a lot of "missing Null_Pointer" in order. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d8d2oetnxe2xcj7bfki40/straight01.mp4?rlkey=pvy8mdxeug28nr44ffwioro39&dl=0
  10. Not sure where this is related to.
  11. "Myst", one of my favorites. In time it was outrageous to walk freely round in a 3D world of that briliance. Spend houres on the island searching with a birdman. 😺 \
  12. Just replaced my update status to permanent. It feels like a more stabel version. One thing comes up to me. Turning the variabels on parameters gives me weird effect. It doesn't line up, it just jumps away.
  13. Hey Jason, here a dilivery order I can't complete.
    This by reason

    • I'm not in the USA
    • I want to buy the $299 version
    • I don't need delivery of the physical media, IΒ want download only.
    • The store won't let meΒ complete the purchase because it says "no shipping options are available."
    • Include the screen capture.

      Can there be found a work around for this?


    Rien Brouwers ~ Madfox.


  14. Hey Jason,

    I wanted to buy a longlife expire version of AM19.5.
    All Ican find is updates for AM19.0 for 79$ a year, or buy a CD version of 299$.

    Is there a way to catchup with a longlife expireless version of AM19.5?


  15. Thanks for your answer, Rodney Robcat. while I was doing so it came to me as a rare question. I left this part behind a long time ago, and now I even had the toughest job to find it back. My solution was very simple in time ( .., uhh 1999). I used the SiteAid webmaker. This program can add a lot of gif files in a row, so the html file just spits out the txt like butter. As time is long gone I hadn't the slightest idea this programm (cirrus 486) still would work under win11. But it does !!! That's also the solution for this rare question (oh me 0h my). Just astonished, as loads of programs just won't agree the WindowsDefender or Moderator to be launched on a 64 bit OS. There will be programs that can handle these odities more efficiently, but something in me says I just keep hanging on to old habbits. πŸ₯°
  16. I have something I am exploring for a long time now and it goes back from the time I made my first animations with GoldDisk. It is about my experiments with letters to make them appear and "melt" away in a short pose of time. It is very simple. I made a letter and then animate it in 30 frames to zero, like cream that melts away. As I did so I gathered the whole alphabeth. Later on I could import them in CorelMove4 and make little *.avi files of them. While doing so the idea rised to make a folio of text, that would rise up and disappear from the page and return another text within that time window. Point is.., now I have these little fractured files of all letters, I'm looking for a way to use them easy to compile a texture. I did once on a html file, but it got really troublesome to construckt them in one page, as so many different little avi files in one document becomes rather tricky. I have been thinking of a program to gather them all, but as far as I searched I could not find anything that could bundle them together and make them appear in one grip. So what do I got. A lot of fractured gif files of the letters and a scribbling way for how to put them together. I can put them together in CorelMove4, but this program hasn't got the power to load more than ten or twelve actors. That is much too low for a page of text. I once tried a html file and filled it, up but then it became unstable. Covering up this whole story and bring it down to the main question is: how can I manage to fit 56 gif files of letters into a program that is able to catch this amount to be able to fit in a text file of say 256 words? It's a rare question, I know, but sofar I coudn't find anything. I also started to animate them in Animation Master, but this is a total other way around. rinie.avi
  17. The chasing Balrog is from the ExtraCd. Beautifully creature. Had a little scrible to match the 1000tris/2000verts limit. Converting it to 3ds gave a way higher count. Finally I could use Meshlab to export object files and convert them back to 3ds. That way the corner points of the mesh stick together from 4 to 1. Took me quiet long to discover the cause of this problem. Reason why exported 3ds files grew so large.
  18. Had some fun with BioVision's bvh files and Animation Master! It took some time to get used to the bone hiearchie. Most files start with a T-Bone pose from where it is possible to catch the right IK bone and corresponding Orient & Translate. Then themodel will act a-like. Some trouble with flying splines as CP weights. For models with low polycount it is atracting as they have not that dense surface to be divided in.
  19. Tubehead was born the same time as Youtube. Then I felt as infantile when Teletubies reached me. As Buster Keaton claims in his "Navigator" , where unawareness lives, bliss exists. I still find it hard to believe. GoldDisk uses cells, and I scribbled 6:59 minutes in TubeHead. That comes to 12600 cells in ten years time. I can hardly believe. πŸ™ƒ
  20. Hi! I never introduced myself. Kinda shy. I' m MadFox. Referring to the quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown dog. Where shall I start. I'm a graduated academic free graphic design. That implicates working on etches, lithographic's (yes, that ancient stones) paintings. http://home.kpn.nl/lo2kf8/homepage/gimli00.htm After being passed the first year grade the question raised what I wanted to choose: the commercial degree, or the free graphic enhancement. Knowing myself I always had a bad angor against publicity. Not sure why, but it always felt to me as a lie to offer a product that's made to please a customer, but stands against my own moral. OK, whatever. So I choose the free graphics, and I must say.., sure it did'nt bring me much luck in profit sense. So as stubborn I was I kept on working, feeling like a fish tempting to swim against the current. Now I'm much older now (graduated 1978) but there was one thing that stayed on my mind and that was there was also a film and movie education. But that direction was very expensive and had a high standard to access. Anyway. While doing so, it must be around 1995, I received a second hand 386computer from my brother. I was really stunned by the thing. So surprisingly when buying a sound card for it, I received three floppy's of Gold Disk, animation works. (Yes, they still had that feathers and goodies with their products). https://archive.org/details/TNM_Animation_Works_software_-_Gold_Disk_20170827_0311 I was really raged! Here was my chance to get into animation. So I bought an Intuos Wacom drawbar and scribbled away for years. It was there I made TubeHead, the living monitor. From then it went faster. There was CorelDraw4, with another movie studio, that was better and more convienent. Not limited to 256 colours, and more power to store animation and write out to avi format. It must be around 2000 I was with a friend, who was tinkering with A:M v8. Again I was stunned. Now I could even change to 3d. Had not much money to spend (again, that free graphic artist was crumbling on its witzend) but from then I was stuck to this program in any way. There I go, puzzling Gary Anderson''s Thunderbird's through heaven. ( seeing it used as an example on A:M movies for a queried film student. gimme back my copyrights., HA!). Using it for wrecking out monsters for my beloved Quake game addiction. And I must say, wouldn't it be for the love of the game, or for the expansion if my fantasy I would share this A:M programme 24 hours a day. I'm still working on my graphis, painting and music. Just trying to avoid the magnet this program offers me. Shine on, you passive spline! 😍
  21. Made a "dinkytoy" of one of the crossviews of the THunderbird2 atributes. It is a little bulldozer. The rail blades gave me a though rigging camp. animation: thunderbird2 bulldozer shutl08.mdl shutl06.act
  22. Well.., I think I decal the model from start again. Opening the projectfile goes rather well, but the individual model file breaks up in scattered imagefiles. Tends to be a tedious case that way. And.., I ment *.pdf. πŸ™‚
  23. Found the cause of the error was in the alpha channel, as photoshop didn't add the alpha channel on tga or png. PSD seems to do it. Won't explain why the others without alpha work, but anyway. Nice effect. maybe too shiny. sign030.pdf
  24. I used the sign030.tga again to force transparent, but now the model glares through. Strange that the sign111.tga and sign221.tga without alpha render correkt, while the sign03.tga doesn't. sign030.tga
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